1040,254,2008-08-04T05:45:22Z,NA,42,How do I delete a file which is locked by another process in C#?,"<p>I'm looking for a way to delete a file which is locked by another process using C#. I suspect the method must be able to find which process is locking the file (perhaps by tracking the handles, although I'm not sure how to do this in C#) then close that process before being able to complete the file delete using <code>File.Delete()</code>.</p>
1070,236,2008-08-04T07:34:44Z,NA,17,Process size on UNIX,"<p>What is the correct way to get the process size on <code>Solaris, HP-UX</code> and <code>AIX</code>? Should we use <code>top</code> or <code>ps -o vsz</code> or something else?</p>
Array 1 { 1040,254,2008-08-04T05:45:22Z,NA,42, title data, body data }
Array 2 { 1070,236,2008-08-04T07:34:44Z,NA,17, title data, body data }
String[] tokens = line.split(",(?![^<>]*</>)")
なぜホイールを再発明しようとしますか?有効なCSVデータを既に処理できるCSVフレームワークが数多くあります。ただそれらの1つを使用してください。 – Tom
csvファイルが整形式(CSV仕様に準拠)の場合は、手動で解析するのではなく、おそらくCSVパーサを使用する必要があります。 – assylias
これは役立ちます:https://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-read-and-parse-csv-file-in-java/ – Obenland