%some function
function [SimulationData,Error,Warnings] = ExtractTestCaseData(TestCaseFile,TestCase,OutputType)
[NumericData,TextData,RawData] = xlsread(TestCaseFile,TestCase);
%logic to create and populate simulationData structure with data from excel file
if regularVector
assignin('base',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name,SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Values(1,:)); %no problem
elseif 2DArray
%now what? I need in the base workspace
assignin('base',SimulationData.Input(InputIndex).Name,'1');%create signal name with random value, I don't know the value of Name, need to convert to structure form as in the comments
evalin('base','nameIDontKnow.time=SimulationData.Time;'); %two problems actually, referencing a name I don't know in base workspace and base workspace has no concept of what SimulatinData.Time is, and so on if you catch my drift.
誰?質問は明確ではない? – thoughtMaze