#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int ctr; // loop counter
int custID[10] = {1, 3, 5, 9, 10, // ID array
6, 4, 7, 8, 2};
double custBal[10] = {153.56, 1300.45, 684.45, 990.45, 45.54, // Balance array
1100.34, 594.45, 1340.45, 1000.00, 1134.00};
int IDsearch; // For interaction
int found = 0; // Search criteria
int inner, outer, tempID, didSwap; // For sorting the arrays
double tempBal;
char ans;
/* Firs step: Sort the arrays for efficiency */
for(outer = 0; outer < 9; outer++) // <9 and not <10, because 9 numbers will be bubble sorted
{ // the highest (10th) will remain at the bottom
didSwap = 0; // Turns one after the arrays sort
for(inner = outer; inner < 10; inner++)
if(custID[inner] < custID[outer]) // Ascending sort
tempID = custID[inner]; // Must include both,
tempBal = custBal[inner]; // otherwise the arrays wont be linked
custID[inner] = custID[outer];
custBal[inner] = custBal[outer];
custID[outer] = tempID;
custBal[outer] = tempBal;
didSwap = 1; // Flag that a swap took place
if(didSwap == 0)
/* Second step: Interacting with the program */
printf("***Customer Balance Search***\n");
printf("Which ID number do you want to check?\n");
scanf(" %d", &IDsearch);
for(ctr = 0; ctr < 10; ctr++)
if(IDsearch == custID[ctr])
found = 1;
if(custBal[ctr] < 1000)
printf("\nCustomer #%d has a balance of $%.2f.\n", custID[ctr], custBal[ctr]);
printf("Credit is good!\n");
printf("\nCustomer #%d has a balance of %.2f.\n", custID[ctr], custBal[ctr]);
printf("Credit is bad! No more credit!\n");
printf("\nCustomer #%d was not found!\n", IDsearch);
printf("Please enter a correct ID number!\n\n");
printf("\nDo you want to search another ID number?\n");
printf("Enter (Y)es or (N)o\n");
scanf(" %c", &ans);
ans = toupper(ans);
while((found != 1) || (ans == 'Y' && ans != 'N'));
return (0);
フォーマットしてください。 –
@SouravGhosh私はプログラミングに慣れていて、stackoverflowを初めて利用しています。あなたが私の無知を許してください必要なのは何ですか? –
今回は@ WedVaneがあなたのために仕事をしましたが、詳細については[ask]ページをご覧ください。ありがとうございました。 –