2009-05-11 9 views





私が使っている人気のあるIDEのようにEmacsを動作させる簡単な方法はありますか?私はいくつかのEmacs Lispを書いていますが、それはあまり一般的ではなく、私が何かを手掛けているかどうかを知りたいのです。


PS:私のEmacs Lispは次のようになります。

; The default binding for "open curly" was skeleton-pair-insert-maybe. It 
; inserts a pair of braces and then does not insert a newline, and does not 
; indent. I want the braces to get newlines and appropriate indenting. I 
; think there is a way to get this to happen appropriately just within emacs, 
; but I could not figure out how to do it. So I wrote this alternative. The 
; key thing is to determine if the point is within a string. In cc-mode, this 
; is at least sometimes done by looking at the font face. Then, if not in a 
; literal string, do the appropriate magic. This seems to work. 
(defun cheeso-insert-open-brace() 
    "if point is not within a quoted string literal, insert an open brace, two newlines, and a close brace; indent everything and leave point on the empty line. If point is within a string literal, just insert a pair or braces, and leave point between them." 
     ; are we inside a string? 
     (c-got-face-at (point) c-literal-faces) 
     ; if so, then just insert a pair of braces and put the point between them 
     (self-insert-command 1) 
     (insert "}") 
    ; not inside a literal string. 
    ; therefore, insert paired braces with an intervening newline, and indent everything appropriately. 
     (self-insert-command 1) 
     (insert "}") 
     ; point ends up on an empty line, within the braces, properly indented 




;; Enter indents the new line 
(defun my-make-CR-do-indent() 
    (define-key c-mode-base-map "\C-m" 'c-context-line-break)) 
(add-hook 'c-initialization-hook 'my-make-CR-do-indent) 


int main(void) 




 (local-set-key (kbd "{") 'cheeso-insert-open-brace) 


(defun cheeso-looking-back-at-regexp (regexp) 
    "calls backward-sexp and then checks for the regexp. Returns t if it is found, else nil" 
    (interactive "s") 
    (looking-at regexp) 

(defun cheeso-looking-back-at-equals-or-array-init() 
    "returns t if an equals or [] is immediate preceding. else nil." 
    (cheeso-looking-back-at-regexp "\\(\\w+\\b *=\\|[[]]+\\)") 

(defun cheeso-prior-sexp-same-statement-same-line() 
    "returns t if the prior sexp is on the same line. else nil" 
    (let ((curline (line-number-at-pos)) 
      (curpoint (point)) 
      (aftline (progn 
     (= curline aftline) 

(defun cheeso-insert-open-brace() 
    "if point is not within a quoted string literal, insert an open brace, two newlines, and a close brace; indent everything and leave point on the empty line. If point is within a string literal, just insert a pair or braces, and leave point between them." 

    ;; are we inside a string literan? 
    ((c-got-face-at (point) c-literal-faces) 

    ;; if so, then just insert a pair of braces and put the point between them 
    (self-insert-command 1) 
    (insert "}") 

    ;; was the last non-space an equals sign? or square brackets? Then it's an initializer. 
     (self-insert-command 1) 
     ;; all on the same line 
     (insert " };") 
     (backward-char 3) 

    ;; else, it's a new scope. 
    ;; therefore, insert paired braces with an intervening newline, and indent everything appropriately. 
    (if (cheeso-prior-sexp-same-statement-same-line) 
     (self-insert-command 1) 
     (insert "}") 
     ;;(c-indent-command) ;; not sure of the difference here 
     ; point ends up on an empty line, within the braces, properly indented 






byte[] x = 


byte[] x = { _cursor_ }; 

感謝を。ちょうどsidenote、bsdのようなインデントスタイルを使用したくない場合は、代わりに同じように最初のブレースを保持してください。 (if(cheeso-prior-sexp-same-statement-same-line ) (改行とインデント)) cheeso-insert-open-brace関数です。 – sluukkonen


このような小さなジェスチャーを達成するためには、これはたくさんのコードのように見えます。私はこれにもっと洗練された解決策があるのだろうかと思います。 – polyglot


私は同意します。私はそれが私が欲しかったことをするために書かなければならなかったコードの量に失望しました。しかし、これまでのところ誰も簡単な方法を提案していません。 – Cheeso
