私はSpring Data JPAの@Queryアノテーションをリポジトリクラスで使用しています。同じSQLをPL-SQLデベロッパーで実行すると結果は返されますが、アプリケーション内では返されません。何が問題ですか ?どのように私はそれを修正することができます? plsヘルプ。事前@Queryは結果を返しません
で おかげ私のレポクラス:
public interface FiberChannelRepository extends FndJpaRepositiry<FiberChannel, Long> {
@Query("select n.id, c.id, loc from FiberChannel fc left join Channel c on fc.id=c.id left join ChannelNode cn on c.id = cn.id and cn.deleted != true left join Node n on cn.id = n.id and cn.deleted != true left join Location loc on loc.id = n.id and cn.deleted != true where fc.id=?1")
List<Object[]> findNodesByFiber_Id(Long idFiber);
select n.id_node, c.id_channel, loc.*
from Fiber_Channel fc
left join channel c on fc.id_channel=c.id_channel
left join CHANNEL_NODE cn
on c.id_channel = cn.id_channel and cn.is_deleted != 1
left join Node n
on cn.id_node = n.id_node and cn.is_deleted != 1
left join Location loc
on loc.id_location = n.id_location and cn.is_deleted != 1 where