global geodesic_library;
geodesic_library = 'geodesic_debug'; %"release" is faster and "debug" does additional checks
rand('state', 0); %comment this statement if you want to produce random mesh every time
load V3_Elements4GeodesicD.k
load V3_Nodes4GeodesicD.k
vertices = V3_Nodes4GeodesicD (:, [2 3 4]);
faces = V3_Elements4GeodesicD (:, [3 4 5]);
N = 12240; %number of points in a mesh
mesh = geodesic_new_mesh(vertices,faces); %initilize new mesh
algorithm = geodesic_new_algorithm(mesh, 'exact'); %initialize new geodesic algorithm
vertex_id = 6707 ; %create a single source at vertex #1
source_points = {geodesic_create_surface_point('vertex',vertex_id,vertices(vertex_id,:))};
geodesic_propagate(algorithm, source_points); %propagation stage of the algorithm (the most time-consuming)
vertex_id = 12240; %create a single destination at vertex #N
destination = geodesic_create_surface_point('vertex',vertex_id,vertices(vertex_id,:));
path = geodesic_trace_back(algorithm, destination); %find a shortest path from source to destination
distances = zeros(N,1); %find distances to all vertices of the mesh (actual pathes are not computed)
[source_id, distances] = geodesic_distance_and_source(algorithm) %find distances to all vertices of the mesh; in this example we have a single source, so source_id is always equal to 1
geodesic_delete; %delete all meshes and algorithms
だから私の問題です。それは私の "ソース"のそれぞれに対応する12000 +距離をプリントアウトしますが、私はメッシュ上の10のソースと12のデスティネーションの間の距離だけを気にします。私が気にかけている120の距離を印刷してマトリックスに保管するにはどうすればいいですか?
[link](とここにあります:[link](http://www.mathworks .com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html)。 – Rotem