2016-09-28 8 views
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

//This is my class for obtaining certain values, putting them in a List<T> 
//and then use the List to do certain operations 
public class SRvaluesChecker 
    double currentPriceValue; 
    int totalVal, bullVal , bearVal , lineVal; 

    //The List is of a custom object type 
    List<MyValues> SRvalues = new List<MyValues>(); 

    for(int a = 0; a <= 1000; a++) 
     //Values are assigned to currentValue, totalVal, 
     //bullVal , bearVal and lineVal 


    //Check if the List has a particular value 
    if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.SRprice == currentPriceValue) == false) 
     //Do something 

//Here is the object I created so that I can store information of different 
//data types in the list 
public class MyValues : IEquatable<MyValues> 
    public override string ToString() 
     return "SRprice: " + SRprice + " total count: " + totalCount + 
     " bullish count: " + bullishCount + " bearish count: " + bearishCount + 
     " line type: " + lineType; 

    public MyValues(double SRprice, int totalCount, int bullishCount , int bearishCount, int lineType) 
     this.SRprice = SRprice; 
     this.totalCount = totalCount; 
     this.bullishCount = bullishCount; 
     this.bearishCount = bearishCount; 
     this.lineType = lineType; 

    public double SRprice { get; set; } 
    public int totalCount { get; set; } 
    public int bullishCount { get; set; } 
    public int bearishCount { get; set; } 
    public int lineType { get; set; } 

    public override bool Equals(object obj) 
     if (obj == null) return false; 
     MyValues objAsPart = obj as MyValues; 
     if (objAsPart == null) return false; 
     else return Equals(objAsPart); 

    //This currently only checks for one parameter (SRprice) but 
    //I want to code for the others as well 
    public bool Equals(MyValues other) 
     if (other == null) return false; 
     return (this.SRprice.Equals(other.SRprice)); 

    //Will override GetHashCode() and == and != operators later.   

をして一覧 にメソッドを含む使用して存在するようにIEquatableでオーバーライドする方法を、私は5つのパラメータを持つカスタムオブジェクトを持っていると私はなりたいです あなたは上記のコードからわかるように、異なるタイプ

if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.SRprice == currentPriceValue))... 
if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.totalCount == totalVal))... 
if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.bullishCount == bullVal))... 
if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.bearishCount == bearVal))... 
if(SRvalues.Exists(x => x.lineType == lineVal))... 






public class MyClass 
    public int First { get; set; } 
    public string Second { get; set; } 
    public decimal Third { get; set; } 


public class MyClassEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyClass> 
    private MyClassComparisonFields _Comparisons; 

    public MyClassComparer(MyClassComparisonFields comparisons) 
     _Comparisons = comparisons; 

    public bool Equals(MyClass x, MyClass y) 
     if(ReferenceEquals(x, y)) 
      return true; 

     if(ReferenceEquals(x, null)) 
      return false; 

     if(ReferenceEquals(y, null)) 
      return false; 

      if(!EqualityComparer<int>.Default.Equals(x.First, y.First)) 
       return false; 

      if(!EqualityComparer<string>.Default.Equals(x.Second, y.Second)) 
       return false; 

      if(!EqualityComparer<decimal>.Default.Equals(x.Third, y.Third)) 
       return false; 

     return true; 

    public int GetHashCode(MyClass x) 
     if(ReferenceEquals(x, null)) 
      return 0; 

     int hash = 97463; 

      hash = hash * 99713 + x.First.GetHashCode(); 

      && x.Second != null) 
      hash = hash * 99713 + x.Second.GetHashCode(); 

      hash = hash * 99713 + x.Third.GetHashCode(); 

     return hash; 

public enum MyClassComparisonFields 
    None = 0, 
    First = 1, 
    Second = 2, 
    Third = 4, 
    All = 7, 


比較者をインスタンス化して、好きなフィールドを入力することができます(例: new MyClassEqualityComparer(MyClassComparisonFields.First | MyClassComparisonFields.Second))。このクラスは、compareorを引数として(例えばDictionary<,>,HashSet<>またはさまざまなLINQ拡張メソッド)使用するさまざまな場所で使用できます。または、比較するオブジェクトのメソッドEquals()を自分で呼び出してください。



var desiredMatch = GetDesiredSampleObject(); 
var comparer = new MyClassEqualityComparer(MyClassComparisonFields.First | MyClassComparisonFields.Third); 
var listOfCandidates = GetAvailableCandidates(); 
var matches = listOfCandidates.Where(candidate => comparer.Equals(desiredMatch, candidate)); 

foreach(var match in matches) 