2016-09-21 5 views

でファイルを生成するSQL ServerのBLOB列にファイルを書き込むために:コードを読み込んで使用して別のバイト

  • MS-SQL Serverの2014
  • SQL へのリンクODBCテーブルとMSアクセス2013 Serverデータベース
  • "SQL Serverの" ODBCドライバ(10.00.10586.00、マイクロソフト社 、SQLSRV32.DLL)
  • DAO

SQL Serverのblob(varbinary [max])列にファイルをアップロードし、後でファイルをダウンロードするために、Accessアプリケーションのフォームの背後にあるVBAコードを使用して、SQL Server 2014データベースにリンクされたODBCテーブルを持つAccessデータベースがあります同じブロブ列から取得します。


向こうの比較で2つのファイルの比較の画面キャプチャは以下の通りです:誰かがチェックし、コード内の誤りを指摘することができれば、私は感謝 Extra bytes at the end of the downloaded file


Function ReadBLOB(SourceFileName As String, TableName As String, FieldName As String, _ 
        IDFieldName As String, IDFieldValue As Variant) 
    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, SourceFile As Integer, i As Integer 
    Dim FileLength As Long 
    Dim LeftOver As Long 
    Dim FileData() As Byte 
    Dim RetVal As Variant 
    Dim BlockSize As Long 

    Dim s As String 

    On Error GoTo Err_ReadBLOB 

    BlockSize = 32767 

    ' Open the source file. 
    SourceFile = FreeFile 
    Open SourceFileName For Binary Access Read As SourceFile 

    ' Get the length of the file. 
    FileLength = LOF(SourceFile) 
    If FileLength = 0 Then 
     ReadBLOB = 0 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Calculate the number of blocks to read and leftover bytes. 
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize 
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize 

    Dim T As dao.Recordset 

    If TypeName(IDFieldValue) = "String" Then 
     IDFieldValue = "'" & IDFieldValue & "'" 
    End If 

    s = "SELECT [" & FieldName & "] FROM [" & TableName & "] WHERE [" & IDFieldName & "] = " & IDFieldValue 

    Set T = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(s, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges) 


    ' Read the 1st block of data (upto Leftover in size), writing it to the table. 
    'FileData = String$(LeftOver, 32) 
    ReDim FileData(LeftOver) 
    Get SourceFile, , FileData 
    T(FieldName).AppendChunk (FileData) 

    ' Read the remaining blocks of data, writing them to the table. 
    'FileData = String$(BlockSize, 32) 
    ReDim FileData(BlockSize) 
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks 
     Get SourceFile, , FileData 
     T(FieldName).AppendChunk (FileData) 

    Next i 

    ' Update the record and terminate function. 
    Close SourceFile 
    ReadBLOB = FileLength 
    Exit Function 

    ReadBLOB = -Err 

    MsgBox Err.Description 

    Exit Function 
End Function 

Function WriteBLOB2(TableName As String, FieldName As String, IDFieldName As String, _ 
        IDFieldValue As Variant, DestinationFileName As String) As Long 

    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, DestFile As Integer, i As Integer 
    Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long 
    Dim FileData() As Byte 
    Dim RetVal As Variant 
    Dim BlockSize As Long 
    Dim s As String 
    Dim f As String 

    On Error GoTo Err_WriteBLOB 

    BlockSize = 32767 

    Dim T As dao.Recordset 

    If TypeName(IDFieldValue) = "String" Then 
     IDFieldValue = "'" & IDFieldValue & "'" 
    End If 

    s = "SELECT [" & FieldName & "] FROM [" & TableName & "] WHERE [" & IDFieldName & "] = " & IDFieldValue 

    Set T = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(s, dbOpenSnapshot, dbSeeChanges) 

    If T.RecordCount = 0 Then 
     WriteBLOB2 = 0 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Get the size of the field. 
    FileLength = T(FieldName).FieldSize() 
    If FileLength = 0 Then 
     WriteBLOB2 = 0 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Calculate number of blocks to write and leftover bytes. 
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize 
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize 

    ' Remove any existing destination file. 
    DestFile = FreeFile 
    Open DestinationFileName For Output As DestFile 
    Close DestFile 

    ' Open the destination file. 
    Open DestinationFileName For Binary As DestFile 

    ' Write the leftover data to the output file. 
    FileData = T(FieldName).GetChunk(0, LeftOver) 
    Put DestFile, , FileData 

    ' Write the remaining blocks of data to the output file. 
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks 
     ' Reads a chunk and writes it to output file. 
     FileData = T(FieldName).GetChunk((i - 1) * BlockSize + LeftOver, BlockSize) 
     Put DestFile, , FileData 

    Next i 

    ' Terminates function 
    Close DestFile 
    WriteBLOB2 = FileLength 
    Exit Function 

    WriteBLOB2 = -Err 

    MsgBox Err.Description 

    Exit Function 
End Function 

Public Sub ClearSQLBlob2(TableName As String, FieldName As String, _ 
         IDFieldName As String, IDFieldValue As Variant) 

    If TypeName(IDFieldValue) = "String" Then 
     IDFieldValue = "'" & IDFieldValue & "'" 
    End If 

    DoCmd.SetWarnings False 
    DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE [" & TableName & "] SET [" & FieldName & "] = NULL WHERE [" & IDFieldName & "] = " & IDFieldValue 
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True 
End Sub 

あなたの質問から重要でないコード、特にそれらすべての 'SysCmd'呼び出しを削除すると助けになります。 – Andre


@Andre:Done .... –


BLOB列の値に元のデータが含まれていることを100%確信していますか?または、アップロード中にデータが既に破損していますか?最後に追加される値は何ですか? – erg




あなたのモジュールでOption Base 1宣言を持っていない限り、配列はゼロベースです。

LeftOver = 2、

ReDim FileData(LeftOver) 

は、実際に3つのバイトを含む配列FileData(0 To 2)を宣言する。したがって、次のGetは3バイトを読み込みますが、2バイトの読み込みを期待します。


最後にファイルからNumBlocks + 1バイトを読み過ぎ、余りは00バイトになります。


ReDim FileData(1 To LeftOver) 
ReDim FileData(1 To BlockSize) 

Editを使用:あなたはケースLeftOver = 0をチェックしなければならないことに注意してください。
