2011-06-22 6 views

次のサブタイプと強制変換チェーンでは、何が欠けていますか?深い強制強制 - ユーザー定義型のArrayRef

  • 強制可能文字列混合強制可能の
  • 有効な文字列
  • 配列リファレンスおよび有効な文字列


subtype 'CustomType' 
    => as 'Str' 
    => where { validate($_) } 

coerce 'CustomType' 
    => from 'Str' 
    => via { if (my $coerced = coerce_str($_)) { 
       return $coerced; 
      return $_; 

subtype 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => as 'ArrayRef[CustomType]' 

coerce 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => from 'CustomType' 
    => via { [ $_ ] } 

has 'values' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, 
        isa => 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes', 
        coerce => 1, 



    package My::Class; 

    use strict; 
    use warnings; 

    use Moose; 
    use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; 

    subtype 'CustomType' 
    => as 'Str' 
     => where { validate($_) } 

    coerce 'CustomType' 
    => from 'Str' 
     => via { if (my $coerced = coerce_str($_)) { 
       return $coerced; 
       return $_; 

    subtype 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => as 'ArrayRef[CustomType]' 

    coerce 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => from 'CustomType' 
     => via { [ $_ ] } 

    has 'values' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, 
        isa => 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes', 
        coerce => 1, 

    sub validate { 
    my $val = shift; 
    if ($val =~ /^\w+$/) { 
     return 1; 

    sub coerce_str { 
    my $val = shift; 
    $val =~ s/\W/_/g; 
    return $val; 

    package main; 

    use strict; 
    use warnings; 
    use Test::More qw/no_plan/; 

    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ 'valid' ] ]); #ok 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ qw/valid valid still_valid/ ] ]); #ok 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => 'valid' ]); # ok 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ 'invalid; needs some coercion - ^&%&^' ] ]); #not ok 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => 'invalid; needs some coercion - ^&%&^' ]); # not ok 
    cmp_ok(My::Class::coerce_str('invalid; needs some coercion - ^&%&^'), 'eq', 'invalid__needs_some_coercion________', 'properly coerces strings'); #ok 



ok 1 - The object isa My::Class 
ok 2 - The object isa My::Class 
ok 3 - The object isa My::Class  
not ok 4 - new() died 
# Failed test 'new() died' 
# at testcoercion.pl line 63. 
#  Error was: Attribute (values) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' with value [ "invalid; needs some coercion - ^&%&^" ] at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute.pm line 1131 


not ok 5 - new() died 
# Failed test 'new() died' 
# at testcoercion.pl line 64. 
#  Error was: Attribute (values) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' with value "invalid; needs some coercion - ^&%&^" at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute.pm line 1131 


ok 6 - properly coerces strings 
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 6. 

つ注 - 私は=> {}介し「配列リファレンス[STR]」から '強制「ArrayRefofCustomTypes」=>を追加'と私の強制コードを複製し、それを処理container'll配列リファレンスにそれを貼り付ける疑いますそれは文字列 - >カスタム型変換コード全体を複製します。ドキュメンテーションを読み返すことから、これはすべての変換を明示的に定義する必要があることを意味するものですが、そのようなコードを複製することは嫌です。 – Oesor





編集:実際には、この時点でcoerce 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' => from 'CustomType'は完全に不要で、=> from 'Str'は有効入力と無効入力の両方を処理します。

    package My::Class; 

    use strict; 
    use warnings; 

    use Moose; 
    use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; 

    subtype 'CustomType' 
    => as 'Str' 
     => where { validate_cust($_) } 

    coerce 'CustomType' 
    => from 'Str' 
     => via { coerce_str_to_cust($_) } 

    subtype 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => as 'ArrayRef[CustomType]' 

    coerce 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes' 
    => from 'CustomType' 
     => via { [ $_ ] } 
    => from 'ArrayRef[Str]' 
     => via { [ map { coerce_str_to_cust($_) } @$_ ] } 
    => from 'Str' 
     => via { [ coerce_str_to_cust($_) ] } 

    has 'values' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, 
        isa => 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes', 
        coerce => 1, 

    sub validate_cust { 
    my $val = shift; 
    if ($val =~ /^\w+$/) { 
     return 1; 

    sub coerce_str_to_cust { 
    my $val = shift; 
    my $coerced = $val; 
    $coerced =~ s/\s/_/g; 

    if (validate_cust($coerced)) { 
     return $coerced; 
    else { 
     return $val; 

    package main; 

    use strict; 
    use warnings; 
    use Test::More tests => 12; 
    use Test::Exception; 

    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ 'valid' ] ]); 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ qw/valid valid still_valid/ ] ]); 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => 'valid' ]); 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ 'invalid and needs some coercion' ] ]); 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => 'invalid and needs some coercion' ]); 
    new_ok('My::Class' => [ values => [ 'valid', 'valid', 'invalid and needs some coercion' ] ]); 
    throws_ok { my $obj = My::Class->new(values => [ q/can't be coerced cause it has &^%#$*&^%#$s in it/ ]); } qr/Attribute \(values\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed/, 'throws exception on uncoercible input'; 

    my $uncoercible = q/can't be coerced cause it has &^%#$*&^%#$s in it/; 
    cmp_ok(My::Class::coerce_str_to_cust('invalid and needs some coercion'), 'eq', 'invalid_and_needs_some_coercion', 'properly coerces strings'); 
    cmp_ok(My::Class::coerce_str_to_cust($uncoercible), 'eq', $uncoercible , 'returns uncoercible strings unmodified'); 
    ok(My::Class::validate_cust('valid'), 'valid string validates'); 
    ok(My::Class::validate_cust(My::Class::coerce_str_to_cust('invalid and needs some coercion')), 'coerced string validates'); 
    ok(!My::Class::validate_cust('invalid and needs some coercion'), "invalid string doesn't validate"); 


my $customtype = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint('CustomType'); 
print "'a' validates as customtype? ", ($customtype->check('a') ? 'yes' : 'no'), "\n"; 

my $arraytype = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint('ArrayRefofCustomTypes'); 
print "[ 'a' ] validates as array? ", ($arraytype->check([ 'a' ]) ? 'yes' : 'no'), "\n"; 

    package Class; 
    use Moose; 
    has 'values' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, 
         isa => 'ArrayRefofCustomTypes', 
         coerce => 1, 

my $obj = Class->new(values => 'a'); 
print $obj->dump(2); 


'a' validates as customtype? yes 
[ 'a' ] validates as array? yes 
$VAR1 = bless({ 
       'values' => [ 
       }, 'Class'); 



確か;フルコードで更新されました。編集:実際に;急いで書かれた人為的な例は良くないと思う。 – Oesor


s /// gと強制するのに役立ちますが、それでも問題は解決しません。コードが更新されました。 – Oesor