2017-04-17 12 views

私はMatlabの研究論文で発見した線形最適化を再現しようとしています。 W1W2優先重みであり、MatLabの集計を使用した線形プログラミング

objective function




constraint functions



%set up the data for the year: 
I = [72.6 26.0 23.2 20.4 15.2 22.0 40.9 45.2 38.7 41.4 142.2 116.8] 
L = [1.6 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0]; 
%set up the initial level: 
S0 = 683 
%set up the priority weightings 
w2= 1; 
w1 = 1.5; 
C1 = 3; 
C2 = 2; 
C3 = 5; 
C4 = 4; 
C5 = -5; 
%set up the constraint equation, lower bond and upper bound 
A = [(C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5]; 
Aeq = [1 1 1 1 1]; 
lb = [70 0 0 0 0]; 
ub = [815 54.14 13.4 41.8 17345]; 
%set up a blank matrix to store the results 

%for each month calculate the optimum and store in the matrix 
for j = 1:12 
    Beq = [(I(j)+S0-L(j))]; 
    x(j,:) = linprog(-A,[],[],Aeq,Beq,lb,ub); 
    S0 = x(j,1); 

%output the result 
opt = x 



Matlabのlinprogの合計はありません。それは完全に行列ベースです。いくつかの問題についてはこれは問題ではありません。他の人にとっては悪夢です([here](http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2016/10/matlab-vs-gams-integer-programming.html参照))。あなたの場合、各列が変数に対応し、各行が制約に対応する1つの大きな行列を構築する必要があります。 –


@ErwinKalvelagenご返信ありがとうございます。私はあなたの問題を解決するために例を使用しました。 –




%set up the data for the year: 
I = [72.6; 26.0; 23.2; 20.4; 15.2; 22.0; 40.9; 45.2; 38.7; 41.4; 142.2; 116.8;]; 
I = I*1; %allows the inflow to be scaled to test the model for a dry or wet year 
L = [1.6; 1.3; 0.8; 0.6; 0.6; 0.6; 1; 1.5; 1.8; 1.8; 1.8; 2.0;]; 

%set up the priority weightings 
w1 = 2; 
w2= 50; 
C1 = 3; 
C2 = 2; 
C3 = 5; 
C4 = 4; 
C5 = -5; 

%set up the constraint equation, lower bond and upper bound 
A = [(C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5 (C1*w1) C2 (C3*w2) (C4*w2) C5]; 

%set up spare matrix for Aeq 
Aeq = zeros(12,60); 

% Populate Aeq 
% first the positive portions of the monthly data 
row = 1; 
coloumn = 1; 
for counter = 1:12 
    for counter = 1:5 
     row = row + 1; 
    coloumn = coloumn+1; 
% then the -S0 for each month 
Aeq(1, 56)=-1; 
coloumn = 1; 
for row = 2:12 
    coloumn = coloumn+5; 

%populate Beq 
Beq = I-L; 

%populate the lower and upper bounds 
Smin = 70; 
Smax_1_9 = 731.2; 
Smax_10_12 = 673.2 
QDmin = 0 
QDmax = 54.14 
Rmin = 0; 
Rmax = 13.4; 
RRmin = 0; 
RRmax = 41.8; 
SPILLmin = 0; 
SPILLmax = 17345; 
%first the lower bound 
lbmonthly = [Smin; QDmin; Rmin; RRmin; SPILLmin;]; 
lb = vertcat(lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly,lbmonthly); 
%second the upper bound 
ubmonthly_1_9 = [Smax_1_9; QDmax; Rmax; RRmax; SPILLmax;]; 
ubmonthly_10_12 = [Smax_10_12; QDmax; Rmax; RRmax; SPILLmax;]; 
ub = vertcat(ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_1_9, ubmonthly_10_12, ubmonthly_10_12, ubmonthly_10_12); 

%find the optimal 
opt = linprog(-A,[],[],Aeq,Beq,lb,ub); 

%output the result as a matrix 
opt = reshape(opt,5,12)' 