産業用カメラ(Basler ACE acA1600-20uc)で作業するためにパイロンライブラリを使用しようとしています。 カメラから画像を取得するためのサンプルプログラムから始めました。 問題は、そのサンプルプログラムが "Build Succeeded"(xcode)ですが、何も起こりません。コマンドラインはまだ清潔で、ログも終了コードもありません。何もない。私はいくつかの情報を期待しています。いくつかのコードは< <です。 どこに問題がありますか?私にいくつかのヒントを与えてください。ありがとうございました。xcodeのC++プログラムが返ります。成功しました。
// Grab.cpp
Note: Before getting started, Basler recommends reading the Programmer's Guide topic
in the pylon C++ API documentation that gets installed with pylon.
If you are upgrading to a higher major version of pylon, Basler also
strongly recommends reading the Migration topic in the pylon C++ API documentation.
This sample illustrates how to grab and process images using the CInstantCamera class.
The images are grabbed and processed asynchronously, i.e.,
while the application is processing a buffer, the acquisition of the next buffer is done
in parallel.
The CInstantCamera class uses a pool of buffers to retrieve image data
from the camera device. Once a buffer is filled and ready,
the buffer can be retrieved from the camera object for processing. The buffer
and additional image data are collected in a grab result. The grab result is
held by a smart pointer after retrieval. The buffer is automatically reused
when explicitly released or when the smart pointer object is destroyed.
// Include files to use the PYLON API.
#include <pylon/PylonIncludes.h>
# include <pylon/PylonGUI.h>
// Namespace for using pylon objects.
using namespace Pylon;
// Namespace for using cout.
using namespace std;
// Number of images to be grabbed.
static const uint32_t c_countOfImagesToGrab = 100;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// The exit code of the sample application.
int exitCode = 0;
// Before using any pylon methods, the pylon runtime must be initialized.
// Create an instant camera object with the camera device found first.
CInstantCamera camera(CTlFactory::GetInstance().CreateFirstDevice());
// Print the model name of the camera.
cout << "Using device " << camera.GetDeviceInfo().GetModelName() << endl;
// The parameter MaxNumBuffer can be used to control the count of buffers
// allocated for grabbing. The default value of this parameter is 10.
camera.MaxNumBuffer = 5;
// Start the grabbing of c_countOfImagesToGrab images.
// The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which
// sets up free-running continuous acquisition.
// This smart pointer will receive the grab result data.
CGrabResultPtr ptrGrabResult;
// Camera.StopGrabbing() is called automatically by the RetrieveResult() method
// when c_countOfImagesToGrab images have been retrieved.
while (camera.IsGrabbing())
// Wait for an image and then retrieve it. A timeout of 5000 ms is used.
camera.RetrieveResult(5000, ptrGrabResult, TimeoutHandling_ThrowException);
// Image grabbed successfully?
if (ptrGrabResult->GrabSucceeded())
// Access the image data.
cout << "SizeX: " << ptrGrabResult->GetWidth() << endl;
cout << "SizeY: " << ptrGrabResult->GetHeight() << endl;
const uint8_t *pImageBuffer = (uint8_t *) ptrGrabResult->GetBuffer();
cout << "Gray value of first pixel: " << (uint32_t) pImageBuffer[0] << endl << endl;
// Display the grabbed image.
Pylon::DisplayImage(1, ptrGrabResult);
cout << "Error: " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorCode() << " " << ptrGrabResult->GetErrorDescription() << endl;
catch (const GenericException &e)
// Error handling.
cerr << "An exception occurred." << endl
<< e.GetDescription() << endl;
exitCode = 1;
// Comment the following two lines to disable waiting on exit.
cerr << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;
while(cin.get() != '\n');
// Releases all pylon resources.
return exitCode;