DayNum | Day | Weight | Cumulative Weight
1 | MON | 0.3 | 0.3
2 | TUE | 0.15 | 0.45 (Sum of Mon and Tues)
3 | WED | 0.1 | 0.55 (Sum of Mon and Tues and Wed)
4 | THU | 0.1 | 0.65
5 | FRI | 0.15 | 0.8
6 | SAT | 0.2 | 1
そして、以下のように毎週レベル(月 - 日)で定義された別の表に金額があります。
Item | Date | Amount
A | 30-May-16 | 10 ---- Week in May and June
A | 6-Jun-16 | 20
A | 13-Jun-16 | 30 and so on
A | 27-Jun-16 | 60 ---- Week in Jun and July
は今は2つの異なるヶ月( - 6月5日から5月30日まで上記の例では)との間で重複している週間、毎日のレベルで別のテーブルに挿入します。 誰でもこれをOracleでどのように実現できるか説明できますか?
Item | Date | Amount
A | 30-May-16 | 4.5 (2 days from May which are Mon and Tues - so calculation is 10 * 0.45)
A | 1-Jun-16 | 5.5 (5 days from May which is the rest of the week - 10 minus 4.5)
A | 6-Jun-16 | 20 and so on
A | 27-Jun-16 | 39 (4 days from June which are Mon till Thurs - so calculation is 60 * 0.65)
A | 1-Jul-16 | 21 (3 days from July which is the rest of the week - 60 minus 39)
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