class Controller_Name extends Controller {
public function index() {
$variable = Model::all();
return view('your.view', compact('variable'));
//uploading images to DB
public function upload() {
// getting all of the post data
//$file = array('image' => Request::file('image'));
$file = Input::file('images');
//counting all selected images
$file_count = count($file);
$uploadcount = 0;
// setting up rules
foreach($file as $file) {
$rules = array('form' => 'required');
// doing the validation, passing post data, rules and the messages
$validator = Validator::make(array ('form'=>$file), $rules);
if ($validator->passes())
$destinationPath = 'path/to/upload/folder';
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);
$uploadcount ++;
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$entry = new Model;
$entry->format = $file->getClientMimeType();
$entry->filename = $filename;
if($uploadcount == $file_count)
Session::flash('message', 'Uploaded successfully');
else {
return Redirect::to('your/view')->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
<!-->displaying images filenames in tabular view<--><thead>
<th >#</th>
<th >Image Name</th>
<th >File Format</th>
@foreach($variable_declared_in_download_function as $some_random_variable) <tr>
<td class="text-left">{{ asset('img/') }}></td> <td class="text-left">{{ $jan2017->format}}</td>
<td>buttons here (delete/download)</td>
</tr> @endforeach
誰でも手助けできますか? ありがとうございます