2017-02-01 11 views

これは、入力値が3、5、および3 &で割り切れる場合にメッセージを出力するためのポインタの使用を必要とする宿題です。コードはコンパイルされて実行されますが、目的の出力が得られません。また、私は何が変わる必要があるか分からない。入力が5と印刷FizzBuzzその割り切れるによって完全に割り切れるとき、あなた自身からC++での分岐とループのためのポインタを利用した出力の問題はありますか?

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 

using namespace std; 
using std::istream; 

int main() 
    const int i{3};      // Variable initialization and declaration 
    long* pnumber{};      // Pointer definition and initialization 
    long number1 {};      // Declaration and initialization of variable number1 
    long number2 [i];     // Declaration and initialization of variable containing array of 3L numbers 
    char indicator{ 'n' };    // Continue or not? 

    pnumber = &number1;     // Store address in a pointer 

    for (;;) 
     cout << "Please enter any number less than 2 billion, " 
      << "then press the Enter key: "; 
     cin >> number1; 

     if (*pnumber % 3 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 3 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number1 
       << "-Fizz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;     // Exit from loop 

     if (*pnumber % 5 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number1 
       << "-Buzz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

     if ((*pnumber % 3 == 0) && (*pnumber % 5 == 0)) // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 and 3 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number1 
       << "-FizzBuzz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

      cout << endl    // Default: here if not divisible by 3 or 5 
       << "Please enter another number." 

       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

    pnumber = &number2 [i];    // Change pointer to address of number2 

    for (;;) 
     cout << endl << endl 
      << "Please enter an array of number(s), where the number is less than 2 billion, " 
      << "then press the Enter key: "; 
     cin >> number2 [i]; 

     if (*pnumber % 3 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 3 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number2 
       << "-Fizz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another array (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;     // Exit from loop 

     if (*pnumber % 5 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number2 
       << "-Buzz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another array (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

     if ((*pnumber % 3 == 0) && (*pnumber % 5 == 0)) // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 and 3 is 0 
      cout << endl 
       << "Number: " << number2 
       << "-FizzBuzz" << endl 
       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

      cout << endl    // Default: here if not divisible by 3 or 5 
       << "Please enter another number." 

       << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
      cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
      if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
       break;    // Exit from loop 

    cout << endl; 
    return 0; 

だから、あなたはどうしているのですか?この投稿を見て、宿題に助けを求めるときにいくつかの提案をしてください:https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/334822/how-do-i-ask-and-answer-homework-questions – sas


問題はいくつかの数字を入力しながら、コードの2番目の部分にnumber2を出力します。入力した番号の代わりにNumber:008FFA88-Fizzを出力します.6を入力するとNumber:6-Fizzが出力されます。 – phoenixCoder


なぜ 'std :: istream'を' using namespace std'と使うのですか? – Raindrop7






 // First check if it is divisible by both 3 and 5 ? 
    if ((*pnumber % 3 == 0) && (*pnumber % 5 == 0)) // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 and 3 is 0 
     cout << endl 
      << "Number: " << number2 
      << "-FizzBuzz" << endl 
      << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
     cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
     if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
      break;    // Exit from loop 
    // if not, then is it divisible by 3 only ? 
    else if (*pnumber % 3 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 3 is 0 
     cout << endl 
      << "Number: " << number2 
      << "-Fizz" << endl 
      << endl << "Do you want to enter another array (please enter y or n? "; 
     cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
     if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
      break;     // Exit from loop 
    // if not, then is it divisible by 5 only? 
    else if (*pnumber % 5 == 0)   // Test if remainder after dividing by 5 is 0 
     cout << endl 
      << "Number: " << number2 
      << "-Buzz" << endl 
      << endl << "Do you want to enter another array (please enter y or n? "; 
     cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
     if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
      break;    // Exit from loop 
    // everything else ... 
     cout << endl    // Default: here if not divisible by 3 or 5 
      << "Please enter another number." 

      << endl << "Do you want to enter another value (please enter y or n? "; 
     cin >> indicator;   // Read indicator 
     if (('n' == indicator) || ('N' == indicator)) 
      break;    // Exit from loop 

問題は、コードの2番目の部分にnumber2の出力があり、いくつかの番号を入力しています。入力した番号の代わりにNumber:008FFA88-Fizzを出力します.6を入力するとNumber:6-Fizzが出力されます。 – phoenixCoder


これは、整数の配列を 'pnumber'ポインタに正しく割り当てていないためです。ポインタを使って配列を扱うことの理解を深めるためhttps://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/pointers-arraysを見てください – Roshan


[i]を付けずに&number2を使用しようとしましたが、エラーをスローします。 – phoenixCoder
