2017-02-10 5 views


//TODO: add header guards here 
#ifndef _PASSENGER_H_ 
#define _PASSENGER_H_ 
// TODO: holiday namespace here 
namespace holiday{ 
    // TODO: declare the class Passenger here 
    class Passenger { 
     // TODO: add the class the attributes, 
     char m_name[32]; 
     char m_destination[32]; 
     int m_departureYear; 
     int m_departureMonth; 
     int m_departureDay; 
     //  the member function already provided, 
     void display(bool onlyNames = false) const; 
     //  and the member functions that you must implement 
     Passenger(const char pName[],const char pDestination[]); 
     bool isEmpty() const; 
     bool canTravelWith(const Passenger&) const; 


// TODO: add your headers here 
#include "passenger.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <cstring> 
// TODO: add the namespaces that you will be using here 
using namespace std; 
// TODO: holiday namespace here 
namespace holiday{ 
    // TODO: add the default constructor here 
     m_name[0] = '\0'; 
     m_destination[0] = '\0'; 
     m_departureYear = 0; 
     m_departureMonth = 0; 
     m_departureDay = 0; 
    // TODO: add the constructor with 2 parameters here 
    Passenger::Passenger(const char pName[],const char pDestination[]){ 
     //safe state 
     m_name[0] = '\0'; 
     m_destination[0]= '\0'; 
     m_departureYear = 0; 
     m_departureMonth = 0; 
     m_departureDay = 0; 
     if (pName[0] != 0 && pName != nullptr && 
      pDestination[0] != 0 && pDestination != nullptr){ 
       m_departureYear = 2017;        
       m_departureMonth = 7; 
       m_departureDay = 1; 
    // TODO: add the canTravelWith(...) function here 
    bool Passenger::canTravelWith(const Passenger& pPassenger) const{ 
     bool _together; 
     if(m_departureYear == pPassenger.m_departureYear && 
      m_departureMonth == pPassenger.m_departureMonth && 
      m_departureDay == pPassenger.m_departureDay && 
      strcmp(m_destination, pPassenger.m_destination) == 0) {  
       _together = true;   
      } else { 
       _together = false; 
      return _together; 
    // TODO: add the isEmpty() function here 
    bool Passenger::isEmpty() const{ 
     bool _empty; 
     if (m_name[0] == '\0' && 
     m_destination[0] == '\0' && 
     m_departureYear == 0 && 
     m_departureMonth == 0 && 
     m_departureDay == 0){ 
      _empty = true; 
     } else { 
      _empty = false; 
     return _empty; 
    // below is the member function already provided 
    // TODO: read it and understand how it accomplishes its task 
    void Passenger::display(bool nameOnly) const 
     if (false == this->isEmpty()) 
      cout << this->m_name; 
      if (false == nameOnly) 
       cout << " will travel to " << this->m_destination << ". " 
        << "The journey will start on " 
        << this->m_departureYear << "-" 
        << this->m_departureMonth << "-" 
        << this->m_departureDay 
        << "." << endl; 
      cout << "Invalid passenger!" << endl; 


- あなたが持っているあなたのコードで

#include <iostream> 
#include "passenger.h" 
#include "passenger.h" // this is intentional 

using namespace std; 
using namespace holiday; 

int main() 
    Passenger travellers[] = { 
     Passenger(nullptr, "Toronto"), 
     Passenger("", "Toronto"), 
     Passenger("John Smith", nullptr), 
     Passenger("John Smith", ""), 
     Passenger("John Smith", "Toronto"), // valid 
     Passenger(nullptr, nullptr), 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "Testing the validation logic" << endl; 
    cout << "(only passenger 5 should be valid)" << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) 
     cout << "Passenger " << i + 1 << ": " << (travellers[i].isEmpty() ? "not valid" : "valid") << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl << endl; 

    Passenger vanessa("Vanessa", "Paris"), 
       mike("Mike", "Tokyo"), 
       alice("Alice", "Paris"); 

    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "Testing the display function" << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl << endl; 

    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "Testing the travelling together logic" << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
    cout << "Can Vanessa and Mike travel together (should be NO)? " 
     << (vanessa.canTravelWith(mike) ? "YES" : "NO") << endl; 
    cout << "Can Vanessa and Alice travel together (should be YES)? " 
     << (vanessa.canTravelWith(alice) ? "YES" : "NO") << endl; 
    cout << "Can Alice and Vanessa travel together (should be YES)? " 
     << (alice.canTravelWith(vanessa) ? "YES" : "YES") << endl; 
    cout << "Can Mike and Alice travel together (should be NO)? " 
     << (mike.canTravelWith(alice) ? "YES" : "NO") << endl; 
    cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl << endl; 

    return 0; 

CとC++は異なる言語です。関連する言語タグのみを使用してください。 – kaylum


これは問題ではありませんが、アンダースコアで始まり大文字( '_PASSENGER_H_')が続く名前と2つの連続したアンダースコアを含む名前は、実装で使用するために予約されています。あなたのコードでそれらを使用しないでください。 –




if (pName[0] != 0 && pName != nullptr && 
     pDestination[0] != 0 && pDestination != nullptr){ 



これとは別に重要なことに、member initialization listsを調べるとよいでしょう。


すべてが意味を成しています。情報をいただきありがとうございます!ルール#1は常にnullptrをチェックします! –


pName[0] != 0 && pName != nullptrのようなテストの順序が間違っています。最初にpNameがヌルかどうかを確認する必要があります。呼び出し元がnullptrを渡すので、pNameがnullでないことを確認する前にpName[0]にアクセスすると、未定義の動作が発生します。


うん、それはうまくいった!ありがとうございました! –
