2016-07-07 22 views

私は作成中のWebページを持っていて、画面上にいくつかのアイテムが配置されています。私はフロートを使用しようとしている、彼らはあまりにも離れているとパディングは、彼らが変なことになります。私はすべてを中心に、そして隣り合わせにしたい。サイズは問題ではありません。私はすべてのことができます。 enter image description hereこれは現在の結果と望ましい結果を示します。ボックスとボディのHTML配置

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<body background="bg.jpg"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="about.css"> 
    <li><a href="http://cl.myweb..edu/lis3361/Project3/about.html">ABOUT</a></li> 
    <li><a href="http://cl.myweb..edu/lis3361/Project3/contact.html">CONTACT</a></li> 
    <li><a href="http://cl.myweb..edu/lis3361/Project3/gallery.html">GALLERY</a></li> 
    <li><a href="http://cl.myweb..edu/lis3361/Project3/index.html">HOME</a></li> 
<div class="me"></div> 
<div class="int"> 
<p>Interests: <br><br> Programming <br> Web Design <br> Graphic Design <br> Music/Musician</p> 
<div class="para"> 
<p>I am currently a student at the University of --. I am going into my senior year this fall and am excited to be that much closer to being done. I work and take classes on programming, 
the languages I know are HTML, C++, C#, Java, and some Powershell Scripting. Although I am rather new to web page design I do enjoy it and being able to create your vision that people can visit. 
I have also learned Photoshop years ago and enjoy doing that from time to time. Some of my projects can be found in my Gallery. As far as being a musician, 
I have been playing guitar for atleast 10+ years, I couldn't tell you the exact length of time. I have also played percussion in HighSchool band, and learned other instruments such as the ukulele, 
piano, bass guitar, and xlyophone, although it is just a giant piano you hit with mallets, it still sounds cool to know how to play. Other than that I hope you enjoy my site and get a bit of insight on 
who I am!</p> 


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はのための1つのメインのdivを作りますすべての部門が働いた。 –
