2016-12-14 1 views


  • エラー82エラーC2653ました:「数学を」:クラスではありませんまたは名前空間名
  • エラー84エラーC2988:認識できないテンプレート宣言/定義

  //file Array.cpp 
      template<typename T> 
      void * const math::Array<T>::getRawDataPtr 
      return buffer; 

    //file Array.h 
    #ifndef _ARRAY_ 
    #define _ARRAY_ 

    namespace math 

    // Do NOT modify this section. For the implementation, see comment below the class declaration 

    /*! The Array class implements a generic two-dimensional array of elements of type T. 
    template <typename T> 
    class Array 
    //! Flat storage of the elements of the array of type T 
    T * buffer;      

    //! The width of the array (number of columns) 
    unsigned int width,    

    //! The height of the array (number of rows) 


    /*! Reports the width (columns) of the array 
    * \return the width. 
    unsigned int getWidth() const { return width; }  

    /*! Reports the height (rows) of the array 
    * \return the height. 
    unsigned int getHeight() const { return height; }  

    /*! Obtains a constant pointer to the internal data. 
    * This is NOT a copy of the internal array data, but rather a pointer 
    * to the internally allocated space. 
    void * const getRawDataPtr(); 

    /*! Returns a reference to the element at the zero-based position (column x, row y). 
    * \param x is the zero-based column index of the array. 
    * \param y is the zero-based row index of the array. 
    * \return a reference to the element at position (x,y) 
    T & operator() (int x, int y);      

    /*! Returns a constant reference to the element at the zero-based position (column x, row y). 
    * \param x is the zero-based column index of the array. 
    * \param y is the zero-based row index of the array. 
    * \return a reference to the element at position (x,y) 
    const T & operator() (int x, int y) const; 

    /*! Constructor with array size. 
    * No default constructor is provided as it makes no sense. 
    * \param w is the width (columns) of the array 
    * \param h is the height (rows) of the array 
    Array(unsigned int w, unsigned int h); 

    /*! Copy constructor. 
    * No default constructor is provided as it makes no sense. 
    * \param source is the array to replicate. 
    Array(const Array<T> & source);      

    /*! Copy assignment operator 
    * \param source is the array to replicate. 
    Array & operator = (const Array<T> & source); 

    /*! Equality operator. 
    * \param right is the array to compare the current object to. 
    * \return true if the current array and the source have the same dimensions AND 
    * one by one their elements of type T are the same. 
    bool operator == (const Array<T> & right) const;  

    /*! Changes the internal array data storage size. 
    * If the one or both of the given dimensions are smaller, the array should be clipped 
    * by discarding the remaining elements in the rows and/or columns outside the margins. 
    * If the new dimensions are larger, pad the old elements with default values of type T. 
    * If the array is not yet allocated (zero width and height), allocate the internal buffer and 
    * set the array size according to the given dimensions. 
    * \param new_width is the user-provided width to resize the array to. 
    * \param new_height is the user-provided height to resize the array to. 
    void resize(unsigned int new_width, unsigned int new_height); 

    /*! Virtual destructor. 
    virtual ~Array();          


    // Do NOT add the member function implementation here. Add all implementations in the Array.hpp 
    // file included below. The two files will be concatenated upon preprocessing. 

    } // namespace math 

    #include "Array.hpp" 


せずにコンパイルすることをある何を言うことができますが、あなたが読みやすくするため。..削除することができます行をコメントしました。 – shas


あなたが数学の名前空間とその内容を宣言した後に移動してください... –


@AdrianoRepetti私は移動すべきですか?それは何らかの理由で名前空間を認識しません! – madrugadas25845




 //    parentheses added -----> vv 
     void * const math::Array<T>::getRawDataPtr() 
     return buffer; 




namespace math 
    template <typename T> 
     class Array 
      T * buffer;      

      unsigned int width, height;    


      unsigned int getWidth() const { return width; }  
      unsigned int getHeight() const { return height; }  
      void * const getRawDataPtr(); 
      T & operator() (int x, int y);      
      const T & operator() (int x, int y) const; 
      Array(unsigned int w, unsigned int h); 
      Array(const Array<T> & source);      
      Array & operator = (const Array<T> & source); 
      bool operator == (const Array<T> & right) const;  
      void resize(unsigned int new_width, unsigned int new_height); 
      virtual ~Array();          
} // namespace math 

template<typename T> 
void * const math::Array<T>::getRawDataPtr() 
{ return buffer; } 

int main() 
{ } 

にある必要があります。定義はArray.hppにあるはずですか? – madrugadas25845


@ madrugadas25845 - 私は "array.hpp"または "array.h"でもそうです。それはテンプレートクラスなので、 'Array 'が使用されているときは完全な実装が見えるはずです。 'getRawDataPtr()'は、 'getWidth()'と 'getHeight()'と同じように、 'Array 'の本体に実装できると思うほど短くシンプルです。 – max66
