2016-05-08 2 views

私は、ユーザが多項式の次数を入力して各項の係数を入力する微分計算機を作成しています。計算機は、結果の微分をアプレットウィンドウに表示し、元の関数のグラフも表示します。Java - JAppletはグラフを描画しません - ピクセルとスケーリングと関連している可能性があります


package beta; 

import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 
import java.awt.geom.Line2D; 
import java.awt.geom.Point2D; 
import java.util.List; 

import javax.swing.JApplet; 

public class GraphingCalc extends JApplet 
    public void drawAxes(Graphics g) 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 

     Line2D.Double yaxis = new Line2D.Double(200, 400, 200, 0); 
     Line2D.Double xaxis = new Line2D.Double(0, 200, 400, 200); 

     for (int i = 0; i<=20; i++) 
      Line2D.Double ytick = new Line2D.Double(197, 400 - i * 20, 203, 400 - i * 20); 
      Line2D.Double xtick = new Line2D.Double(400 - i * 20, 203, 400 - i * 20, 197); 

    public void drawFunction(Graphics g, List<Double> l) 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 

     double x1 = 0; 
     double y1 = 0; 
     double x2 = 0; 
     double y2 = 0; 
     int size = l.size(); 

     for (double x = -10; x <= 10; x += 0.2) 
      x1 = x; 
      for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
       y1 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x1, d); 
      Point2D.Double first = new Point2D.Double(20 * x1 + 200, -20 * y1 + 200); 

      x2 = x1 + 0.2; 
      for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
       y2 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x2, d); 
      Point2D.Double second = new Point2D.Double(20 * x2 + 200, -20 * y2 + 200); 

      Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(first, second); 


package beta; 

import java.math.RoundingMode; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class DerivativeCalculator 
    public DerivativeCalculator() 
     String d = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the degree of your polynomial: "); 
     String v = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the x value " 
       + "at which you want to take the derivative: "); 

     degree = Integer.parseInt(d); 
     value = Double.parseDouble(v); 

     coeffList = new ArrayList<Double>(); 
     for (int i = 0; i <= degree; i++) 
      String console = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the coefficient of the " 
        + "x^" + i + " term."); 
      Double coeff = Double.parseDouble(console); 


    public double calc() 
     double dx = 0.00001; 

     double x1 = value; 
     double y1 = 0; 
     for (int d = degree; d >= 0; d--) 
      y1 += coeffList.get(d) * Math.pow(x1, d); 

     double x2 = x1 + dx; 
     double y2 = 0; 
     for (int d = degree; d >= 0; d--) 
      y2 += coeffList.get(d) * Math.pow(x2, d); 

     double slope = (y2 - y1)/ (x2 - x1); 

     DecimalFormat round = new DecimalFormat("##.##"); 

     return Double.valueOf(round.format(slope)); 

    public String getEquation() 
     String equation = ""; 
     for (int d = degree; d >= 1; d--) 
      equation = equation + String.valueOf(coeffList.get(d)) + "x^" + String.valueOf(d) + " + "; 
     equation = equation + String.valueOf(coeffList.get(0)) + "x^" + String.valueOf(0); 
     return equation; 

    public String getValue() 
     return String.valueOf(value); 

    public List<Double> getCoeff() 
     return coeffList; 
    private int degree; 
    private double value; 
    private List<Double> coeffList; 



package beta; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 

import javax.swing.JApplet; 
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

public class DerivativeCalculatorTest extends JApplet 
    public void paint(Graphics g) 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 

     DerivativeCalculator myDerivCalc = new DerivativeCalculator(); 
     g2.drawString(String.valueOf(myDerivCalc.calc()), 10, 100); 
     g2.drawString(myDerivCalc.getEquation(), 10, 40); 
     g2.drawString(myDerivCalc.getValue(), 10, 70); 

     GraphingCalc myGrapher = new GraphingCalc(); 
     myGrapher.drawFunction(g2, myDerivCalc.getCoeff()); 


アプレットが実行され、すべての派生情報が正しく表示されますが、関数グラフは正しく描画されません。たとえば、x + 5を入力すると、アプレットは一連の個々の直線を描画しますが、放物線の形でクラスター化されています。


for (double x = -10; x <= 10; x += 0.2) 
       x1 = x; 
       for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
        y1 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x1, d); 
       Point2D.Double first = new Point2D.Double(20 * x1 + 200, -20 * y1 + 200); 

       x2 = x1 + 0.2; 
       for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
        y2 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x2, d); 
       Point2D.Double second = new Point2D.Double(20 * x2 + 200, -20 * y2 + 200); 

       Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(first, second); 



1)すぐに役立つようにするには、[MCVE]または[短く、自己完結型の正しい例](http://www.sscce.org/)を投稿してください。 2)なぜアプレットをコーディングするのですか?教師がそれを指定している場合は、[CS教師が** Javaアプレットを教えるのを止めるべき理由](http://programmers.blogoverflow.com/2013/05/why-cs-teachers-should -stop-teaching-java-applets /)を使用します。 3)[Java Plugin support deprecated](http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2016/01/rest-in-hell-java-plug-in/)および[プラグインフリーWebへの移動]を参照してください( https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/entry/moving_to_a_plugin_free)。 –





package beta; 

import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Graphics2D; 
import java.util.List; 

public class GraphingCalc 
    public void drawAxes(Graphics g) 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 

     g2.drawLine(200, 400, 200, 0); 
     g2.drawLine(0, 200, 400, 200); 

     for (int i = 0; i<=20; i++) 
      g2.drawLine(197, 400 - i * 20, 203, 400 - i * 20); 
      g2.drawLine(400 - i * 20, 203, 400 - i * 20, 197); 

    public void drawFunction(Graphics g, List<Double> l) 
     Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; 

     double x1 = 0; 
     double y1 = 0; 
     double x2 = 0; 
     double y2 = 0; 
     int size = l.size(); 

     for (double x = -10; x <= 10; x += 0.2) 
      x1 = x; 
      for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
       y1 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x1, d); 

      x2 = x1 + 0.2; 
      for (int d = size-1; d>=0; d--) 
       y2 += l.get(d) * Math.pow(x2, d); 

      g2.drawLine((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2); 


enter image description here 幸運。
