return questions.ToList();
Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: The 'TypeAs' expression with an input of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1' and a check of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1' is not supported. Only entity types and complex types are supported in LINQ to Entities queries.
var questions = _context.Questions
.Where(q => q.Level.Level == level)
.Select(q => new QuestionViewModel
Text = q.Text,
Id = q.Id,
IsMultiSelected = q.IsMultiSelected,
AnswerViewModels = q.Answers
a => new AnswerViewModel
Checked = false,
Text = a.Text,
Id = a.Id
}) as List<AnswerViewModel>
return questions.ToList();
List<QuestionViewModel> result = new List<QuestionViewModel>();
var questions = from q in _context.Questions
where q.Level.Level == level
select new QuestionViewModel()
Text = q.Text,
Id = q.Id,
IsMultiSelected = q.IsMultiSelected,
AnswerViewModels = from a in q.Answers
select new AnswerViewModel
Text = a.Text,
Id = a.Id,
Checked = false
var qList = questions.ToList();
for(int i = 0; i < questions.Count(); i++)
var q = qList[i]; //question
var a = q.AnswerViewModels.ToList(); //answers for question
var answers = new List<AnswerViewModel>(); //List answers
for(int j = 0; j < a.Count(); j++)
//add new Answer from IEnumerable<AnswerViewQuestion> to List<...>
answers.Add(new AnswerViewModel
Checked = false,
Id = a[j].Id,
Text = a[j].Text
を、あなただけの質問を返す必要があります。 リターン質問を。 –
仕事をしないでください。 'LINQ to Entitiesは、メソッド' System.Collections.Generic.List'1 [ExpertApplication.ViewModels.AnswerViewModel] ToList [AnswerViewModel](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1 [ExpertApplication.ViewModels.AnswerViewModel])メソッドを認識しませんこのメソッドをストア式に変換することはできません。 ' – BILL
私はいくつかの質問' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3800834/nested-linq-returning-a-this-method-cannot-be-translated-into-a-store-expression 'を検索しますが、それはうまくいきません私のために – BILL