Welcome to a game of paper, rock, scissors!
Please input the correct number according
to the object.
Select rock(1), paper(2), or scissors(3): 2
Computer chose ROCK .
You chose PAPER .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\tserver\_sandbox.py", line
114, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\tserver\_sandbox.py", line
43, in main
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\tserver\_sandbox.py", line
106, in determine_winner
builtins.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'win' referenced before assignment
#import the library function "random" so that you can use it for computer
import random
#define main
def main():
#assign win, lose, and tie variables to zero so that later it can be added
#and displayed
win = 0
lose = 0
tie = 0
#control loop with 'y' variable
play_again = 'y'
#start the game
while play_again == 'y':
#make a welcome message and give directions
print('Welcome to a game of paper, rock, scissors!')
print('Please input the correct number according')
print('to the object.')
#write computer and players choices as value returning functions and
#assign them to variables
computer_choice = get_computer_choice()
player_choice = get_player_choice()
#print outcome
print('Computer chose', computer_choice, '.')
print('You chose', player_choice, '.')
#determine who won by defining a function
determine_winner(computer_choice, player_choice)
#ask the user if they want to play again
play_again = input("Play again? Enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no. ")
#print results
print('Your total wins are', win, '.')
print('Your total losses are', lose, '.')
print('Your total ties are', tie, '.')
#define computer choice
def get_computer_choice():
#use imported random function from library
choice = random.randint(1,3)
#assign what the computer chose to rock, paper, or scissors
if choice == 1:
choice = 'ROCK'
elif choice == 2:
choice = 'PAPER'
choice = 'SCISSORS'
#return value
return choice
#define player choice
def get_player_choice():
#assign input to variable by prompting user
choice = int(input("Select rock(1), paper(2), or scissors(3): "))
#use while function if user inputs the invalid selection
while choice != 1 and choice != 2 and choice != 3:
print('The valid numbers are rock(type in 1), paper(type in 2),')
print('or scissors(type in 3).')
choice = int(input('Enter a valid number please: '))
#assign what the player chose to rock, paper, or scissors
if choice == 1:
choice = 'ROCK'
elif choice == 2:
choice = 'PAPER'
choice = 'SCISSORS'
#return value
return choice
#determine the winner by assigning the assigned variables
def determine_winner(computer_choice, player_choice):
#if its a tie, add 1 to tie variable and display message
if computer_choice == player_choice:
tie += 1
print("It's a tie!")
#if its a win, add to win variable and display message
elif computer_choice == 'SCISSORS' and player_choice == 'ROCK':
win += 1
print('ROCK crushes SCISSORS! You win!')
elif computer_choice == 'PAPER' and player_choice == 'SCISSORS':
win += 1
print('SCISSORS cut PAPER! You win!')
elif computer_choice == 'ROCK' and player_choice == 'PAPER':
win += 1
print('PAPER covers ROCK! You win!')
#if it does not match any of the win criteria then add 1 to lose and
#display lose message
lose += 1
print('You lose!')
ありがとうございました!私はこの問題を何時間も見つめてきました! –
'main()'関数を使用していなくても、メインコードを 'if __name__ ==" __main __ ":'ステートメントの下に置くことは良い考えです。 –
'if __name__ ==" __main__ ":main()'行は、実際に見た人の皆さんが実際に行っています。私は1つの目的は、 'main'実行中のすべてのコードなしでファイルをインポートできるようにすることだと思います。だから、仮想の 'randRGB()'関数などを外部スクリプトのファイルに使用することができます。 – SimonT