2017-03-22 27 views


j = """[ 
      "created": "2017-02-02T11:57:41+0000", 
      "from": "Bank", 
      "message": "Hi Alex, if you have not perform the modification to the data, please verify your DNI, celphone and the operator to verify it. Thanks." 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:58+0000" , 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "Could someone please help me?, I am callig to CC and they don't answer" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:42+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "the sms with the corresponding key and token has not arrived" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:28+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "I have issues to make payments from the app" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:18+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "Good afternoon" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:12+0000", 
      "from": "Bank", 
      "message": " Hello Alexander, the money is available to be withdrawn, you could go to any store the number is 70307002459" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T16:22:30+0000", 
      "from": "Alex", 
      "message": "hello they have deposited the money into my account, I don't have account from this bank, Could I know if I can withdraw the money? DNI 427 thanks a lot" 



js = json.loads(j) 
df = pd.concat({i: pd.DataFrame(j) for i, j in enumerate(js)}) 

df.created = pd.to_datetime(df.created) 

df.assign(qna=np.where(df['from'] == 'Bank', 'Answer', 'Question')).set_index(['created', 'qna']).message.unstack(fill_value='') 


ValueError        Traceback (most recent call last) 
<ipython-input-5-5652e92adbdc> in <module>() 
    69 df['from'] = df['from'].str.strip() 
    70 df = df.drop_duplicates() 
---> 71 df.assign(qna=np.where(df['from'] == 'Bank', 'Answer', 'Question')) .set_index(['created', 'qna']) .unstack() 

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in unstack(self, level, fill_value) 
    4034   """ 
    4035   from pandas.core.reshape import unstack 
-> 4036   return unstack(self, level, fill_value) 
    4038  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape.py in unstack(obj, level, fill_value) 
    406  if isinstance(obj, DataFrame): 
    407   if isinstance(obj.index, MultiIndex): 
--> 408    return _unstack_frame(obj, level, fill_value=fill_value) 
    409   else: 
    410    return obj.T.stack(dropna=False) 

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape.py in _unstack_frame(obj, level, fill_value) 
    449   unstacker = _Unstacker(obj.values, obj.index, level=level, 
    450        value_columns=obj.columns, 
--> 451        fill_value=fill_value) 
    452   return unstacker.get_result() 

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape.py in __init__(self, values, index, level, value_columns, fill_value) 
    102   self._make_sorted_values_labels() 
--> 103   self._make_selectors() 
    105  def _make_sorted_values_labels(self): 

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pandas/core/reshape.py in _make_selectors(self) 
    140   if mask.sum() < len(self.index): 
--> 141    raise ValueError('Index contains duplicate entries, ' 
    142        'cannot reshape') 

ValueError: Index contains duplicate entries, cannot reshape 



j = """[ 
      "created": "2017-02-02T11:57:41+0000", 
      "from": "Bank", 
      "message": "Hi Alex, if you have not perform the modification to the data, please verify your DNI, celphone and the operator to verify it. Thanks." 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:58+0000" , 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "Could someone please help me?, I am callig to CC and they don't answer" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:42+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "the sms with the corresponding key and token has not arrived" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:28+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "I have issues to make payments from the app" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:18+0000", 
      "from": "Alex ", 
      "message": "Good afternoon" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:12+0000", 
      "from": "Bank", 
      "message": " Hello Alexander, the money is available to be withdrawn, you could go to any store the number is 70307002459" 
      "created": "2017-02-01T16:22:30+0000", 
      "from": "Alex", 
      "message": "hello they have deposited the money into my account, I don't have account from this bank, Could I know if I can withdraw the money? DNI 427 thanks a lot" 

      "created": "2017-02-01T22:19:13+0000", 
      "from": "Bank", 
      "message": " Hello Adolfo, the money is available." 
      "created": "2017-02-01T16:22:33+0000", 
      "from": "Omar", 
      "message": "hello they have deposited the money into my account." 



はちょうど私の答えを編集しました。 'append = True'は必要ありません。問題はそれ自身の行を必要とする 'assign'ステートメントにありました。 –



が見えます。 append=Trueの必要はありません。

js = json.loads(j) 
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(j) for j in js], ignore_index=True) 
df['from'] = df['from'].str.strip() 
df['created'] = pd.to_datetime(df.created) 
df['qna'] = np.where(df['from'] == 'Bank', 'Answer', 'Question') 
df1 = df.set_index(['created', 'qna']).unstack(fill_value='') 

with pd.option_context('display.max_colwidth', 30, 'display.expand_frame_repr', False): 


     from         message        
qna     Answer Question       Answer      Question 
2017-02-01 16:22:30   Alex         hello they have deposited ... 
2017-02-01 22:19:12 Bank   Hello Alexander, the mone...        
2017-02-01 22:19:18   Alex            Good afternoon 
2017-02-01 22:19:28   Alex         I have issues to make paym... 
2017-02-01 22:19:42   Alex         the sms with the correspon... 
2017-02-01 22:19:58   Alex         Could someone please help ... 
2017-02-02 11:57:41 Bank   Hi Alex, if you have not p... 

ありがとうございました – neo33
