print frame1.head(10)
alert Subject filetype type country status
0 33965790 44676 aba Attachment doc RU,RU,RU,RU deleted
1 33965786 44676 rcrump Attachment zip NaN deleted
2 33965771 3aba Attachment zip NaN deleted
3 33965770 NaN Attachment js ,, deleted
4 33965766 NaN Attachment js ,, deleted
5 33965761 NaN Attachment zip NaN deleted
6 33965760 NaN Attachment zip NaN deleted
7 33965757 NaN Attachment zip NaN deleted
8 33965751 35200 3aba Attachment doc RU,RU,RU deleted
9 33965747 35200 INVaba Attachment zip NaN deleted
作業CSVとして、私は対象列を取り、ストリングとして「ABA」を持っているすべての行のためにカウントする必要があります。 'DataFrameGroupBy' オブジェクトの呼び出し可能な属性 'to_stringに' にアクセスできません:はAttributeError -
targeted = frame1[frame1['Subject'].str.contains('aba', case=False , na=False)].groupby('Subject')
print (targeted.to_string(header=False))
エラーを取得する - ここでは、この
aba 12
3aba 5
INVaba 2
Occurrences of aba- 512
filetype = frame1.groupby('filetype').size()
###clean up the printing
print "Delivered in Email"
print (filetype.to_string(header=False))
を、私を与える - - 異なるファイルタイプのUNT、これは動作します
Delivered in Email
Attachment 32647
Header 131
URL 9236