2016-10-14 7 views


private static int[][] parseTwoDimension(String strInput) 
      int rows = 0; //number of rows in the string 

      for (int i = 0; i < strInput.length(); i++) 
       if (strInput.charAt(i) == '!') //the ! is an indicator of a new row 

      int[][] arr = new int[rows][]; //create an array with an unknown number of columns 
      int elementCounter = 0; //keep track of number of elements 
      int arrayIndexCounter = 0; //keep track of array index 

      for (int i = 0; i < strInput.length(); i++) 
       if (strInput.charAt(i) != '!') //while not the end of the row 
        elementCounter++; //increase the element count by one 
       else //reached the end of the row 
        arr[arrayIndexCounter] = new int[elementCounter]; //create a new column at the specified row 
        elementCounter = 0; //reset the element counter for the next row 
        arrayIndexCounter++; //increase the array index by one 
     This is where I need the help to populate the array 
     char c; //each character in the string 
     int stringIndex = -1; //keep track of the index in the string 
     int num; //the number to add to the array 
     for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) 
       stringIndex++; //increment string index for next element 
       c = strInput.charAt(stringIndex); //the character at stringIndex 
       if (c == '!') //if it is the end of the row, do nothing 

       else //if it is not the end of the row... 
        String s = Character.toString(c); //convert character to String 
        num = Integer.parseInt(s); //convert String to Integer 
        arr[i][j] = num; //add Integer to array 
     return arr; //return a two dimensional array the user defined 





  1. 文字列を区切り文字 '!'で区切るには、string.split( "!")を使用します。これは、その後、アレイ

  2. を返し、

個々の文字に文字列を分離するために( "")のstring.Splitを使用するコードは以下の投稿:

private static int[][] parseTwoDimension(String strInput) 
    String[] rows = strInput.split("!");  
    int[][] arr = new int[rows.length()][]; 

    for(int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) 
     String[] elements = rows[i].split(""); 
     int[] intElements = new int[elements.length]; 

     for(int j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) 
      intElements[j] = Integer.parseInt(elements[j]); 
     arr[i] = intElements; 

が、この作品なら、私を知ってみましょう。 string.split()関数は、Stringsを配列に解析するときに本当に便利です。


これは完全に機能しました。ありがとう!私もstring.split()を使用するとは思わなかった – Ethan
