* https://gist.github.com/maxkfranz/aedff159b0df05ccfaa5
* method will animate the graph building, from parent to child
animateGraphBuilding = function(nodes){
var delay = 0;
var size = nodes.length;
var duration = (200000/size);
mod = $('#animationSpeed').val()/2;
if(mod < 1){
mod = 1;
}else if(mod > 100){
mod = 100;
duration /= mod;
var visitedMap = {};//used to ensure nodes are only animated once
for(var index = 0; index < size; ++index){
visitedMap[nodes[index].data('id')] = 0;
var nodesCopy = nodes.clone();//store original rendered positions
//loop through the list of nodes and then,
//Find connected nodes and then,
//loop through connected nodes and animated from parent to original position
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i){
var cNode = nodes[i];
var nextNodes = cNode.connectedEdges(
return this.source().same(cNode);
for (var index = 0; index < nextNodes.length; ++index){
var nNode = nextNodes[index];
(function(currentNode, x, copyNode, nextNode){
if(nextNode != null && x != 0 && visitedMap[nextNode.data('id')] < 1){
//console.log('currentNode: ' + currentNode.data('id')+ ', x: ' + x + ', nextNode: ' + nextNode.data('id'));
var position = nextNode.renderedPosition();
nextNode.delay(delay, function(){
nextNode.style("visibility", "visible");
}).animate( {
renderedPosition: position //to this position
}, {
duration: duration,
complete: function(){/*do nothiing*/}
}else if (nextNode != null && visitedMap[nextNode.data('id')] < 1){
var position = nextNode.renderedPosition();
nextNode.delay(delay, function(){
currentNode.style("visibility", "visible"); //show the root node
nextNode.style('visibility', 'visible');
}).animate( {
renderedPosition: position,//to this position
}, {
duration: duration,
complete: function(){/*do nothing*/}
delay += duration;
})(cNode, i, nodesCopy[i], nNode);
} //end inner for, iterates through children nodes
} // end of outter for, iterates through all nodes
2016-12-14 08:01:35
これは意味があります、私はそれを打つつもりです – Boo