2012-01-09 7 views



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<h3>The Incandescent Light Bulb Lives!</h3> 
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{audio}Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny ||http://mikesmith.com/mikes_audio/Dec_2011/20111219_church__sponsored.mp3{/audio} 

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2011 Mike Smith 

Hey folks, its Mike Mike Smith with today's update. 

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The incandescent lightbulb is back, it is legal and the ban, set to begin on January 1, 2012 has been repealed. That is the news across the wires today but it is only partially true. The Republicans in the house stuffed a provision in the $1 Trillion omnibus spending bill that prevents the Department of Energy from spending any money to enforce the ban which is still on the books. This begs the question for conservatives to answer: if Congress can forbid and or defund unconstitutional activities that regulatory agencies are making (like enforcing light bulb bans) then why cant the same Congress just un-fund enforcement of say The Endangered Species Act or the equally nefarious activities of the NLRB?Why couldnt Congress not fund ObamaCare? Why couldnt Congress un fund GM or AIG or bailouts to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The answer is of course, Congress CAN ban those expenditures or just not fund them but this would take political courage and outside of standing shoulder to shoulder with Tom Edison what courage have we seen from them? The same can be said of almost any agency or activity that federal regulators are engaging in and people are demanding relief from. This seems like a perfect way to teach some constitutionalism to new members AND to secure Congressional conservatives budget cutter bonafides too but alas, the light bulb act seems to be a loss leader for censuring big government by starving it of funds. 

The next time you hear rigorous debate about how best to minimize the impact that the Feds have in say our public schools remember that their activity is funded by the Congress that proved it does not have to spend a dime on anything it does not want to including other bright ideas like studying monkeys high on the DEAs cocaine. Now who is the dim bulb that appropriated funds for that!? 



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ちょうど、すべてのレコードを読み込むPHPスクリプトを書くすべての置換を行うと、バックレコードを書き込みます。 **特に**の質問がありますか?これはQ/Aよりもむしろフリーランスの求人サイトに適しているようです。 –


私の特に質問は、複数の置換を処理するPHP関数(またはmysqlコマンド)を作成する方法です。なぜあなたは職場を提案していますか?私はこれがどのように行われるのかを理解するために探しています。私は自分自身で表現を書くことができることに言及する必要があります。 –


さて、私の答えはあなたにとって十分ではありませんか? –




は(完全なコードのために、いくつかのフリーランスの仕事の現場に問い合わせる方が良いでしょう)PHPスクリプトは次の擬似コードを実装して書き込みを行うことができる方法ですすべてのレコードを反復クエリSELECT fields to replace FROM table

while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { 
    $data = $row['field']; 
    $data = preg_replace('pattern','replace', $data); 
    $data = preg_replace('pattern','replace', $data); 
    $data = preg_replace('pattern','replace', $data); 
    // and so on, whaever replacements you need. 

    // same goes for the other fields, if any: 
    $data1 = $row['field1']; 
    $data1 = preg_replace('pattern','replace', $data1); 
    $data1 = preg_replace('pattern','replace', $data1); 

    //and finally, by having all your replacements done, run an UPDATE query 

    $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data); 
    $data1 = mysql_real_escape_string($data1); 
    $sql = "UPDATE table SET field='$data', field1='$data1' WHERE id=".$row['id']; 
    mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error(mysql_error()." ".$sql); 


UPDATE `table` SET `column` = REPLACE(`column`,'{audio}Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny ||http://mikesmith.com/mikes_audio/Dec_2011/20111219_church__sponsored.mp3{/audio}','') 
WHERE `column` LIKE '%{audio}Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny ||http://mikesmith.com/mikes_audio/Dec_2011/20111219_church__sponsored.mp3{/audio}%'; 
UPDATE `table` SET `column` = REPLACE(`column`,'BAD TEXT','') 
WHERE `column` LIKE '%BAD TEXT%'); 


