これは非常にきれいではありませんが、基本機能に固執しました。 これはa[,4] == "b"
a <- data.frame(matrix(1:36,ncol=3),rbind(as.matrix(rep('a',each=10)),as.matrix(rep('b', each=2))))
names(a) <- c("X1","X2","X3","X4")
b <- 5
a2 <- data.frame()
for (i in b){
draw <- sample(1:nrow(a),b-1,replace = F) # draw a sample of size b-1
a2<- a[draw,] # store rows in a2
a3<- a[-draw,] # store rest in a3
if(sum(a2[,4]=="b") == 0){ # if a2 has no "b" in column 4
# draw 1 value from rownames containing "b" in fourth column and append to draw, store in draw2
draw2 <- c(draw,sample(rownames(a[which(a$X4=="b"),]),1,replace = F))
# else draw one random row from rownames not in a but not in a2
if(sum(a2[,4]=="a") == 0){ # if a2 has no "a" in column 4
# draw 1 value from rownames containing "a" in fourth column and append to draw, store in draw2
draw2 <- c(draw,sample(rownames(a[which(a$X4=="a"),]),1,replace = F))
# else draw one random row from rownames not in a but not in a2
else {draw2 <- c(draw,sample(rownames(a3),1,replace = F))}}
a2<- a[draw2,] # pick these rows
重層サンプリング:各サブサンプルを別々に選択して、いくつかのルール(例えば、90%グループaと10%グループb)に従って選択する。 – lmo
そして、サンプリングパッケージ内の関数階層から層別サンプリングを得ることができます – G5W