:[1 2 3]
が3x² + 2x + 1
[[3 1 1 4] [2 1 3 2] [1 0 3 1] [1]]
int main()
ZZ_p::init(ZZ(5)); // define GF(5)
ZZ_pX P;
BuildIrred(P, 4); // generate an irreducible polynomial P
// of degree 4 over GF(5)
ZZ_pE::init(P); // define GF(5^4)
ZZ_pEX f, g, h; // declare polynomials over GF(5^4)
random(f, 3); // f is a random, monic polynomial of degree 3
SetCoeff(f, 3);
cout << f << endl<< endl;
の多項式であることの後にこれがないC –