私はMac Mouse/Trackpad Speed Programmaticallyを見ましたが、この関数は推奨されていません。
私はMac Mouse/Trackpad Speed Programmaticallyを見ましたが、この関数は推奨されていません。
CGDisplayHideCursor (kCGNullDirectDisplay);
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (false);
// ... handle events, move cursor by some scalar of the mouse movement
// ... using CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint (kCGDirectMainDisplay, ...);
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (true);
CGDisplayShowCursor (kCGNullDirectDisplay);
ここseths answerのおかげで、基本的な作業コードです:
var shiftPressed = false {
didSet {
if oldValue != shiftPressed {
// disassociate the mouse position if the user is holding shift and associate it if not
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(boolean_t(truncating: !shiftPressed as NSNumber));
// listen for when the mouse moves
localMouseMonitor = NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: [.mouseMoved]) { (event: NSEvent) in
self.updateMouse(eventDeltaX: event.deltaX, eventDeltaY: event.deltaY)
return event
func updateMouse(eventDeltaX: CGFloat, eventDeltaY: CGFloat) {
let mouseLoc = NSEvent.mouseLocation
var x = mouseLoc.x, y = mouseLoc.y
// slow the mouse speed when shift is pressed
if shiftPressed {
let speed: CGFloat = 0.1
// set the x and y based off a percentage of the mouse delta
x = lastX + (eventDeltaX * speed)
y = lastY - (eventDeltaY * speed)
// move the mouse to the new position
CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(CGMainDisplayID(), carbonPoint(from: NSPoint(x: x, y: y)));
lastX = x
lastY = y
私はこの記事の承知しているが、彼らは推奨されないAPI使用している:[Macのマウス/トラックパッドの速度をプログラムで](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10448843/mac-mouse-trackpad-speed-programmatically) – fuzzyCap