2012-03-11 14 views

この16進ランダム化関数が新しい色を生成するために値(var hex)を渡すことに問題があります。私はまだイベントハンドラーでは良くないので、どんな助けも本当に感謝しています。事前に感謝:)ランダムヘックスカラージェネレーター+ RGBスライダーjquery

<div id="backgroundColor" style="background:#EEE8CD;"> 
    <span class="wrap_red"><input class="r ch" type="range" min="0" max="255" /></span> 
    <input type="number" min="0" max="255" /> 
    <span class="wrap_green"><input class="g ch" type="range" min="0" max="255" /></span> 
    <input type="number" min="0" max="255" /> 
    <span class="wrap_blue"><input class="b ch" type="range" min="0" max="255" /></span> 
    <input type="number" min="0" max="255" /> 
    <table id="tableRGB"> 
      <strong>RGB: </strong>#<span class="result">567890</span> 
      <strong> Hexadecimal: </strong>#<input type="number"> 
    <button type="button" id="button" onclick="click();">Generate</button> 

$(document).ready(function() { 
    var Color = { 
    defaults: { 
    // Predefined hex codes that cant be used as random colors 
    // All must be prefixed with the '#' indicator 
    predef: [], 

    // Maximum & Minimum random range values 
    rangeMax: 255, 
    rangeMin: 0, 

    // Upper and lower level values that must be 
    // passed for random color acceptance 
    // By setting levelUp: 200, levelDown: 100; Neutral 
    // colors like White, Gray, and Black can be somewhat weeded 
    // out and your random colors will be full spectrum based. 
    // Note*: Doing so increases likely hood of recursion 
    levelUp: -1, 
    levelDown: 256, 

    // Recursion handlers 
    recursionLimit: 15, 
    recursion: function() { 
     throw 'Recursion Error in Random Color Generator, ' + 
      'too many tries on finding random color, ' + 
      '[Limit ' + this.recursionLimit + ']'; 

// Caching of random colors 
stack: {}, 

// Returns a random color in hex code form, and caches 
// find in the stack. 

rand: function() { 
    var defaults = this.defaults; 
    return defaults.rangeMin + Math.floor(Math.random()*(defaults.rangeMax+1)); 
random: function (i) { 
    var self = this, 
     defaults = self.defaults, 
     r = self.rand(), 
     g = self.rand(), 
     b = self.rand(), 
     hex = self.rgb2hex(r, g, b), 
     levels = true; 

    // Check for recursion 
    if (i === undefined || typeof i !== 'number') i = 0; 
    else if (i++ > defaults.recursionLimit) return defaults.recursion(); 

    // Color already used, try another one 
    if (self.stack[hex]) hex = self.random(i); 

    // Ensure one of the vals is above levelUp and another is below levelDown 
    // Check defaults comments for better understanding 
    levels = !!(
     (r > defaults.levelUp || g > defaults.levelUp || b > defaults.levelUp) && 
     (r < defaults.levelDown || g < defaults.levelDown || b < defaults.levelDown) 
    if (! levels) hex = self.random(i); 

    // Store on stack to help prevent repeat 
    self.stack[hex] = [r,g,b]; 

    // Return hex code in # 
    return hex; 

// Returns hex code 
rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) { 
    var str = 'ABCDEF'; 
    return '#' + [ 
     str.charAt((r - r % 16)/16) + str.charAt(r % 16), 
     str.charAt((g - g % 16)/16) + str.charAt(g % 16), 
     str.charAt((b - b % 16)/16) + str.charAt(b % 16) 

// Returns in array form [red, green, blue] 
hex2rgb: function (hex) { 
    if (hex.substr(0,1) === '#') 
     hex = hex.substr(1); 

    // Use the stack if possible to reduce processing 
    return this.stack['#' + hex] ? this.stack['#' + hex] : 
     hex.length === 6 ? [ 
      parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16), 
      parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16), 
      parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16) 
     ] : hex.length === 3 ? [ 
      parseInt(hex.substr(0, 1), 16), 
      parseInt(hex.substr(1, 1), 16), 
      parseInt(hex.substr(2, 1), 16) 
     ] : []; 
//Random color generator button 
$('#generate').click(function() { 
    $('div').each(function() { 
     var th = $(this); 
     hex = th.css('backgroundColor'); 
     rgb = hex.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); 
     var red = rgb[1]; 
     var green = rgb[2]; 
     var blue = rgb[3]; 


     $('input').bind('change keyup click', function() { 
      if ($(this).hasClass('ch')) { 
      else { 
       if ($(this).val() > 255) 
       if ($(this).val() < 0) 

      r = parseInt(th.find('.r').val()).toString(16); 
      if (r.length == 1) 
       r = '0' + r; 

      g = parseInt(th.find('.g').val()).toString(16); 
      if (g.length == 1) 
       g = '0' + g; 

      b = parseInt(th.find('.b').val()).toString(16); 
      if (b.length == 1) 
       b = '0' + b; 

      x = r + g + b; 

      th.css('backgroundColor', '#' + x); 



「何が間違っているのですか」「うまくいきませんか」 –


残念ながら、それは動作しません。 – dgills


私はhtmlを追加します – dgills



スターターはあなたのonclick="click()"が非必要である、あなたは$('#button').click(function(){/*do stuff*/})$('#button').click(function_name)のようなものをキャプチャするためにjQueryの.click()を使用することができるために、あなたは束を持っていますjslintまたはjshintのエラーが表示される場合は、表示されるエラーは次のとおりです。

Error: Problem at line 51 character 51: Expected '{' and instead saw 'i'. if (i === undefined || typeof i !== 'number') i = 0;

Problem at line 52 character 45: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. else if (i++ > defaults.recursionLimit) return defaults.recursion();

Problem at line 55 character 26: Expected '{' and instead saw 'hex'. if (self.stack[hex]) hex = self.random(i);

Problem at line 63 character 19: Expected '{' and instead saw 'hex'. if (! levels) hex = self.random(i);

Problem at line 74 character 1: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 2 and instead saw 'rgb2hex'. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 8: Missing semicolon. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 8: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 1 and instead saw ':'. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 10: Expected ')' and instead saw 'function'. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 26: Missing semicolon. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 27: Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block. rgb2hex: function (r,g,b) {

Problem at line 74 character 27: Stopping, unable to continue. (50% scanned). Implied global: $ 1, r 74, g 74, b 74 Unused variable: Color 1 "ready"