Sub Counter() 'Name and start of script
For j = 0 To 200 Step 1 'Start of For loop setting j to equal a count from 0 to 2400
Range("A1").Value = j 'Place the value of j into cell A1
For c = 1 To 2500000 'Set a new variable called c and count from 0 to a value, this acts to slow down j's count else the animation would not be very long. Increasing this number will slow down the simulation and decreasing will speed it up
Next 'Move onto the next event
DoEvents 'Tells excel to do the For loop
Next 'Move onto the next event
End Sub
アニメーショングラフを高速に実行できないようにするには、時間が無駄になります。これはコンピュータの速度に大きく依存します。 (古いコンピュータのほうが少ない)
「スリープ」の候補のように聞こえます – Winterknell