すべてのファミリ関数を削除して表示するには、疑似コードの助けが必要です。 これは、(1)家族を追加する(1または2の親と0以上の子供を持つ)2)姓でファミリーを削除する(3)姓で検索するファミリーを表示する、および(4)すべてのファミリーのリストを表示すること。ご意見やご提案ありがとうございます!ここ は、私が持っているものです。配列とベクトルの操作
using namespace std;
struct Person{
char* FN; char* LN; int age;
class Family {
char* name;
Person parent[2];
Person children[10];
void setName(char* n);
char * getName();
void setParent(char FN[], char LN[], int a, int i);
void setChildren(char FN[], char LN[], int a, int i);
void Family::setName(char n[]){
name = n;
char* Family::getName(){
return name;
void Family::setParent(char FN[], char LN[], int a, int i){
parent[i].FN = FN;
parent[i].LN = LN;
parent[i].age = a;
void Family::setChildren(char FN[], char LN[], int a, int i){
children[i].FN = FN;
children[i].LN = LN;
children[i].age = a;
char printMenu();
void addFamily(std::list<Family*> list);
void printAll(std::list<Family*> list);
void prinFamily(std::list<Family*> list,char * n);
void deleteFamily(std::list<Family*> list,char * n);
void printMenu();
int getInput();
int main()
vector<Family*> mylist;
bool fin = false;
int selection;
selection = getInput();
switch (selection)
case 1:
case 2:
char* name;
cout << "Enter the Name to Delete: ";
cin >> name;
deleteFamily(myList, name);
case 3:
char* name;
cout << "Enter Family Last name: ";
cin >> name;
printFamily(mylist, name);
case 4:
case 5:
if (!myList.empty())
cout << myList[0].getName() << " says bye!\n";
fin = true;
return 0;
void printAll(vector<Family*> list) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++)
cout << "\nFamily #: " << i;
cout << "\nName: " << myList[i].getName();
cout << "\nAge: " << myList[i].getAge() << endl << endl;
void printFamily(vector <Family*> list, char * n) {
cout << "Name: " << (*it)->getName() << endl;
//if wrong name
cout << "Not found" << endl;
void deleteFamily(vector <Family*> list, char * n) {
myList.erase(myList.begin() + name);
cout << "Not found" << endl;
void addFamily(vector <Family*> list) {
Person* p = new Person;
Family* f = new Family;
char* name;
int numOfP;
cout << "Enter Name :";
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter Number of Parent :";
cin >> numOfP;
for (int i = 0;i<numOfP;i++) {
char* fname;
char* lname;
int age;
cout << "Enter Parent First Name :";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Enter Parent Last Name :";
cin >> lname;
cout << "Enter Parent Age :";
cin >> age;
f->setParent(fname, lname, age, i);
cout << "Enter Number of Child :";
cin >> numOfP;
for (int i = 0;i<numOfP;i++) {
char* fname;
char* lname;
int age;
cout << "Enter Child First Name :";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Enter Child Last Name :";
cin >> lname;
cout << "Enter Child Age :";
cin >> age;
f->setChildren(fname, lname, age, i);
myList.push_back(f); //not sure if this is right
void printMenu() {
cout << "\n 1.Add Family " << endl;
cout << " 2. Delete Family By Last Name " << endl;
cout << " 3. Display Families " << endl;
cout << " 4. Display All Famillies " << endl;
cout << " 5. Quit" << endl;
int getInput()
int choice;
cout << "\nEnter a number to select an option. \n";
cin >> choice;
return choice;
あなたは[std :: vector](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector)を検討しましたか? –