2016-07-31 8 views


    "id": 0, 
    "name": "UserManagement", 
    "parent": "modules", 
    "grandpa": "non", 
    "viewname": "User Management", 
    "level": "module", 
    "template": "UserManagement", 
    "keywords": "user management users manager managing ", 
    "description": "module UserManagement My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all . Stephen Hawking", 
    "partitions": { 

    "id": 1, 
    "name": "UsersRoles", 
    "viewname": "Users Roles", 
    "level": "partition", 
    "parent": "UserManagement", 
    "grandpa": "modules", 
    "template": "UsersRoles", 
    "keywords": "users roles accounts ", 
    "description": "partition UsersRoles The black hole information paradox is a puzzle resulting from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity", 
    "usecases": { 

    "id": 2, 
    "name": "Login", 
    "viewname": "Log in", 
    "level": "usecase", 
    "parent": "UsersRoles", 
    "grandpa": "UserManagement", 
    "template": "Login", 
    "keywords": "log in", 
    "description": " usecase login black hole information paradox" 
    "id": 3, 
    "name": "EditProfile", 
    "viewname": "Edit Profile", 
    "level": "usecase", 
    "parent": "UsersRoles", 
    "grandpa": "UserManagement", 
    "template": "EditProfile", 
    "keywords": "edit profile", 
    "description": "usecase editprofile black hole information paradox" 
    "id": 7, 
    "name": "Accounting", 
    "parent": "modules", 
    "grandpa": "non", 
    "viewname": "Accounting", 
    "level": "module", 
    "template": "Accounting", 
    "keywords": "accounts", 
    "description": "module accounting My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all . Stephen Hawking", 
    "partitions": {       
    "id": 10, 
    "name": "NewFiscalRecord", 
    "viewname": "New Fiscal Record", 
    "level": "usecase", 
    "parent": "AccountsAndFiscalRecords", 
    "grandpa": "Accounting", 
    "template": "NewFiscalRecord", 
    "keywords": "NewFiscalRecord", 
    "description": "usecase new fiscal record" 
    "id": 11, 
    "name": "FiscalReports", 
    "viewname": "Fiscal Reports", 
    "level": "partition", 
    "parent": "Accounting", 
    "grandpa": "modules", 
    "template": "FiscalReports", 
    "keywords": "FiscalReports", 
    "description": "partition Fiscal Reports", 
    "usecases": { 

] と「おじいちゃん」と「親」の性質によって結果をグループ化するために、私はlodashを使用しました。次のようにJS:

var nest = function (seq, keys) { 
     if (!keys.length) 
      return seq; 
     var first = keys[0]; 
     var rest = keys.slice(1); 
     return _.mapValues(_.groupBy(seq, first), function (value) { 
      return nest(value, rest) 
var nested = nest(result, ['grandpa','parent']);    

とリターンngのリピート内のビューに「ネストされた」は、 は、「ネストされた」何searchFor「フィルタリターンです:

<div ng-repeat="node in filteredModules = (modules | searchFor:searchString track by $index">  


Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":119,"oldVal":115}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":123,"oldVal":119}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":127,"oldVal":123}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":131,"oldVal":127}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":135,"oldVal":131}]]

注:私は、データをグループ化することなく、ビューに結果を返すとき、それは問題ありません。ビューで表示せずにコンソールに「入れ子になった」と印刷すると、うまく動作し、エラーが発生しません。 ここで詳細を説明しようとしています:https://jsfiddle.net/qw332bkc/






が発生しましたコントローラ内でフィルタリング関数を作成することであり、その関数はトリガされるたびにソートされた配列を$ scopeに割り当てます。次に、ng-repeatからこの配列全体を繰り返します。


The problem is that you're creating a new array each time, so it's something new that angular needs to track. As far as I can tell, ng-repeat runs, then immediately checks its collection again to see if anything changed in that cycle. Because the function returns a new array, that is perceived as a change.

AngularJS InfDig error (infinite loop) with ng-repeat function that returns array of objects


さて、あなたはエラーが発生し、原因何のための任意の説明がありますか? @JRoller –


@HalaElBarchahこのエラーの理由を説明する私の編集をご覧ください – Shizzle


は、複雑な角度表現をデバッグしようとするとうまくいっていませんが、javascriptでロジックを実行し、できるだけ単純なng-repeat – Aprillion
