2017-02-25 40 views

私はプレーヤーのビンゴカードをランダムに選択する数字に対してチェックするスクリプトを構築しています。私はテストするまで十分な論理を持っていると思った。 注文に関係なくソリューションが有効かどうかを確認するにはどうすればよいですか?以下のは私の大きなプログラムのロジックチャンクです。ビンゴのゲームロジックをPythonで

 chosennumbers = ['B8', 'O69', 'I27', 'G56'] 

    jordonsboard = ['B8', 'I18', 'N38', 'G47', 'O66', 
        'B10', 'I27', 'N44', 'G53', 'O71', 
        'B3', 'I19', 'fre', 'G48', 'O67', 
        'B4', 'I25', 'N39', 'G56', 'O65', 
        'B9', 'I30', 'N34', 'G58', 'O69'] 
    hitnodes = [12] # this list houses hits on your board added 12 because its a free space 
    win = False 
    iterator = 0 
    for i in chosennumbers: 
     if i in jordonsboard: 
     iterator += 1 

if 0 in hitnodes: 
    if 6 in hitnodes: 
     if 12 in hitnodes: 
      if 18 in hitnodes: 
       if 24 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 
    elif 2 in hitnodes: 
     if 3 in hitnodes: 
      if 4 in hitnodes: 
       win = True 
    elif 5 in hitnodes: 
     if 10 in hitnodes: 
      if 15 in hitnodes: 
       if 20 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 
if 1 in hitnodes: 
    if 6 in hitnodes: 
     if 11 in hitnodes: 
      if 16 in hitnodes: 
       if 21 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 
if 2 in hitnodes: 
    if 7 in hitnodes: 
     if 12 in hitnodes: 
      if 17 in hitnodes: 
       if 22 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 
if 3 in hitnodes: 
    if 8 in hitnodes: 
     if 13 in hitnodes: 
      if 18 in hitnodes: 
       if 23 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 
if 4 in hitnodes: 
    if 8 in hitnodes: 
     if 16 in hitnodes: 
      if 20 in hitnodes: 
       win = True 
    elif 9 in hitnodes: 
     if 14 in hitnodes: 
      if 19 in hitnodes: 
       if 24 in hitnodes: 
        win = True 




my_set = {0, 6, 12, 18, 24} 

if my_set.intersection(hitnodes) == my_set: 
    # do stuff 

私は交差点が存在するとは思わなかった。ありがとう – M4dW0r1d



> import urllib.request import urllib.parse import re import collections 
> url = 
> 'http://www.executiveadministrator.com/cgi-local/inoutPROhosted4/inoutPRO.pl?refresh=1&ID=AFTCO' 
> #testlist = ['B9,','B8,','B3,','B4,'] counter = 0 #inicialize counter hitlist = [] #inicialize hitlist 
> board = ['B8,', 'I18,', 'N38,', 'G47,', 'O66,', 
>   'B10,','I27,', 'N44,', 'G53,', 'O71,', 
>   'B3,', 'I19,', 'fre,', 'G48,', 'O67,', 
>   'B4,', 'I25,', 'N39,', 'G56,', 'O65,', 
>   'B9,', 'I30,', 'N34,', 'G58,', 'O69,'] 
> resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url) #request html data from website 
> respdata = resp.read() #store request data in respdata 
> string = '<TEXTAREA ROWS="2" NAME="1 ANNOUNCEMENTS-return" COLS="50" 
> WRAP=VIRTUAL>(.*?)</TEXTAREA>'#search within text area for bingo 
> numbers search = re.findall(string, str(respdata)) #find all between 
> <b> and </b> searchstring = str(search) #convert search results to 
> string and assign cleanlist = searchstring.split() #split seachstring 
> to a cleaned up list cleanlist.append('fre,') #add free space 
> solutions = 
> [(0,6,12,18,24),(4,8,12,16,20),(0,5,10,15,20),(1,6,11,16,21), 
>    (2,7,12,17,22),(3,8,13,18,23),(4,9,14,19,24),(0,1,2,3,4), 
>     (5,6,7,8,9),(10,11,12,13,14),(15,16,17,18,19),(20,21,22,23,24)] 
> for i in board: #for each item in board 
>  for j in cleanlist: #and for each item in cleanlist 
>   if i == j: #check to see if they match append match 
>    hitlist.append(counter)#add hit number to hitlist 
>    print('hit: {} at space: {}'.format(i, counter)) 
>  counter += 1 
> #check each possible solution against current hit list for each in solutions: #for each item in solutions 
>  if collections.Counter(hitlist) == collections.Counter(each): #check to see if all items match 
>   print('BINGO') 