2017-07-14 9 views

Eclipse Neon、Apache Tomcat 6、Apache ODE 1.3.6およびJava 8を使用しています。Java 8はEclipseのJavaパースペクティブで正常に動作しています。Apache ODEでEclipseでBPELプロジェクトを実行しているときにHTTPエラー500が発生する




Problem accessing /wse/wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp. Reason: 

    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6033: Error in Javac compilation for JSP 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.util.Enumeration cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.lang.String cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.lang.Throwable cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.io.IOException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.lang.Exception cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.util.List cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
Only a type can be imported. java.util.Enumeration resolves to a package 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The hierarchy of the type wsexplorer_jsp is inconsistent 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The hierarchy of the type wsexplorer_jsp is inconsistent 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type wsexplorer_jsp must implement the inherited abstract method JspSourceDependent.getDependants() 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
Implicit super constructor Object() is undefined for default constructor. Must define an explicit constructor 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
Enumeration cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getParameterNames() from the type ServletRequest refers to the missing type Enumeration 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 36 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getContextPath() from the type HttpServletRequest refers to the missing type String 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
java.util.List cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
java.util.List cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
_jspx_dependants cannot be resolved to a variable 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
java.io.IOException cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
No exception of type ServletException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
Object cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method setContentType(String) from the type ServletResponse refers to the missing type String 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getPageContext(Servlet, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, String, boolean, int, boolean) from the type JspFactory refers to the missing type String 

PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getAttribute(String) from the type ServletContext refers to the missing type Object 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.io.Writer cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The type java.util.Locale cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getLocale() from the type ServletResponse refers to the missing type Locale 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 23 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getId() from the type HttpSession refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 34 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 34 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 35 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getAttribute(String, int) from the type JspContext refers to the missing type Object 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 35 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method setAttribute(String, Object, int) from the type JspContext refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 35 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 35 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 69 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 69 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 70 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 70 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 71 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 71 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 72 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getSessionId() from the type Controller refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 72 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 72 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 86 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 86 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 87 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method include(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, String, JspWriter, boolean) from the type JspRuntimeLibrary refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 87 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 87 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 88 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getMessage(String) from the type MessageProvider refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 88 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 88 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 93 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 93 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 94 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 94 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 94 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 95 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 95 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 95 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getMessage(String) from the type MessageProvider refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 95 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 95 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getMessage(String) from the type MessageProvider refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getPathWithContext(String) from the type Controller refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
String cannot be resolved to a type 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getMessage(String) from the type MessageProvider refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method getPathWithContext(String) from the type Controller refers to the missing type String 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

PWC6197: An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file: /wsexplorer/wsexplorer.jsp 
PWC6199: Generated servlet error: 
The method write(String) is undefined for the type JspWriter 

Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.9.v20160517 



私は個人的には通常、ODEのEclipseベースのデプロイメントは行っていません。手動で行う方が常に良いです。とにかく、ODE 1.3.7は数日前にリリースされています。だから、Eclipse Neonとの統合をチェックアウトしたかったのです。 環境:Linux:Kubuntu 17.04、jdk1.8.0_92、Eclipse Neon、ODE 1.3.7 war、Tomcat 8.5.16。

  • Installed JREs - > runtime locationがJREディレクトリではなくJDKインストールディレクトリを指していることを確認してください。
  • tomcat 8.5.16にODE戦争を展開する
  • eclipseで、あなたが参照しているビデオで説明されているように、ODEランタイムサーバーを追加します。
  • eclipseのサーバービューで、追加したばかりのodeサーバーで「ダブルクリック」します。それは設定エディタを開き、青色の "Open Launch Configuration"を探してそれをクリックします。
  • 起動エディタが開き、クラスパスメニューのタブに移動します。 "Add Jars"ボタンをクリックし、tomcatのbinディレクトリに移動して、bootstrap.jarとtomcat-juli.jarを探します。それらを選択し、クラスパスエントリに追加して保存します。
  • bpelプロジェクトを展開するには、ビデオに示されている手順に従ってください。
  • Webサービステストエディタを開き、リクエストを発行します。

ODE 1.3.7には新しいAngularJSベースのWebコンソールがあります。 ハッピーODEing :)

