主な問題は、私はかなりadd_node関数から来ていると思いますが、私はそれを変更することはできません。 (減算クラスオプションがありますが、関連性がないので機能を省略しました)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
struct ToDoList
std::string start_time;
std::string activity_name;
int time_for_activity;
ToDoList *next;
void add_node(ToDoList * & head, std::string start, std::string activity,int time)
ToDoList* temp;
head = new ToDoList;
temp = new ToDoList;
head-> start_time = start;
head-> activity_name = activity;
head-> time_for_activity = time;
head-> next = head;
head = temp;
temp = temp->next;
}//in theory this should add another node to the list but it isn't working
int main()
int ans, i = 0;
std::string start;
std::string activity;
int time;
ToDoList* head;
ToDoList* a;
std::cout << "Enter the start time in HH:MM am format: ";
std::getline(std::cin, start);
std::cout << "Enter the activity name: ";
std::getline(std::cin, activity);
std::cout << "Enter the time for the activity: ";
std::cin >> time;
//~ add_node(head);
std::cout << "\nWelcome to the Linked list menu! What would you like to do? \n0 Add a Node \n1 Display the list \n2 Delete a node \n3 Quit \n";
std::cin >> ans;
while(ans != 3)//This should print all the values in the list
if(ans == 0)
std::cout << "Enter the start time in HH:MM am format: ";
std::getline(std::cin, start);
std::cout << "Enter the activity name: ";
std::getline(std::cin, activity);
std::cout << "Enter the time for the activity: ";
std::cin >> time;
else if(ans == 1)
a = new ToDoList;//creates new pointer for while loop
a = head;
while(a != NULL)//loop used for printing
std::cout << i << " " << a->start_time << " " << a->activity_name << " " << a->time_for_activity << "\n";
a = a -> next;
i = 0;//resets integer i
std::cout << "\nWelcome to the Linked list menu! What would you like to do? \n0 Add a Node \n1 Display the list \n2 Delete a node \n3 Quit \n";
std::cin >> ans;
return 0;
Enter the start time in HH:MM am format: 10:00 am
Enter the activity name: Office Hours
Enter the time for the activity: 30
Welcome to the Linked list menu! What would you like to do?
0 Add a Node
1 Display the list
2 Delete a node
3 Quit
Enter the start time in HH:MM am format: 11:00 am
Enter the activity name: Lunch
Enter the time for the activity: 60
Welcome to the Linked list menu! What would you like to do?
0 Add a Node
1 Display the list
2 Delete a node
3 Quit
0 0
チュートリアル[here](http://pastebin.com/DXunz58Q) – sp2danny