2017-10-22 10 views




void RemOddDupEven(Node*& headPtr) 
Node *cur = headPtr; // current node is set to head 
Node *pred = 0;  // predecessor is NULL 

if(headPtr == 0)  // check for empty list. 

// ensures will only run 1 time if there is 1 item in list. 

while(cur != 0 && headPtr -> link != 0) // ensure there is a next link and more than 1 node in list. 

if(cur -> data % 2 == 0)   // If the value is even 
    Node *newNode = new Node;   // Create a new node 
    newNode -> data = cur -> data; // Set new Nodes data field 
    newNode -> link = 0;    // set newNode link field to NULL 

    if(cur == headPtr)    // if the current node is the head of the list 
    newNode -> link = headPtr;  // link field updated to head 
    headPtr = newNode;    // newNode becomes the new Head of the list 
     else       // current node is not the head of the list 
     pred -> link = newNode;  // update pred node to point to newNode 
     newNode -> link = cur;  // update newNode to point to current 

    pred = cur;      // update the pred node 
    cur = cur -> link;    // update the current node 

    if(cur -> data % 2 == 1)    // check if this is odd 
    Node* nextNode = 0;    // Declare Next Node and set equal to 

    if(cur -> link == 0)    // if there is no next Node then we are at the end of the list 
     delete cur;      // delete the current Node 
     cur = nextNode; 
     else{        // else there is a next node defined 
     nextNode = cur -> link;   // set the nextNode to point to next in list 
     delete cur;      // delete the current Node 
     cur = nextNode;     // assign the current Node to the next Node 

    if(pred)       // if the pred is defined 
    pred -> link = cur;    // previous node point to current node 
     headPtr = cur;     // else we're at the head of the list 
    } // end while 
}  // end method 

int listLength(Node* headPtr){ // pass by value 
    int length = 0; 

    while(headPtr !=0){ 

    return length; 

この問題の原因を見つけるには、デバッガを使用する必要があります。 – aschepler


while(cur != 0 && headPtr -> link != 0) 


My機能が一覧表示機能のための私のコードですheadPtr - > linkは実際にはnullを指しているので、それをチェックすることはそのケースを説明する最良の方法ではありません。あなたは単純なelse if()をロジックに適用することができます

if(headPtr == 0)  // check for empty list. 

    else if(headPtr -> link == NULL){ 
     // Do some stuff to delete only this node 

    else { // handle as usual 
    // ensures will only run 1 time if there is 1 item in list. 

    while(cur != 0 && headPtr -> link != NULL) // ensure there is a next link and more than 1 node in list. 
     // The rest of your code 

ありがとう!これは私の問題を解決しました! – Sap163


問題が解決した場合は、緑色のチェックマークをクリックして回答を受け入れてください。問題が解決します – Callat
