1つのシート(DataWS)のすべての行をループし、文字列が見つからない場合は他のシートを使用してコードを検索しますエラーが発生した場所に移動するコード。したがって、ワークシート上にパーツが見つからない場合は、(どこかに)移動します。 ワークシート上で文字列が見つかった場合は、DataWSが更新されます。または、コード内の変数が後で使用され、他のシートで見つかった行を参照します。オブジェクト変数またはブロック変数が設定されていません。エラーが発生しました。
Sub MM011_to_Data()
Dim Dlr As Long, Dlc As Long, x As Long
Dim DataWS As String, MMWS As String, OmitWS As String
On Error GoTo DataSheetInvalid
DataWS = Sheets("Data").Name
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo MM011SheetInvalid
MMWS = Sheets("MM011").Name
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo OmitSheetInvalid
OmitWS = Sheets("Omit Parts").Name
On Error GoTo 0
'********************BELOW ARE VARIABLES IN THE DATA SHEET********************
Dim DStatuscol As Integer, DSupplySourcecol As Integer, DPOcol As Integer, DPOIcol As Integer, DPRcol As Integer
Dim DPLOcol As Integer, DWillShipcol As Integer, DSOLIcol As Integer, DRelPNcol As Integer
DStatuscol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("Status", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DSupplySourcecol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("Supply Source", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DPOcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("PO#", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DPOIcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("PO Item", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DPRcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("PR#", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DPLOcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("PLO", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DWillShipcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("Will Ship", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DSOLIcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("CC SO/LI", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
DRelPNcol = Sheets(DataWS).Rows(1).Find("RELEASED PN", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
'********************BELOW ARE VARIABLES IN THE MM011 SHEET********************
Dim MMSupplySourcecol As Integer, MMInvcol As Integer, MMPOcol As Integer, MMPOIcol As Integer, MMPLOcol As Integer, MMPRcol As Integer
Dim MMPOShipDatecol As Integer, MMStatuscol As Integer, MMPNConcatcol As Integer
MMPNConcatcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("PN Concatenate", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMSupplySourcecol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("Supply Source", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMInvcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("Inventory Qty", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMPOcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("PO Number", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMPOIcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("PO Item", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMPLOcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("Supply Work Order", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMPRcol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("Requisition Number", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
MMPOShipDatecol = Sheets(MMWS).Rows(1).Find("Supply Delivery Calendar Date", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
'********************BELOW ARE THE VARIABLES IN THE OMIT SHEET********************
Dim OPNcol As Integer, OPNrow As Long
OPNcol = Sheets(OmitWS).Rows(1).Find("Part Number", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
'********************LOOP TO UPDATE THE DATA SHEET********************
Dim DConcatPNSO As String, MMConcatrow As String
Dim SupplySource As String, PO_Number As String, PO_Item As String, PLO_WO As String, Requisition_Number As String, Supply_Del_Date As String
Dim DPartNumber As String
Dlr = Sheets(DataWS).Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dlc = Sheets(DataWS).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For x = 2 To Dlr
'DConcatPNSO is the variable for the Data WS which concatenates the Released PN and the SO LI
DConcatPNSO = Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DRelPNcol) & " " & Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSOLIcol)
DPartNumber = Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DRelPNcol)
'If there is no sales order then skip and say no sales order (NSO)
If Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSOLIcol) = "" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = "NSO"
GoTo Updated
End If
'Checks to see if the part is on the Omit list
On Error GoTo NotOmit
OPNrow = Sheets(OmitWS).Columns(OPNcol).Find(What:=DPartNumber, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
On Error GoTo 0
If OPNrow > 0 Then
Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = "Omit"
GoTo Updated
End If
On Error GoTo PN_SO_NotFound
MMConcatrow = Sheets(MMWS).Columns(MMPNConcatcol).Find(DConcatPNSO, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
On Error GoTo 0
'Hold all of the info from cells into variables
SupplySource = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMSupplySourcecol)
PO_Number = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOcol)
PO_Item = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOIcol)
PLO_WO = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPLOcol)
Requisition_Number = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPRcol)
Supply_Del_Date = Format(Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOShipDatecol), "MM/DD/YYYY")
'If the Supply Source is PO then do the below
If SupplySource = "PO" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DStatuscol) = SupplySource & " " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOcol) _
& " " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOIcol) & " " & Format(Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOShipDatecol), "MM/DD/YYYY")
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = SupplySource
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DPOcol) = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOcol)
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DPOIcol) = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOIcol)
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DWillShipcol) = Format(Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOShipDatecol), "MM/DD/YYYY")
GoTo Updated
End If
'If the Supply Source is PLO then do the below
If SupplySource = "PLO" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DStatuscol) = SupplySource & " " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPLOcol)
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = SupplySource
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DPLOcol) = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPLOcol)
GoTo Updated
End If
'If the Supply Source is PR then do the below
If SupplySource = "PR" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DStatuscol) = SupplySource & " " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPRcol)
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = SupplySource
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DPRcol) = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPRcol)
GoTo Updated
End If
'If the Supply Source is BPL then do the below
If SupplySource = "BPL" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DStatuscol) = SupplySource & " " & "Borrow Payback Loan"
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = SupplySource
GoTo Updated
End If
'If the Supply Source is QA then do the below
If SupplySource = "QA" Then
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DStatuscol) = SupplySource & ", PO is " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOcol) _
& " " & Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOIcol) & " " & Format(Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPOShipDatecol), "MM/DD/YYYY")
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = SupplySource
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DPRcol) = Sheets(MMWS).Cells(MMConcatrow, MMPRcol)
GoTo Updated
End If
Next x
Exit Sub
'****************ERROR HANDLING****************
MsgBox "The worksheet with the MS2 All Open Order Report should be titled ""Data""." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please rename the worksheet and restart this sub.", vbCritical, "Worksheet Name"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The worksheet with Cognos (MM011) data should be titled ""MM011""." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please rename the worksheet and restart this sub.", vbCritical, "Worksheet Name"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "The worksheet with Omit Parts data should be titled ""Omit Parts""." & vbCr & vbCr & "Please rename the worksheet and restart this sub.", vbCritical, "Worksheet Name"
Exit Sub
Sheets(DataWS).Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = "N/A"
GoTo Updated
End Sub
'Checks to see if the part is on the Omit list
On Error GoTo NotOmit
OPNrow = Sheets(OmitWS).Columns(OPNcol).Find(What:=DPartNumber, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
On Error GoTo 0
If OPNrow > 0 Then
Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = "Omit"
GoTo Updated
End If
On Error GoTo PN_SO_NotFound
MMConcatrow = Sheets(MMWS).Columns(MMPNConcatcol).Find(DConcatPNSO, lookat:=xlWhole).Row
On Error GoTo 0
Set OPNrng = Sheets(OmitWS).Columns(OPNcol).Find(What:=DPartNumber, lookat:=xlWhole)
If OPNrng Is Nothing Then
GoTo NotOmit
OPNrow = OPNrng.Row
End If
If OPNrow > 0 Then
Cells(x, DSupplySourcecol) = "Omit"
GoTo Updated
End If
Set MMConcatrng = Sheets(MMWS).Columns(MMPNConcatcol).Find(DConcatPNSO, lookat:=xlWhole)
If MMConcatrng Is Nothing Then
GoTo PN_SO_NotFound
MMConcatrow = MMConcatrng.Row
End If
「でのエラー後藤」構文が働いていなかった理由はありますが?なぜ私は理解できません。 また、私の持っているもの以外にも、それを行うためのよりよい方法がありますか?
*良い方法がありますか? - **はい!! **。スパゲティスタイルの 'GoTo'ステートメントの代わりに、関数と組み込みのVBA(そして一般的なプログラミング)メソッドを使用してエラーチェックを行います。たとえば、[WorksheetExists](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6688131/test-or-check-if-sheet-exists/#6688482)は、最初の数行を解決できます。また、コードをコンポーネントプロシージャに分割し、フロー制御を1つの手順で行うこともできます。あなたのコードは読みやすく、管理しやすくなります。 –
いいですね。私はVBAの約4ヶ月ですが、文法はまだ分かりませんが、WorksheetExistsメソッドを覚えています。それをコンポーネントの手順に分解すると、それはどういう意味ですか?最後に、スパゲッティスタイルで、私はそれがどのように飛び跳ねるかを意味していると思いますか?私はこのことをすべて前向きに心がけています。 – Adije