> separate(refine, "Product code/number", into = c("product code", "number"), sep = "-")
# A tibble: 25 x 9
company `product code` number address city country
* <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 philips p 5 Groningensingel 147 arnhem the netherlands
dhr p. jansen
2 philips p 43 Groningensingel 148 arnhem the netherlands
dhr p. hansen
3 philips x 3 Groningensingel 149 arnhem the netherlands
dhr j. Gansen
4 philips x 34 Groningensingel 150 arnhem the netherlands
dhr p. mansen
5 philips x 12 Groningensingel 151 arnhem the netherlands
dhr p. fransen
6 philips p 23 Groningensingel 152 arnhem the netherlands
dhr p. franssen
コードの綴りが間違っています:change '...、sep =" - "))'〜 '、')sep = " - ") ' –
あなたの答えをありがとう。 – Hadsga
それにもかかわらず、私は同じ問題を抱えています。 – Hadsga