Levenstein Distanceアルゴリズムを使用できます。ある文字列を別の文字列に変換するために必要な編集回数を分析します。 Thisの記事でそれを説明し、サンプルの実装が提供されています。 Codeprojectから
1. Set n to be the length of s. ("GUMBO")
Set m to be the length of t. ("GAMBOL")
If n = 0, return m and exit.
If m = 0, return n and exit.
Construct two vectors, v0[m+1] and v1[m+1], containing 0..m elements.
2. Initialize v0 to 0..m.
3. Examine each character of s (i from 1 to n).
4. Examine each character of t (j from 1 to m).
5. If s[i] equals t[j], the cost is 0.
If s[i] is not equal to t[j], the cost is 1.
6. Set cell v1[j] equal to the minimum of:
a. The cell immediately above plus 1: v1[j-1] + 1.
b. The cell immediately to the left plus 1: v0[j] + 1.
c. The cell diagonally above and to the left plus the cost: v0[j-1] + cost.
7. After the iteration steps (3, 4, 5, 6) are complete, the distance is found in the cell v1[m].