/* Send Spreadsheet in an email as PDF, automatically */
function emailSpreadsheetAsPDF() {
// Send the PDF of the spreadsheet to this email address
var email = "[email protected]";
// Get the currently active spreadsheet URL (link)
// Or use SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("<<SPREADSHEET URL>>");
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Subject of email message
var subject = "Sample Sheet " + ss.getName();
// Email Body can be HTML too with your logo image - see
var body = "Install the <a href=''>Email Spreadsheet add-on</a> for one-click conversion.";
// Base URL
var url = "".replace("SS_ID", ss.getId());
/* Specify PDF export parameters
var url_ext = 'exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' // export as pdf/csv/xls/xlsx
+ '&size=letter' // paper size legal/letter/A4
+ '&portrait=false' // orientation, false for landscape
+ '&fitw=true&source=labnol' // fit to page width, false for actual size
+ '&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false' // hide optional headers and footers
+ '&pagenumbers=false&gridlines=false' // hide page numbers and gridlines
+ '&fzr=false' // do not repeat row headers (frozen rows) on each page
+ '&gid='; // the sheet's Id
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
//make an empty array to hold your fetched blobs
var blobs = [];
for (var i=0; i<sheets.length; i++) {
// Convert individual worksheets to PDF
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + url_ext + sheets[i].getSheetId(), {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
//convert the response to a blob and store in our array
blobs[i] = response.getBlob().setName(sheets[i].getName() + '.pdf');
//create new blob that is a zip file containing our blob array
var zipBlob = + '.zip');
//optional: save the file to the root folder of Google Drive
// Define the scope
Logger.log("Storage Space used: " + DriveApp.getStorageUsed());
// If allowed to send emails, send the email with the PDF attachment
if (MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() > 0)
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {
htmlBody: body,
// Revised Code
/* Send Spreadsheet in an email as PDF, automatically */
function emailSpreadsheetAsPDF() {
// Send the PDF of the spreadsheet to this email address
var email = "[email protected]";
// Get the currently active spreadsheet URL (link)
// Or use SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("<<SPREADSHEET URL>>");
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// Subject of email message
var subject = "PDF generated from spreadsheet " + ss.getName();
// Email Body can be HTML too with your logo image - see
var body = "Install the <a href=''>Email Spreadsheet add-on</a> for one-click conversion.";
// Base URL
var url = "".replace("SS_ID", ss.getId());
/* Specify PDF export parameters
var url_ext = 'exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' // export as pdf/csv/xls/xlsx
+ '&size=letter' // paper size legal/letter/A4
+ '&portrait=false' // orientation, false for landscape
+ '&fitw=true&source=labnol' // fit to page width, false for actual size
+ '&sheetnames=false&printtitle=false' // hide optional headers and footers
+ '&pagenumbers=false&gridlines=false' // hide page numbers and gridlines
+ '&fzr=false' // do not repeat row headers (frozen rows) on each page
+ '&gid='; // the sheet's Id
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var sheets = ss.getSheets();
//make an empty array to hold your fetched blobs
var blobs = [];
//for (var i=0; i<sheets.length; i++) {
for (var i=0; i<1; i++) {
// Convert individual worksheets to PDF
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + url_ext + sheets[i].getSheetId(), {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
//convert the response to a blob and store in our array
// blobs[i] = response.getBlob().setName(sheets[i].getName() + '.pdf');
//create new blob that is a zip file containing our blob array
// var zipBlob = + '.zip');
//optional: save the file to the root folder of Google Drive
// Define the scope
Logger.log("Storage Space used: " + DriveApp.getStorageUsed());
// If allowed to send emails, send the email with the PDF attachment
if (MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() > 0)
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, subject, body, {
htmlBody: body,
種類よろしく アル
あなたのコードは正常に動作しているようですが、どのようなエラーが表示されますか? –
はいコードはそのまま動作しますが、私が達成したいのは、「Front」タブに電子メールを送信し、PDF形式のファイルとして電子メールで送信することです。現在、2つのPDF(各タブごとに1つ)でZIPファイルが電子メールで送信されます。最初のタブを1つのPDFに電子メールで送信したいだけです。種類AliG – user8056169