2016-07-13 11 views



// this is where the main JavaScript and some jQuery runs to make the site work 

// variable with your'e money 
var money = 0; 
var totalTimesClicked = 0; 

// Hide all buttons 

// function used to generate money 
function getmoney(income) { 
    money = money + income; 

// automatically makes money untill 100 money 
    if (money < 100) { 
// automatically makes money untill 500 money 
    else if (money > 100 && money < 500) { 
    document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = Math.round(money*10)/10; 
}, 100) 

// make the click to make money button appear when you have more money than 10 
var buldings1_appear = setInterval(function(){ 
if (money >= 9) { 
// make the auto income button appear when you have more money than 20 
if (money >= 20) { 

var clickEffect = 1; 
// the click to make money function 

    totalTimesClicked = totalTimesClicked + clickEffect; 
     document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = Math.round(money*10)/10; 
     document.getElementById("totalTimesClicked").innerHTML = totalTimesClicked; 

// make more money by clicking on button 1 
var clicks = 0; 
    var cost = 50; 
    var multiplyBut1Cost = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.3,clicks)); 
    if (money >= multiplyBut1Cost) { 
     money = money - multiplyBut1Cost; 
     clickEffect = clickEffect + 1; 
     clicks = clicks + 1;  
    document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = Math.round(money*10)/10; 
    document.getElementById("clickEffect").innerHTML = clickEffect; 
    if (clicks >= 5) { 
var multiplyBut1NextCost = Math.floor(cost * (Math.pow(1.3, clicks))); 


var but3clicks = 0; 
    var cost = 1000; 
    var multiplyBut1Cost2 = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.2, but3clicks)); 
    if (money >= multiplyBut1Cost2) { 
     money = money - multiplyBut1Cost2; 
     clickEffect = clickEffect + 5; 
     but3clicks = but3clicks + 1;  
    document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = Math.round(money*10)/10; 
    document.getElementById("clickEffect").innerHTML = clickEffect; 
var multiplyBut1NextCost = Math.floor(cost * (Math.pow(1.3, but3clicks))); 


var effect = 0.1; 
var but4income = 0; 
var but4bought = 0; 
var but4spawned = 0; 
function buyBut4(){ 
    var cost = 25; 
    var but4cost = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.2,but4bought)); 
     but4bought = but4bought+1; 
     money = money - but4cost; 
     but4income = (but4bought + but4spawned) * effect; 
     document.getElementById("but4bought").innerHTML = but4bought; 
     document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = money; 
if (but4bought >= 5) { 

    var nextCost = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.2,but4bought)); 
    document.getElementById("but4cost").innerHTML = nextCost; 

    getmoney((but4bought + but4spawned) * effect) 
document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = Math.round(money*10)/10; 


var but5effect = 0.001; 
var but5bought = 0; 
var but5income = 0; 
function buyBut5(){ 
    var cost = 1000; 
    var but5cost = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.4,but5bought)); 
     but5bought = but5bought+1; 
     money = money - but5cost; 
     but5income = but5bought * but5effect; 
     document.getElementById("but5bought").innerHTML = but5bought; 
     document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = money; 
     document.getElementById("but5income").innerHTML = Math.round(but5income * 1000)/100; 
    var nextCost = Math.floor(cost*Math.pow(1.4,but5bought)); 
    document.getElementById("but5cost").innerHTML = nextCost; 

    but4spawned = but4spawned + but5bought * but5effect; 
    but4income = (but4bought + but4spawned) * effect; 
    document.getElementById("but4spawned").innerHTML = Math.round(but4spawned*10)/10; 
    document.getElementById("but4income").innerHTML = Math.round(but4income * 100)/10; 

Window.onload = function supportsLocalStorage() { 
     try { 
     return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null; 
     } catch(e){ 
     return false; 

function saveGame(){ 
    localStorage.setItem('money', JSON.stringify(money)); 

function loadGame(){ 
    money = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('money')) 
    document.getElementById("money").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("money"); 

function makeMoneySite(){ 

function upgradesSite(){ 

// Window.onload(loadGame()); 


h1 { 
    font-size: 22px; 
    font-weight: bold; 

.resources ul { 
    list-style-type: none; 

.tabs ul li { 
    list-style-type: none; 
    float: left; 
    font-size: 20px; 
    font-weight: bold; 
    padding-left: 5%; 
    position: relative; 

.saveButton ul{ 
    padding: 5%; 
    width: 60%; 
    position: absolute; 
    text-align: right; 
    font-size: 16px; 
    margin-left: 10%; 
    margin-bottom: 1%; 
    list-style-type: none; 

.buildings ul { 
    list-style-type: none; 
    float: left; 

.buildings button { 
    width: 300px; 
    height: 64px; 

.tooltip { 
    position: relative; 
    display: inline-block; 
    border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* If you want dots under the hoverable text */ 

/* Tooltip text */ 
.buildings button .tooltiptext { 
    visibility: hidden; 
    width: 300px; 
    background-color: black; 
    color: #fff; 
    text-align: center; 
    padding: 5px 0; 
    border-radius: 6px; 

    /* Position the tooltip text - see examples below! */ 
    position: absolute; 
    z-index: 1; 

/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */ 
.buildings button:hover .tooltiptext { 
    visibility: visible; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css"> 
<!-- the header --> 
<h1> U will automatically gain 1 money untill you have 100 money and 0.5 money between 200 and 500 money </h1> 

<!-- the class with the resources u need to play the game --> 
<div class="resources"> 
    <li> Money <span id="money"> 0 </span></li> 
    <li> Money made by clicking <span id="totalTimesClicked"> 0 </span></li> 
    <li class="codeLines"> Lines of code <span id="linesOfCode"> 0</span></li> 

<div class="tabs"> 
<li onclick="makeMoneySite()"> Buildings</li> 
<li onclick="upgradesSite()"> Upgrades </li> 
<li> Prestige </li> 

<div class="saveButton"> 
    <li> <button onclick="saveGame()"> Save your progress</button> </li> 
    <li> <button onclick="loadGame()"> Load a previous game</button> </li> 


<!-- class with the first row of buttons --> 
<div class="buildings"> 
<ul class="clickerBuildings"> 
<!-- the click to make money button with the tooltip inside of it --> 
     <button id="but1"> Click here to make money <p class="tooltiptext">By clicking here u make <span id="clickEffect"> 1 </span> money per click</p></button> 

<!-- the button to make the click button more effecient with the tooltip inside of it --> 
     <button id="but2"> Make the click button better <p class="tooltiptext"> Click here to make 1 more money per click on the click button above at the cost of <span id="multiplyBut1Cost"> 50 </span> money </p></button> 

<!-- the button to make the click button super effecient with the tooltip inside --> 
     <button id="but3"> Make the click button even better! <p class="tooltiptext"> Click here to make 5 more money per click on the click button above at the cost of <span id="multiplyBut1Cost2"> 1000 </span> money </p> </button> 

<ul class="autoincome"> 
     <button id="but4" onclick="buyBut4()"> Click this to make automatic income <p class="tooltiptext">The automatic income costs <span id="but4cost"> 25 </span> <br> You have bought <span id="but4bought">0 </span> automatic income machines and spawned <span id="but4spawned"> 0 </span> but4's <br> But4 total income <span id="but4income"> 0</span> per second</p></button> 

     <button id="but5" onclick="buyBut5()"> Click here to spawn but4's <p class="tooltiptext"> The but5 costs <span id="but5cost"> 1000 </span> <br>Your <span id="but5bought"> 0 </span> but5's spawns <span id="but5income"> 0 </span> but4's per second </p></button> 


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script> 

お金が10個あるときにボタンが表示されます –


コード例を[mcve] – j08691




あなたsaveButton要素が単独blockが配置されている子要素(li)を有し、「溢れabsolute LY位置付け要素を(したがって、この親がクリアされないと「大きなボタン」親要素の上に座っている)、含まれてい"大きなボタン"のクリック可能な領域の "

正直言って、それぞれの問題を処理するのには非常に多くの問題があります。これは、しかし、あなたの要素のz位置をダウンさせる可能性がある - 、大きなボタンの

  1. position: relative; z-index: 99または任意の高いz-index値を追加します。あなたのあなたは、いくつかのオプションを持っている問題を「クリック」解決するには

  2. .saveButton ul要素については、あなたの問題を解決しますこれらのdisplay: inline-block

どれを追加し、.saveButton ul > li要素についてはposition: absolute

  • を削除し、私は非常にお勧めあなたのhtml構造化とcssを再評価スタイリング。


  • 1


        <li> <button onclick="saveGame()"> Save your progress</button> </li> 
        <li> <button onclick="loadGame()"> Load a previous game</button></li> 


    enter image description here

    この問題を解決するには、あなたのul適切に配置します。あなたのページの構造を最初に変更することをお勧めします。あなたがそれで大丈夫ならば、ul要素の絶対位置を削除してください。 position:absoluteを削除せずに、一時的な修正は

    .saveButton ul{ 

