2009-07-30 10 views


create or replace procedure Item_bill 
    sSQLstr VARCHAR2(1000); 
    type refcur is ref cursor; 
    rcur refcur; 
    stmt1 VARCHAR2(300); 
    sSQLstr := 'select t.n_portions||'' portions of ''||p.dish_name||'' at '' ||p. price|| '' pounds :''|| 
       t.n_portions*p. price 
       from Customer_order s,food_order t, Dish p 
       where s.order#=t.order# 
       and t.dish#=p.dish#'; 

    OPEN rcur FOR sSQLstr; 
    FETCH rcur INTO stmt1; 
    END LOOP; 

    -- Call the procedure 


--table creation 
create table Customer_order(order# NUMBER primary key , 
date_order DATE, 
    date_required DATE, 
    address  VARCHAR2(30) 
    dish#  VARCHAR2(5) primary key, 
    dish_name CHAR(15), 
    vegetarian CHAR(3), 
    price  NUMBER); 

    drink#  VARCHAR2(6) primary key, 
    drink_name CHAR(6), 
    drink_type CHAR(9), 
    price  NUMBER); 

CREATE TABLE Food_order (
    food_order# VARCHAR2(7) primary key, 
    order#  number references Customer_order (order#) , 
    dish#  VARCHAR2(5) references Dish(Dish#), 
    n_portions NUMBER); 

CREATE TABLE Drink_order (
    drink_order# VARCHAR2(5)primary key, 
    order#  number references Customer_order (order#), 
    drink#  VARCHAR2(6)references drink (drink#), 
    n_units  NUMBER); 

-- data insert 
Insert into customer_order values ('00001', '03-Apr-09', '07-apr-09','St. Andrew St'); 
Insert into customer_order values ('00002', '05-Apr-09', '01-May-09', 'St. Andrew St'); 
Insert into customer_order values ('00003', '12-Apr-09', '27-Apr-09', 'Union St'); 
Insert into customer_order values ('00004', '12-Apr-09', '17-Apr-09', 'St. Andrew St'); 

Insert into Dish values ('D0001', 'Pasta bake',  'yes', '6.00'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0002', 'Fish pie',  'no', '9.00'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0003', 'Steak and chips', 'no', '14.00'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0004', 'Stuffed peppers', 'yes', '11.50'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0005', 'Ham and rice' , 'no', '7.25'); 
Insert into Dish values ('D0006', 'Lamb curry'  , 'no', '8.50'); 

Insert into Drink values ('DR0001', 'Water', 'soft',  '1.0'); 
Insert into Drink values ('DR0002', 'Coffee', 'hot',  '1.70'); 
Insert into Drink values ('DR0003', 'Wine' , 'alcoholic', '3.00'); 
Insert into Drink values ('DR0004', 'Beer' , 'alcoholic', '2.30'); 
Insert into Drink values ('DR0005', 'Tea' , 'hot'  , '1.50'); 

Insert into food_order values ('F000001', '000001', 'D0003', '6'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000002', '000001', 'D0001', '4'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000003', '000001', 'D0004', '3'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000004', '000002', 'D0001', '10'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000005', '000002', 'D0002', '10'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000006', '000003', 'D0002', '35'); 
Insert into food_order values ('F000007', '000004', 'D0002', '23'); 

Insert into drink_order values ('D000001', '000001', 'DR0001', '13'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000002', '000001', 'DR0002', '13'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000003', '000001', 'DR0004', '13'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000004', '000002', 'DROOO1', '20'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000005', '000002', 'DR0003', '20'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000006', '000002', 'DR0004', '15'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000007', '000003', 'DR0002', '35'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000008', '000004', 'DR0001', '23'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D000009', '000004', 'DR0003', '15'); 
Insert into drink_order values ('D0000010', '000004', 'DR0004', '15'); 

用のテーブルの作成とデータがあるので、どのように私は、各注文の項目別の請求書を印刷するには無名ブロックを得るのですか?私はOracle PL/SQLを使用しており、SQL Developerで作業しています。ここに私が意味するものの例があります:

6 portions of steak and chips at 14 pounds: 84 pounds 
4 portions of pasta bake at 6 pounds: 24 pounds 
3 portions of stuffed peppers at 11.50 pounds: 34.5 pounds 

total food cost for order 000001: 142.50 pounds 

13 units of water at 1 pound: 13 pounds 
13 units of coffee at 1.70 pounds: 22.1 pounds 
13 units of beer at 2.30 pounds: 29.90 pounds 

total drink cost for order 000001: 65 pounds 

total cost for order 000001: 207.50 pounds 



これは、オラクルですか? PL/SQL、SQLではありません。 – skaffman


はいこれはoracle pl/sqlです –



最初は、使用しているカーソルメソッドを使用していません。 私はカーソルを 'open for'を使わずに明示的に宣言します。 私はまた、カーソルのテーブルの名前を含めると思います。

第二に、あなたは、あなたがMyCursorと LOOP 部=のi.portionsで私のためにそう のようなカーソルをループできることを持っている1。 dish_name = i.dish_name;





total number; 
cursor mycursor is 
select 'FOOD' ordertype, price from food 
select 'DRINK' ordertype, price from drinks 
order by 1; 
    for i in mycursor 
     if i.ordertype <> currtype then 
--   output the total for whatever type of order using the variable 'total' 
     end if; 
     -- build your output string of portions etc. 
     total = total + i.price; 
     currtype = i.ordertype; 
    END LOOP; 

これは手順として実行する必要があります –



SQL> var customer_order# varchar2(5) 
SQL> exec :customer_order# := '00001' 

PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd. 

SQL> with orderlines as 
    2 (select to_char(fo.n_portions) || ' portions of ' || 
    3   lower(d.dish_name) || ' at ' || 
    4   to_char(d.price) || ' pounds' text 
    5   , 'F' food_or_drink 
    6   , co.order# 
    7   , fo.n_portions * d.price total_price 
    8  from food_order fo 
    9   , customer_order co 
10   , dish d 
11  where fo.order# = co.order# 
12  and fo.dish# = d.dish# 
13  union all 
14 select to_char(do.n_units) || ' units of ' || 
15   lower(d.drink_name) || ' at ' || 
16   to_char(d.price) || ' pounds' 
17   , 'D' 
18   , co.order# 
19   , do.n_units * d.price 
20  from drink_order do 
21   , customer_order co 
22   , drink d 
23  where do.order# = co.order# 
24  and do.drink# = d.drink# 
25  and co.order# = :customer_order# 
26 ) 
27 select case grouping_id(food_or_drink,text) 
28   when 0 then text 
29   when 1 then 'total ' || decode(food_or_drink,'D','drink','food') || ' cost for order ' || order# 
30   when 3 then 'total cost for order ' || order# 
31   end text 
32  , to_char(sum(total_price),'fm990D00') price 
33 from orderlines 
34 where order# = :customer_order# 
35 group by rollup((order#,food_or_drink),text) 

TEXT            PRICE 
-------------------------------------------------- ------- 
13 units of water at 1 pounds      13.00 
13 units of beer at 2.3 pounds     29.90 
13 units of coffee at 1.7 pounds     22.10 
total drink cost for order 1      65.00 
4 portions of pasta bake  at 6 pounds   24.00 
6 portions of steak and chips at 14 pounds   84.00 
3 portions of stuffed peppers at 11.5 pounds  34.50 
total food cost for order 1      142.50 
total cost for order        207.50 

9 rijen zijn geselecteerd. 

よろしく、 ロブを。 PL/SQLで


私はこのためにsql開発者を使用しています –


プロシージャが正常に動作しています。これで呼び出す必要があります 匿名ブロック各注文の請求書​​ –


もう一度、完全なPL/SQLソリューションをスプーンフィードします:-) –


SQL> declare 
    2 l_previous_group pls_integer := 0; 
    3 begin 
    4 for r in 
    5 (with orderlines as 
    6  (select to_char(fo.n_portions) || ' portions of ' || 
    7    lower(d.dish_name) text 
    8    , d.price unit_price 
    9    , 'F' food_or_drink 
10    , co.order# 
11    , fo.n_portions * d.price total_price 
12   from food_order fo 
13    , customer_order co 
14    , dish d 
15   where fo.order# = co.order# 
16   and fo.dish# = d.dish# 
17   union all 
18  select to_char(do.n_units) || ' units of ' || 
19    lower(d.drink_name) 
20    , d.price 
21    , 'D' 
22    , co.order# 
23    , do.n_units * d.price 
24   from drink_order do 
25    , customer_order co 
26    , drink d 
27   where do.order# = co.order# 
28   and do.drink# = d.drink# 
29   and co.order# = :customer_order# 
30  ) 
31  select case grouping_id(order#,food_or_drink,text) 
32    when 0 then rpad(text,32) || ' at ' || to_char(unit_price,'90D00') || ' pounds' 
33    when 1 then 'total ' || decode(food_or_drink,'D','drink','food') || ' cost for order ' || order# 
34    when 3 then 'total cost for order ' || order# 
35    when 7 then 'total cost for all orders' 
36    end text 
37   , to_char(sum(total_price),'990D00') price 
38   , grouping_id(order#,food_or_drink,text) grp 
39  from orderlines 
40  group by rollup(order#,food_or_drink,(text,unit_price)) 
41  order by order# nulls last 
42   , food_or_drink desc nulls last 
43   , grp 
44 ) 
45 loop 
46  if r.grp != l_previous_group 
47  then 
48  dbms_output.new_line; 
49  end if; 
50  dbms_output.put_line(rpad(r.text,50) || ' ' || r.price); 
51  l_previous_group := r.grp; 
52 end loop; 
53 end; 
3 portions of stuffed peppers at 11.50 pounds  34.50 
6 portions of steak and chips at 14.00 pounds  84.00 
4 portions of pasta bake   at 6.00 pounds  24.00 

total food cost for order 1       142.50 

13 units of water    at 1.00 pounds  13.00 
13 units of coffee    at 1.70 pounds  22.10 
13 units of beer     at 2.30 pounds  29.90 

total drink cost for order 1       65.00 

total cost for order 1        207.50 

10 portions of fish pie   at 9.00 pounds  90.00 
10 portions of pasta bake  at 6.00 pounds  60.00 

total food cost for order 2       150.00 

total cost for order 2        150.00 

35 portions of fish pie   at 9.00 pounds 315.00 

total food cost for order 3       315.00 

total cost for order 3        315.00 

23 portions of fish pie   at 9.00 pounds 207.00 

total food cost for order 4       207.00 

total cost for order 4        207.00 

total cost for all orders       879.50 

PL/SQL-procedure is geslaagd. 

よろしく、 ロブ。


素敵な解決策!私はそれを掘り起こす。 – moleboy