Android用Cognitoを使用してアクセストークンをリフレッシュするにはどうすればよいですか?文書は(次のことをお勧め:これが動作しない理由はここにCognito User Pool:アクセストークンをリフレッシュする方法
// Implement authentication handler
AuthenticationHandler handler = new AuthenticationHandler {
public void onSuccess(CognitoUserSession userSession) {
// Authentication was successful, the "userSession" will have the current valid tokens
// Time to do awesome stuff
public void getAuthenticationDetails(final AuthenticationContinuation continuation, final String userID) {
// User authentication details, userId and password are required to continue.
// Use the "continuation" object to pass the user authentication details
// After the user authentication details are available, wrap them in an AuthenticationDetails class
// Along with userId and password, parameters for user pools for Lambda can be passed here
// The validation parameters "validationParameters" are passed in as a Map<String, String>
AuthenticationDetails authDetails = new AuthenticationDetails(userId, password, validationParameters);
// Now allow the authentication to continue
public void getMFACode(final MultiFactorAuthenticationContinuation continuation) {
// Multi-factor authentication is required to authenticate
// A code was sent to the user, use the code to continue with the authentication
// Find where the code was sent to
String codeSentHere = continuation.getParameter()[0];
// When the verification code is available, continue to authenticate
public void authenticationChallenge(final ChallengeContinuation continuation) {
// A custom challenge has to be solved to authenticate
// Set the challenge responses
// Call continueTask() method to respond to the challenge and continue with authentication.
public void onFailure(final Exception exception) {
// Authentication failed, probe exception for the cause
が ないが、私はidでユーザーオブジェクトを取得しようとヌル
CognitoUser user = userPool.getCurrentUser();
public void getAuthenticationDetails(final AuthenticationContinuation continuation, final String userID)
2.3.1これは動作しています – portfoliobuilder
"SDKは自動的にトークンを更新します" - トークンの更新も更新されますか?だから、アプリがまったく使用されていない場合には期限切れになります(リフレッシュトークンの期限は30日です)。または、認証後に制限があります(最初にログインしてから30日後に、もう一度資格情報が必要な場合よりも)。 –