2016-05-19 10 views

私はstd :: vectorsのソースコードを見て、容量(vector.capacity())の機能がどのように機能しているかを見てきましたが、どのように動的配列ソースコード。私は現在のコンテナサイズを返すだけではありません。例えばdynarray.size()。 、おかげ動的配列 - 容量を見つける

#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <iterator> 
#pragma once 
template<typename T> 
class DynamicArrayIter 
    DynamicArrayIter(T* data) : newData(data) { } 
    //DynamicArrayIter(const DynamicArrayIter& o);     // Copy constructor 
    //DynamicArrayIter& operator=(const DynamicArrayIter& o);  // Assignment operator 
    DynamicArrayIter operator++() { DynamicArrayIter i = *this;newData++; return i;} 
    DynamicArrayIter operator++(int junk) {newData++;return *this; } 
    T& operator*() {return *newData; }     
    bool operator==(const DynamicArrayIter& rhs) {return newData == rhs.newData; } 
    bool operator!=(const DynamicArrayIter& rhs) { return newData != rhs.newData;} 
    DynamicArrayIter<T> operator+(int _i) 
     DynamicArrayIter<T> iter = *this; 
     for (int i = 0; i < _i; ++i) 
      if (iter.newData) //If there's something to move onto... 
     return iter; //Return regardless of whether its valid... 
    T* newData; 

template<typename T> 
class DynamicArray 
    DynamicArray<T> operator=(const DynamicArray<T>&);//Dynamic Array equals Dynamic Array 
    void push_back(const T&);//Push back a new element into the DynArray 
    void pop_back();//Pop an element off the back of the DynArray 
    void print();//Prints out what is in the container 
    bool empty();//Empty the DynArray container 
    void reserve(int);//Reserver a size of which the Dynarray can reach, once it reachers the limit it will increase etc. 
    void resize(int);//resize the Dynrray container data will be carried into the new size either cutting off eccess data or reserving space for more. 
    void swap(DynamicArray<T>);//Swap the contents in the Dynarray with another Dynarray containers. 
    void assign(size_t,T);//Assign new content to the Dynarray, replacing the current elements and changing its size accordingly 
    void assign(DynamicArrayIter<T>, DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Assign new content to the Dynarray, replacing the current elements and changing its size accordingly 
    void insert(DynamicArrayIter<T>,T);//Insert a element at a certain positon elements will be moved and adjusted accordingly 
    void erase(DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Erase an element at a certain postion 
    void erase(DynamicArrayIter<T>,DynamicArrayIter<T>);//Erase an element at a certain postion 
    T& at(int);// Element postion at index 
    T& front();//elements t postion 
    T& back();//elements back position 
    T& operator[] (int);//subscript location access 
    size_t capacity();//capacity of the container 
    size_t max_size();//max size of the vontainer 
    DynamicArrayIter<T> begin();//Begin on the container/DynArray - Iterator uses this to grab the begin of the Dynarray 
    DynamicArrayIter<T> end();//End on the container/DynArray - Iterator uses this to grab the End of the Dynarray 
    void clear();//Clear the whole container 
    int size();//Size of the current container returns sizeofarray 
    T* myArray;//Where data is stored 
    int sizeofarray = 0;//size of the current container 

template<typename T> 
inline DynamicArray<T> DynamicArray<T>::operator=(const DynamicArray<T>&newDynArray) 
    myArray = new T[newDynArray.size()]; 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newDynArray.size(); i++)//will make the current array the size of the new one 
     myArray[i] = newDynArray.myArray[i];//Current Dynarray = the pass in Dynarray - Steps through changign each element 
    return newDynArray;//return the passed data 

template<typename T> 
inline DynamicArray<T>::DynamicArray() 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//Creating a new Dynarray of size 

template<typename T> 
inline DynamicArray<T>::~DynamicArray() 
    delete[] myArray;//deleting the Dynarray 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::push_back(const T& pusheddata) 
     T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp array with the value of the current Dynarray 
     myArray = new T[++sizeofarray];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of current size + 1 // Size is being incremented from this 
     myArray[sizeofarray - 1] = pusheddata;//Pushing the element onto the back of the Array 
     for (int i = 0; i < sizeofarray - 1; ++i)//It is sizearray - 1 as we dont the temp does not have the data we just pushed onto the back 
      myArray[i] = temp[i];//going through a loop putting the data from the temp we created back into the DynArray. 

     delete[] temp;//delete the temp 


template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::pop_back() 
    T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp array with the value of the current Dynarray 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray--];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of current size - 1 // Size is being decreased from this 
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeofarray; ++i) 
     myArray[i] = temp[i];//Dynarray equals the temp values 
    delete[] temp;//Delete the temp 


template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::print() 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++) 
     std::cout << myArray[i] << std::endl;//Just looping through and printing the element until it hits size. 


template<typename T> 
inline bool DynamicArray<T>::empty() 
    if (size() == 0) 
     return true;//return true if size is 0 
    return false;//return flase if size >=1 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::reserve(int r_size) 
    sizeofarray = r_size;//size = the reserve size 


template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::resize(int newsize) 
    T *temp = myArray;//Creating a temp with the current Dynarray inside of it 
    myArray = new T[newsize];//Dynarray = a new Dynarray of size (newsize) 
    for (int i = 0; i < newsize; ++i) 
     myArray[i] = temp[i];//Setting the Dynarrays elements to the temps 
    for (int i = sizeofarray; i < newsize; i++) 
     myArray[i] = NULL;//Set the elements outside the size allowed to NULL 
    sizeofarray = newsize;//Size = new size 
    delete[] temp;//delete the temp 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::swap(DynamicArray<T> newSwap) 
    clear();//clear the current Dynarray 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < newSwap.sizeofarray; i++) 
     myArray[i] = newSwap.myArray[i];//Newly cleared Dynarray elements = passed in swapped data 
     sizeofarray++;//increment the size 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::assign(size_t n, T val) 
    clear();//Clear the Dynarray 
    myArray = new T[n];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of size_t n 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)//for i < size_t n 
     myArray[i] = val;//Dynarray = val passed through 
     sizeofarray++;//increment the size of the Dynarray 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::assign(DynamicArrayIter<T> first, DynamicArrayIter<T> last) 
    int n = 0;//temp size holder 
    for (DynamicArrayIter<T> iter = first; iter != last; ++iter) { 
     n++;//increment the temp size holder 
    clear();//clear the Dynarray 
    myArray = new T[n];//Make a new Dynarray and its size is the temp size holders 
    for (DynamicArrayIter<T> newiter = first; newiter != last; ++newiter) { 
     myArray[sizeofarray] = *newiter;//Iterate through and set each element to the value passed in 
     sizeofarray++;//incremenet the size 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::insert(DynamicArrayIter<T> position, T val) 
    int sizeofthis = 0;//temp size holder for iter 
    int j = 0;//Index position // increments when position is meet 
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = begin(); iter != position; ++iter){ 
     ++sizeofthis;//increase the temp size holder fo riter 
    T *temp = myArray;//Create a new temp Dynarray 
    sizeofarray += 1;//temp size hodler + 1 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//Dynarray = new Dynarray of temp size holder for iter 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++) 
     if (i == sizeofthis)//if the for loops i = tempsize holders 
      myArray[sizeofthis] = val;//Dynarray element = val being passed in 
      j++;//Index pos ++ 
     myArray[i + j] = temp[i];//Dynarray = Temps values // Will change when inserted pos is reached // dynamically chagne size 
    delete[] temp;//delete temp 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::erase(DynamicArrayIter<T> position) 
    int sizeofthis = 0;//temp size holder for iter 
    int j = 0;//index pos//increments wehn pos is met 
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = begin(); iter != position; ++iter) { 
     ++sizeofthis;//increment the temp size holder 
    T *temp = myArray;//temp = current Dynarray 
    sizeofarray -= 1;//size decreased by 1 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray];//new Dynarray of the new size 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++) 
     if (i == sizeofthis)//if the loops i reaches the temp size holders value 
      myArray[sizeofthis] = myArray[sizeofthis + 1];//Dynarray at sizeoftihs = Dynarrays next element 
      j++;//index pos ++ 
     myArray[i] = temp[i + j];//Dynarray = the temp[idexpos will be greater > 0 if i == sizeofthis] 

    delete[] temp;//delete the temp 


template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::erase(DynamicArrayIter<T> first, DynamicArrayIter<T> last) 
    int sizeofthis = 0; 
    for (DynamicArrayIter<int> iter = first; iter != last; ++iter) { 
    T *temp = myArray; 
    sizeofarray = sizeofarray - sizeofthis - 1; 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray]; 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeofarray; i++) 
     if (i < sizeofthis) 
      myArray[sizeofthis - 1 + i] =NULL; 
     myArray[i] = temp[i]; 

    delete[] temp; 


template<typename T> 
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::at(int place) 
    return myArray[place];//return the element at place 

template<typename T> 
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::front() 
    return myArray[0];//return the first element in the array 

template<typename T> 
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::back() 
    return myArray[sizeofarray];//return the last element in the array 

template<typename T> 
inline T & DynamicArray<T>::operator[](int place) 
    return myArray[place];//return the element at place using subscript operator instead of dynarray.at() 

template<typename T> 
inline size_t DynamicArray<T>::capacity() 
    return back() - front();// 

template<typename T> 
inline size_t DynamicArray<T>::max_size() 
    return std::numeric_limits<T>::max(); 

template<typename T> 
inline DynamicArrayIter<T> DynamicArray<T>::begin() 
    return DynamicArrayIter<T>(myArray); 

template<typename T> 
inline DynamicArrayIter<T> DynamicArray<T>::end() 
    return DynamicArrayIter<T>(myArray + sizeofarray - 1); 

template<typename T> 
inline void DynamicArray<T>::clear() 
    sizeofarray = 0; 
    myArray = new T[sizeofarray]; 
    myArray[0] = NULL; 

template<typename T> 
inline int DynamicArray<T>::size() 
    return sizeofarray; 

...あなたの質問は何ですか?私たちはあなたの「ダイナミックアレイソースコード」を見ることはできませんし、キャパシティ機能を追加する方法も知ることはできません。 –


'size()'は、コンテナに追加されたアイテムの数を報告します。 'capacity()'は、コンテナがメモリを割り当てた回数を報告します。たとえば、容量を10に設定すると、コンテナは、すでに10個のアイテムが追加され、11番目のアイテムが追加されるまで、メモリをさらに割り当てる必要はありません。 –






ありがとうございます。 – iTzBarathon


0x0001と合意しました - また、容量を増やすと、std :: vector クラスは要素が追加されるたびに容量を1増加させません。それはあらかじめ設定された量だけ増加します。例えば、それが構築されると、8の容量とゼロのサイズに対して8つの要素が割り当てられます。サイズ==容量になると、別の8つの要素がサイズを増やすので、サイズは9の容量で16となります。 主な理由は、オーバーヘッドを減らすことです。 – NonCreature0714
