私はWindows 7マシンにドッカーをインストールしました。私はドッカークイックスタートを起動すると、私はマシンを作成中であると思われる次のエラーを取得:ドッカーにマシンを作成できません
Creating machine...
(default) Unable to get the latest Boot2Docker ISO release version: Get https:/
/api.github.com/repos/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases/latest: dial tcp 192.30.2
52.124:443: connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party d
id not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed
because connected host has failed to respond.
(default) Copying C:\Users\robot\.docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso to C:\Use
(default) Creating VirtualBox VM...
(default) Creating SSH key...
Error attempting heartbeat call to plugin server: read tcp>127.
0.0.1:60732: wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote h
Error attempting heartbeat call to plugin server: connection is shut down
Error attempting heartbeat call to plugin server: connection is shut down
Error attempting heartbeat call to plugin server: connection is shut down
Error attempting heartbeat call to plugin server: connection is shut down
Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: read tcp 127.0.
0.1:60733-> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed
by the remote host.
Looks like something went wrong... Press any key to continue...
win-7 64bitで見つかったのと同じ問題:起動します(1)事前作成チェックを実行しています...(2)マシンを作成しています...(3)VirtualBox VMを作成中...(4) SSHキー...、(5)VMの起動...、(6)必要に応じて再作成するネットワークを確認してから、エラーを表示 - >「マシンの作成中にエラーが発生しました: VM:終了ステータス1 " – IRSHAD