2016-11-07 5 views

私は最近Tiny GP(遺伝的プログラミングプログラム)に遭遇しましたが、かなり役に立ちましたので、プログラムのSystem.out.println()をテキストファイルへの書き込み方法に変更することにしました。テキストファイルの小さなGP出力



package main; 

* Program: tiny_gp.java 
* Author: Riccardo Poli (email: [email protected]) 
* Modified by Preston Tang 
import java.util.*; 
import java.io.*; 
import java.text.DecimalFormat; 

public class tiny_gp { 

    String Name; 
    double[] fitness; 
    char[][] pop; 
    static Random rd = new Random(); 
    static final int ADD = 110, 
      SUB = 111, 
      MUL = 112, 
      DIV = 113, 
      FSET_START = ADD, 
      FSET_END = DIV; 
    static double[] x = new double[FSET_START]; 
    static double minrandom, maxrandom; 
    static char[] program; 
    static int PC; 
    static int varnumber, fitnesscases, randomnumber; 
    static double fbestpop = 0.0, favgpop = 0.0; 
    static long seed; 
    static double avg_len; 
    static final int MAX_LEN = 10000, 
      POPSIZE = 100000, 
      DEPTH = 5, 
      GENERATIONS = 100, 
      TSIZE = 2; 
    public static final double PMUT_PER_NODE = 0.05, 
      CROSSOVER_PROB = 0.9; 
    public static double[][] targets; 

    public double run() { 
     /* Interpreter */ 

     char primitive = program[PC++]; 
     if (primitive < FSET_START) { 
      return (x[primitive]); 
     switch (primitive) { 
      case ADD: 
       return (run() + run()); 
      case SUB: 
       return (run() - run()); 
      case MUL: 
       return (run() * run()); 
      case DIV: { 
       double num = run(), den = run(); 
       if (Math.abs(den) <= 0.001) { 
        return (num); 
       } else { 
        return (num/den); 
     return (0.0); // should never get here 

    public int traverse(char[] buffer, int buffercount) { 
     if (buffer[buffercount] < FSET_START) { 
      return (++buffercount); 

     switch (buffer[buffercount]) { 
      case ADD: 
      case SUB: 
      case MUL: 
      case DIV: 
       return (traverse(buffer, traverse(buffer, ++buffercount))); 
     return (0); // should never get here 

    public void setup_fitness(String fname) { 
     try { 
      int i, j; 
      String line; 

      BufferedReader in 
        = new BufferedReader(
          new FileReader(fname)); 
      line = in.readLine(); 
      StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line); 
      varnumber = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
      randomnumber = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
      minrandom = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
      maxrandom = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
      fitnesscases = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
      targets = new double[fitnesscases][varnumber + 1]; 
      if (varnumber + randomnumber >= FSET_START) { 
       Write("too many variables and constants"); 
       //System.out.println("too many variables and constants"); 

      for (i = 0; i < fitnesscases; i++) { 
       line = in.readLine(); 
       tokens = new StringTokenizer(line); 
       for (j = 0; j <= varnumber; j++) { 
        targets[i][j] = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken().trim()); 
     } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
      Write("ERROR: Please provide a data file"); 
//System.out.println("ERROR: Please provide a data file"); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 
      Write("ERROR: Incorrect data format"); 
      //System.out.println("ERROR: Incorrect data format"); 

    public double fitness_function(char[] Prog) { 
     int i = 0, len; 
     double result, fit = 0.0; 

     len = traverse(Prog, 0); 
     for (i = 0; i < fitnesscases; i++) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < varnumber; j++) { 
       x[j] = targets[i][j]; 
      program = Prog; 
      PC = 0; 
      result = run(); 
      fit += Math.abs(result - targets[i][varnumber]); 
     return (-fit); 

    public int grow(char[] buffer, int pos, int max, int depth) { 
     char prim = (char) rd.nextInt(2); 
     int one_child; 

     if (pos >= max) { 
      return (-1); 

     if (pos == 0) { 
      prim = 1; 

     if (prim == 0 || depth == 0) { 
      prim = (char) rd.nextInt(varnumber + randomnumber); 
      buffer[pos] = prim; 
      return (pos + 1); 
     } else { 
      prim = (char) (rd.nextInt(FSET_END - FSET_START + 1) + FSET_START); 
      switch (prim) { 
       case ADD: 
       case SUB: 
       case MUL: 
       case DIV: 
        buffer[pos] = prim; 
        one_child = grow(buffer, pos + 1, max, depth - 1); 
        if (one_child < 0) { 
         return (-1); 
        return (grow(buffer, one_child, max, depth - 1)); 
     return (0); // should never get here 

    public int print_indiv(char[] buffer, int buffercounter) { 
     int a1 = 0, a2; 
     if (buffer[buffercounter] < FSET_START) { 
      if (buffer[buffercounter] < varnumber) { 
       Write("X" + (buffer[buffercounter] + 1) + " "); 
       //System.out.print("X" + (buffer[buffercounter] + 1) + " "); 
      } else { 
      return (++buffercounter); 
     switch (buffer[buffercounter]) { 
      case ADD: 
       a1 = print_indiv(buffer, ++buffercounter); 
       Write(" + "); 
       //System.out.print(" + "); 
      case SUB: 
       a1 = print_indiv(buffer, ++buffercounter); 
       Write(" - "); 
       //System.out.print(" - "); 
      case MUL: 
       a1 = print_indiv(buffer, ++buffercounter); 
       Write(" * "); 
       //System.out.print(" * "); 
      case DIV: 
       a1 = print_indiv(buffer, ++buffercounter); 
     a2 = print_indiv(buffer, a1); 
     return (a2); 

    public static char[] buffer = new char[MAX_LEN]; 

    public char[] create_random_indiv(int depth) { 
     char[] ind; 
     int len; 

     len = grow(buffer, 0, MAX_LEN, depth); 

     while (len < 0) { 
      len = grow(buffer, 0, MAX_LEN, depth); 

     ind = new char[len]; 

     System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, ind, 0, len); 
     return (ind); 

    public char[][] create_random_pop(int n, int depth, double[] fitness) { 
     char[][] pop = new char[n][]; 
     int i; 

     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
      pop[i] = create_random_indiv(depth); 
      fitness[i] = fitness_function(pop[i]); 
     return (pop); 

    public void stats(double[] fitness, char[][] pop, int gen) { 
     int i, best = rd.nextInt(POPSIZE); 
     int node_count = 0; 
     fbestpop = fitness[best]; 
     favgpop = 0.0; 

     for (i = 0; i < POPSIZE; i++) { 
      node_count += traverse(pop[i], 0); 
      favgpop += fitness[i]; 
      if (fitness[i] > fbestpop) { 
       best = i; 
       fbestpop = fitness[i]; 
     avg_len = (double) node_count/POPSIZE; 
     favgpop /= POPSIZE; 
     Write("Generation=" + gen + " Avg Fitness=" + (-favgpop) 
       + " Best Fitness=" + (-fbestpop) + " Avg Size=" + avg_len 
       + "\nBest Individual: "); 
     //System.out.print("Generation=" + gen + " Avg Fitness=" + (-favgpop) 
     //  + " Best Fitness=" + (-fbestpop) + " Avg Size=" + avg_len 
     //  + "\nBest Individual: "); 
     print_indiv(pop[best], 0); 

    public int tournament(double[] fitness, int tsize) { 
     int best = rd.nextInt(POPSIZE), i, competitor; 
     double fbest = -1.0e34; 

     for (i = 0; i < tsize; i++) { 
      competitor = rd.nextInt(POPSIZE); 
      if (fitness[competitor] > fbest) { 
       fbest = fitness[competitor]; 
       best = competitor; 
     return (best); 

    public int negative_tournament(double[] fitness, int tsize) { 
     int worst = rd.nextInt(POPSIZE), i, competitor; 
     double fworst = 1e34; 

     for (i = 0; i < tsize; i++) { 
      competitor = rd.nextInt(POPSIZE); 
      if (fitness[competitor] < fworst) { 
       fworst = fitness[competitor]; 
       worst = competitor; 
     return (worst); 

    public char[] crossover(char[] parent1, char[] parent2) { 
     int xo1start, xo1end, xo2start, xo2end; 
     char[] offspring; 
     int len1 = traverse(parent1, 0); 
     int len2 = traverse(parent2, 0); 
     int lenoff; 

     xo1start = rd.nextInt(len1); 
     xo1end = traverse(parent1, xo1start); 

     xo2start = rd.nextInt(len2); 
     xo2end = traverse(parent2, xo2start); 

     lenoff = xo1start + (xo2end - xo2start) + (len1 - xo1end); 

     offspring = new char[lenoff]; 

     System.arraycopy(parent1, 0, offspring, 0, xo1start); 
     System.arraycopy(parent2, xo2start, offspring, xo1start, 
       (xo2end - xo2start)); 
     System.arraycopy(parent1, xo1end, offspring, 
       xo1start + (xo2end - xo2start), 
       (len1 - xo1end)); 

     return (offspring); 

    public char[] mutation(char[] parent, double pmut) { 
     int len = traverse(parent, 0), i; 
     int mutsite; 
     char[] parentcopy = new char[len]; 

     System.arraycopy(parent, 0, parentcopy, 0, len); 
     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { 
      if (rd.nextDouble() < pmut) { 
       mutsite = i; 
       if (parentcopy[mutsite] < FSET_START) { 
        parentcopy[mutsite] = (char) rd.nextInt(varnumber + randomnumber); 
       } else { 
        switch (parentcopy[mutsite]) { 
         case ADD: 
         case SUB: 
         case MUL: 
         case DIV: 
            = (char) (rd.nextInt(FSET_END - FSET_START + 1) 
            + FSET_START); 
     return (parentcopy); 

    public void print_parms() { 
     Write("-- TINY GP (Java version) --\n"); 
     //System.out.print("-- TINY GP (Java version) --\n"); 
     Write("SEED=" + seed + "\nMAX_LEN=" + MAX_LEN 
       + "\nPOPSIZE=" + POPSIZE + "\nDEPTH=" + DEPTH 
       + "\nPMUT_PER_NODE=" + PMUT_PER_NODE 
       + "\nMIN_RANDOM=" + minrandom 
       + "\nMAX_RANDOM=" + maxrandom 
       + "\nTSIZE=" + TSIZE 
       + "\n----------------------------------\n"); 
//  System.out.print("SEED=" + seed + "\nMAX_LEN=" + MAX_LEN 
//    + "\nPOPSIZE=" + POPSIZE + "\nDEPTH=" + DEPTH 
//    + "\nMIN_RANDOM=" + minrandom 
//    + "\nMAX_RANDOM=" + maxrandom 
//    + "\nTSIZE=" + TSIZE 
//    + "\n----------------------------------\n"); 

    public tiny_gp(String fname, long s) { 
     fitness = new double[POPSIZE]; 
     seed = s; 
     if (seed >= 0) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < FSET_START; i++) { 
      x[i] = (maxrandom - minrandom) * rd.nextDouble() + minrandom; 
     pop = create_random_pop(POPSIZE, DEPTH, fitness); 

    public void evolve() { 
     int gen = 0, indivs, offspring, parent1, parent2, parent; 
     double newfit; 
     char[] newind; 
     stats(fitness, pop, 0); 
     for (gen = 1; gen < GENERATIONS; gen++) { 
      if (fbestpop > -1e-5) { 
       Write("PROBLEM SOLVED\n"); 
       //System.out.print("PROBLEM SOLVED\n"); 
      for (indivs = 0; indivs < POPSIZE; indivs++) { 
       if (rd.nextDouble() < CROSSOVER_PROB) { 
        parent1 = tournament(fitness, TSIZE); 
        parent2 = tournament(fitness, TSIZE); 
        newind = crossover(pop[parent1], pop[parent2]); 
       } else { 
        parent = tournament(fitness, TSIZE); 
        newind = mutation(pop[parent], PMUT_PER_NODE); 
       newfit = fitness_function(newind); 
       offspring = negative_tournament(fitness, TSIZE); 
       pop[offspring] = newind; 
       fitness[offspring] = newfit; 
      stats(fitness, pop, gen); 
     Write("PROBLEM *NOT* SOLVED\n"); 
     //System.out.print("PROBLEM *NOT* SOLVED\n"); 

    public void Write(String context) { 

     FileWriter fileWriter; 
     try { 
      fileWriter = new FileWriter("GP.txt"); 
      try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)) { 

     } catch (IOException ex) { 


    public void WriteDouble(double context) { 

     FileWriter fileWriter; 
     try { 
      fileWriter = new FileWriter("GP.txt"); 
      try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)) { 
       String ncontext = Double.toString(context); 

     } catch (IOException ex) { 



package function_mapper; 

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 
import main.*; 

public class Function_Mapper { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     String fname = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "File Name", "Input Dialog", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); 
     long s = -1; 

     if (args.length == 2) { 
      s = Integer.valueOf(args[0]).intValue(); 
      fname = args[1]; 
     if (args.length == 1) { 
      fname = args[0]; 

     tiny_gp gp = new tiny_gp(fname, s); 




元のTiny GPファイルはここにあります:https://github.com/JesseBuesking/TinyGP-Java/blob/master/tiny_gp.javaプログラムオリジナルプログラムは、399行と15個のメソッドで構成されています。 –




もっと簡単なのは、ファイルを上書きするのではなく、ファイルを追加することです。 append引数をFileWriterに渡すことで実現できます(途中でコードを少し簡素化しました)。

// true on the next line means "append" 
try (Writer writer = new FileWriter("GP.txt", true)) { 
} catch (IOException ex) { 



OK、私はそれをテストするつもりです。 – 2OP4u


それは完璧に動作します、ありがとう。 – 2OP4u
