2016-05-28 7 views

私は単純な "ルンバロボット"シミュレーションを行っています。私はis_furniture_valid関数について尋ねていますが、以下のコード全体を含めました。真空が掃除しなければならない家具である緑のタイルがあります。真空は毎回次の場所をチェックします。その場所が無効な場合は、ランダムな新しい方向が選択されます。グリッドはランダムに作成され、その後、グリッドが有効かどうかがチェックされます。グリッドが解決可能かどうかを確認する

私のis_furniture_valid関数は、グリッドが解決可能であることを保証します。たとえば、真空がすべてのタイルにアクセスできないため、このグリッド(invalid grid)は無効です。

すべてのことが私の望むように機能します。しかし、is_furniture_valid関数は再帰的find_accessable_tiles関数を呼び出すので、最大再帰深度に達する前に、約50 x 50未満のグリッドに対してのみ機能します。グリッドが解決可能であることを保証する非再帰関数を他にどのように定義できますか?ここで


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
""" Robot Vacuum Cleaner """ 

import Tkinter as tk 
import random 

#### METHODS #### 

def scale_vector(vector, velocity): 
    Create unit vector. Multiply each component of unit vector 
    by the magnitude of the desired vector (velocity). 
     x = float(vector[0])/((vector[0]**2+vector[1]**2)**.5) 
     y = float(vector[1])/((vector[0]**2+vector[1]**2)**.5) 
     return int(x*velocity), int(y*velocity) 
    except ZeroDivisionError: 
     return None, None 

def get_random_velocity(velocity): 
    Create random direction vector. 
    Scale direction vector with scale_vector method. 
    vx, vy = None, None 
    while vx == None and vy == None: 
     vector = (random.random()*random.choice([-1, 1]), 
       random.random()*random.choice([-1, 1])) 
     vx, vy = scale_vector(vector, velocity) 
    return vx, vy 

def make_grid(furniture, dimension): 
    Scale actual (x, y) positions down to a grid (dictionary) 
    with keys (Nx*1, Ny*1) where Nx and Ny range from 1 to dimension[0] 
    and 1 to dimension[1] respectively. 
    The keys are mapped to a boolean indicating whether that tile 
    is occupied with furniture (True) or not (False). 
    furniture: list with pixle locations. Each element ~ (x, y, x+dx, y+dy). 
    dimension: tuple, x by y dimensions (x, y). 
    returns: grid = {(1, 1): False, (2, 1): True, ...} 
    #dx, dy are width and height of tiles. 
    dx = furniture[0][2] - furniture[0][0] 
    dy = furniture[0][3] - furniture[0][1] 
    w, h = dx*dimension[0], dy*dimension[1] 

    grid = {} 
    for y in xrange(1, dimension[1]+1): 
     for x in xrange(1, dimension[0]+1): 
      grid[(x, y)] = False 

    y_grid = 0 
    for y in xrange(dy/2, h, dy): 
     y_grid += 1 
     x_grid = 0 
     for x in xrange(dx/2, w, dx): 
      x_grid += 1 
      for element in furniture: 
       if x >= element[0] and x <= element[2] \ 
       and y >= element[1] and y <= element[3]: 
        grid[(x_grid, y_grid)] = True 
    return grid 

def find_accessable_tiles(grid, position, l=[]): 
    Finds all non-furniture locations that are accessable 
    when starting at position 'position'. 
    *** Mutates l *** 
    Assumes position is not at a point such that grid[position] == True. 
    In other words, the initial positions is valid and is not occupied. 
    grid: dict mapping a Grid to booleans (tiles with/without furniture). 
     i.e. grid = {(1, 1): False, (2, 1): True, ...} 
    position: tuple (x, y) 
    l: list 
    x, y = position 
    if (x+1, y) in grid and (x+1, y) not in l and not grid[(x+1, y)]: #right 
     find_accessable_tiles(grid, (x+1, y), l) 
    if (x-1, y) in grid and (x-1, y) not in l and not grid[(x-1, y)]: #left 
     find_accessable_tiles(grid, (x-1, y), l) 
    if (x, y+1) in grid and (x, y+1) not in l and not grid[(x, y+1)]: #down 
     find_accessable_tiles(grid, (x, y+1), l) 
    if (x, y-1) in grid and (x, y-1) not in l and not grid[(x, y-1)]: #up 
     find_accessable_tiles(grid, (x, y-1), l) 
    return l 

def is_furniture_valid(furniture, dimension): 
    Checks to see if all non-furniture tiles can be accessed 
    when starting initially at position (1, 1). 
    furniture: list of (x, y, x+dx, y+dy). 
    dimension: tuple, x by y dimensions (x, y). 
    if len(furniture) == 0: #Rooms with no furniture are valid. 
     return True 
    grid = make_grid(furniture, dimension) 
    #Start position is (1, 1). 
    accessable_tiles = find_accessable_tiles(grid, (1, 1), []) 
    #Compare accessable tiles to all non-furniture tiles. 
    for element in grid: 
     #if a tile doesn't have furniture AND is not accessible, 
     #room is not valid. 
     if not grid[element] and element not in accessable_tiles: 
      return False 
    return True 


class Rumba(object): 
    Dealing with the actual Rumba robot on the screen - red square. 
    canvas: tk.Canvas object. 
    position: tuple (x, y). 
    width: int width of square. 
    def __init__(self, canvas, position, width):  
     self.can, self.width = canvas, width 

    def Draw(self, position): 
     x, y = position 
     x1, y1 = x + self.width, y + self.width 
     x2, y2 = x + self.width, y - self.width 
     x3, y3 = x - self.width, y - self.width 
     x4, y4 = x - self.width, y + self.width 

     self.vacuum = self.can.create_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, fill="red") 
     self.line1 = self.can.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill="black") 
     self.line2 = self.can.create_line(x2, y2, x3, y3, fill="black") 
     self.line3 = self.can.create_line(x3, y3, x4, y4, fill="black") 
     self.line4 = self.can.create_line(x1, y1, x4, y4, fill="black") 

    def update_position(self, new_position): 
     x, y = new_position  
     x1, y1 = x + self.width, y + self.width 
     x2, y2 = x + self.width, y - self.width 
     x3, y3 = x - self.width, y - self.width 
     x4, y4 = x - self.width, y + self.width 

     self.can.coords(self.vacuum, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) 
     self.can.coords(self.line1, x1, y1, x2, y2) 
     self.can.coords(self.line2, x2, y2, x3, y3) 
     self.can.coords(self.line3, x3, y3, x4, y4) 
     self.can.coords(self.line4, x1, y1, x4, y4) 

class Grid(object): 
    The grid that the vacuum will clean. 
    canvas: tk.Canvas object. 
    dimension: tuple of number of tiles (x, y). 
    screen: tuple of size of canvas (w, h). 
    furniture: boolean - if room will have furniture. 
    def __init__(self, canvas, dimension, screen, furniture=True): 
     self.can, self.dimension = canvas, dimension 
     self.w, self.h = screen 


    def create_tiles(self, furniture): 
     Finds a valid configuration of furniture and tiles. 
     Then, calls self.draw_tiles to draw configuration. 
     #dx, dy are width and height of tiles. 
     dx, dy = self.w//self.dimension[0], self.h//self.dimension[1] 

     #adjust screen size for discrepincies in forcing int divition. 
     self.w, self.h = self.dimension[0]*dx, self.dimension[1]*dy 
     self.can.config(width=self.w, height=self.h) 

     valid = False 
     while not valid: 
      tiles, furniture_tiles = [], [] 
      for y in xrange(0, self.h, dy): 
       for x in xrange(0, self.w, dx): 
        #(0, 0) is always a non-furniture tile. 
        if not furniture or random.random() <= 0.8 or (x, y) == (0, 0):      
         tiles.append((x, y, x+dx, y+dy)) 
         furniture_tiles.append((x, y, x+dx, y+dy)) 
      valid = is_furniture_valid(furniture_tiles, self.dimension) 

     self.draw_tiles(tiles, furniture_tiles) 

    def draw_tiles(self, tiles, furniture_tiles): 
     Draws a configuration of furniture and tiles. 
     tiles: list of position tuples, (x, y, x+dx, y+dy). 
     furniture_tiles: same as tiles but only for furniture. 
     self.furniture = furniture_tiles 
     for element in self.furniture: 
      x, y = element[0], element[1] 
      dx, dy = element[2] - x, element[3] - y 
      self.can.create_rectangle(x, y, x+dx, y+dy, fill="green") 

     self.tiles = {} 
     for element in tiles: 
      x, y = element[0], element[1] 
      dx, dy = element[2] - x, element[3] - y 
      self.tiles[element] = [4, 
        self.can.create_rectangle(x, y, x+dx, y+dy, fill="black")] 

    def get_tile(self, position): 
     x, y = position 
     for element in self.tiles: 
      if x >= element[0] and x <= element[2] \ 
      and y >= element[1] and y <= element[3]: 
       return element 

    def clean_tile(self, position): 
     Takes 4 times to clean a tile. 
     Usually, vacuum will clean 2 at a time though. 
     *** On some screens, 'dark grey' is lighter than 'grey'. *** 
     tile = self.get_tile(position) 
     self.tiles[tile][0] -= 1 
     if self.tiles[tile][0] == 0: 
      self.can.itemconfig(self.tiles[tile][1], fill="white") 
     elif self.tiles[tile][0] == 1: 
      self.can.itemconfig(self.tiles[tile][1], fill="light grey") 
     elif self.tiles[tile][0] == 2: 
      self.can.itemconfig(self.tiles[tile][1], fill="grey") 
     elif self.tiles[tile][0] == 3: 
      self.can.itemconfig(self.tiles[tile][1], fill="dark grey") 

    def is_grid_cleaned(self): 
     for element in self.tiles.itervalues(): 
      if element[0] > 0: 
       return False 
     return True 

    def get_dimension(self): 
     return self.dimension 
    def get_grid_size(self): 
     return (self.w, self.h) 
    def get_furniture(self): 
     return self.furniture 

class Robot(object): 
    Completes the numerical simulation. 
    grid: a Grid object. 
    canvas: a tk.Canvas object. 
    v: int speed of robot. 
    def __init__(self, grid, canvas, v): 
     self.grid = grid 
     self.w, self.h = self.grid.get_grid_size() 
     self.furniture = self.grid.get_furniture() 

     self.v = v 

     average_size = sum(self.grid.get_grid_size())/2 
     average_dimension = sum(self.grid.get_dimension())/2 
     self.robot_width = int((average_size/average_dimension)*0.3) 
     #initial position 
     self.x, self.y = self.robot_width, self.robot_width 

     self.rumba = Rumba(canvas, (self.x, self.y), self.robot_width) 

    def is_valid_position(self, position): 
     x, y = position 
     if x + self.robot_width >= self.w or x - self.robot_width <= 0: 
      return False 
     elif y + self.robot_width >= self.h or y - self.robot_width <= 0: 
      return False 
     for element in self.furniture: 
      #element is of the form (x, y, x+dx, y+dy) 
      if x >= element[0] and x <= element[2]: 
       if y >= element[1] and y <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y + self.robot_width >= element[1] and y + self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y - self.robot_width >= element[1] and y - self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False 
      elif x + self.robot_width >= element[0] and x + self.robot_width <= element[2]: 
       if y >= element[1] and y <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y + self.robot_width >= element[1] and y + self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y - self.robot_width >= element[1] and y - self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False 
      elif x - self.robot_width >= element[0] and x - self.robot_width <= element[2]: 
       if y >= element[1] and y <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y + self.robot_width >= element[1] and y + self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False 
       elif y - self.robot_width >= element[1] and y - self.robot_width <= element[3]: 
        return False  
     return True 

    def set_random_velocity(self): 
     self.vx, self.vy = get_random_velocity(self.v) 

    def update(self): 
     Checks to see if current direction is valid. 
     If it is, continues, if not, picks new, 
     random directions until it finds a valid direction. 
     x, y = self.x+self.vx, self.y+self.vy 
     while (x, y) == (self.x, self.y) or not self.is_valid_position((x, y)): 
      x, y = self.x+self.vx, self.y+self.vy 
     self.x, self.y = x, y 
     self.rumba.update_position((self.x, self.y)) 
     self.grid.clean_tile((self.x, self.y)) 


class Home(object): 
    Manages Simulation. 
    master: tk.Tk object. 
    screen: tuple (width, height). 
    dimension: tuple, dimension of the grid. 
    def __init__(self, master, screen, dimension): 
     master.title("Rumba Robot") 
     master.resizable(0, 0) 
     frame = tk.Frame(master) 

     v = sum(screen)//(2*sum(dimension)) 

     canvas = tk.Canvas(frame, width=screen[0], height=screen[1]) 
     grid = Grid(canvas, dimension, screen) 
     robot = Robot(grid, canvas, v) 

     master.bind('<Return>', self.restart) 
     master.bind('<Up>', self.fast) 
     master.bind('<Down>', self.slow) 

     #initialize class variables. 
     self.master, self.frame = master, frame 
     self.screen, self.dimension = screen, dimension 
     self.robot, self.grid = robot, grid 

     #self.speed adjusts frame rate. Can be manipulated with arrow keys. 
     #self.count keeps track of steps. 
     self.speed, self.count = 100, 0 


    def restart(self, callback=False): 
     """ Enter/Return Key """ 
     self.__init__(self.master, self.screen, self.dimension) 

    def fast(self, callback=False): 
     """ Up arrow key """ 
     if self.speed > 5: 
      self.speed -= 5 
      self.speed = 1 

    def slow(self, callback=False): 
     """ Down arrow key """ 
     self.speed += 5 

    def update(self): 
     self.count += 1 
     self.master.title("Rumba Robot - Steps: %d" % self.count) 

     if not self.grid.is_grid_cleaned(): 
      self.frame.after(self.speed, self.update) 

#### SIMULATION #### 

def simulate(screen, dimension): 
    screen and dimension: both tuples. 
    root = tk.Tk() 
    Home(root, screen, dimension) 
    #Center window on screen. 
    root.eval('tk::PlaceWindow %s center' % root.winfo_pathname(root.winfo_id())) 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    Maximum dimension ~~ between (45, 45) - (50, 50) due to 
    maximum recursion depth for find_accessable_tiles function. 

    *** Large dimensions may take a few seconds to generate *** 

    Tip: Up/Down arrow keys will speed/slow the simulation. 
    Enter/Return will restart with the same screen and dimension attributes. 
    screen = 1000, 700 
    dimension = 30, 20 

    simulate(screen, dimension) 



一般的には、400行以上のコードを投稿するのではなく、問題に焦点を当てた[mcve]の形式で質問を表示することができます。しかし、私はルームバがそのことをするのを見て楽しむことを認めなければなりません。 :) –






このコードはうまくいくように見えますが、部屋の寸法が大きくなると速度が遅くなります。テストするタイルが数多くあるだけでなく、アクセスできない領域が多く形成されるためです。だから、あなたはこのテストを行う必要がないように "家具"をレイアウトするためのあまりランダムではない戦略を考え出す必要があるかもしれません。



deltas = ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)) 

def neighbor(position, delta): 
    return position[0] + delta[0], position[1] + delta[1] 

def find_accessable_tiles_NEW(grid, position): 
    accessable = set() 
    tile_queue = [position] 
    while tile_queue: 
     current = tile_queue.pop(0) 
     for position in [neighbor(current, d) for d in deltas]: 
      if position in grid and not grid[position] and position not in accessable: 

    return accessable 

は、テスト目的のために、私はそれが便利 create_tilesにいくつか print呼び出しを追加することが判明しました。私たちはプログラムが実際に何かをしていることを知っているので、テストされた部屋の配置ごとにドットを印刷します。:)

while not valid: 
    print('.', end='', file=sys.stderr) 
    tiles, furniture_tiles = [], [] 
    for y in xrange(0, self.h, dy): 
     for x in xrange(0, self.w, dx): 
      #(0, 0) is always a non-furniture tile. 
      if not furniture or random.random() <= 0.8 or (x, y) == (0, 0):      
       tiles.append((x, y, x+dx, y+dy)) 
       furniture_tiles.append((x, y, x+dx, y+dy)) 
    valid = is_furniture_valid(furniture_tiles, self.dimension) 



from __future__ import print_function 




from collections import deque 

def find_accessable_tiles_NEW(grid, position): 
    accessable = set() 
    tile_queue = deque() 
    while tile_queue: 
     current = tile_queue.popleft() 
     for position in [neighbor(current, d) for d in deltas]: 
      if position in grid and not grid[position] and position not in accessable: 

    return accessable 

私はスピードテストの比較を行いました。 dequeバージョンでは、元のlistベースの同じ乱数シードの時間の約2/3で有効なグリッドが見つかりました。もちろん、実際の速度差は乱数シードと部屋の寸法によって変わりますが、dequeのバージョンは一貫して高速になります。


リストの最初の要素を削除するのは 'O(n)'操作です。代わりに['collections.deque'](https://docs.python.org/2/library/collections.html#collections.deque)を使用してください。 – augurar


@augurar:良い点;待ち行列がかなり大きくなるので、ここで速度を上げるかもしれないと思う。 –


@augurar:修正されました。私は本当に最初の場所でくぼみを使用していたはずです... :) –
