2016-12-08 6 views



{'acc_now_delinq': {29601: 0.0, 
    143234: 0.0, 
    157345: 0.0, 
    158754: 0.0, 
    229042: 0.0}, 
'application_type': {29601: 0, 143234: 0, 157345: 0, 158754: 0, 229042: 0}, 
'collections_12_mths_ex_med': {29601: 0.0, 
    143234: 0.0, 
    157345: 0.0, 
    158754: 0.0, 
    229042: 0.0}, 
'credit_age': {29601: 118.0, 
    143234: 157.0, 
    157345: 213.0, 
    158754: 269.0, 
    229042: 240.0}, 
'delinq_2yrs': {29601: 0.0, 
    143234: 0.0, 
    157345: 0.0, 
    158754: 0.0, 
    229042: 0.0}, 
'dti': {29601: 2.0600000000000001, 
    143234: 23.710000000000001, 
    157345: 18.960000000000001, 
    158754: 18.690000000000001, 
    229042: 22.530000000000001}, 
'emp_length_num': {29601: 8.0, 
    143234: 2.0, 
    157345: 1.0, 
    158754: 7.0, 
    229042: 1.0}, 
'home_ownership': {29601: 4, 143234: 5, 157345: 5, 158754: 1, 229042: 1}, 
'inq_last_6mths': {29601: 2.0, 
    143234: 0.0, 
    157345: 0.0, 
    158754: 0.0, 
    229042: 0.0}, 
'loan_amnt': {29601: 214.0, 
    143234: 211.0, 
    157345: 571.0, 
    158754: 937.0, 
    229042: 466.0}, 
'loan_status': {29601: 0, 143234: 1, 157345: 0, 158754: 1, 229042: 1}, 
'log_annual_inc': {29601: 11.225243392499999, 
    143234: 10.8022251252, 
    157345: 11.0020998412, 
    158754: 11.6952470218, 
    229042: 11.225243392499999}, 
'open_acc': {29601: 5.0, 
    143234: 21.0, 
    157345: 11.0, 
    158754: 9.0, 
    229042: 14.0}, 
'pub_rec': {29601: 0.0, 143234: 0.0, 157345: 0.0, 158754: 0.0, 229042: 0.0}, 
'purpose': {29601: 4, 143234: 2, 157345: 2, 158754: 2, 229042: 2}, 
'revol_bal': {29601: 2266.0, 
    143234: 12254.0, 
    157345: 20657.0, 
    158754: 11367.0, 
    229042: 39404.0}, 
'revol_inc_ratio': {29601: 0.030213333333299997, 
    143234: 0.24941990637100001, 
    157345: 0.34428333333300004, 
    158754: 0.094725000000000004, 
    229042: 0.52538666666699996}, 
'revol_util': {29601: 44.0, 
    143234: 89.400000000000006, 
    157345: 76.900000000000006, 
    158754: 81.200000000000003, 
    229042: 95.5}, 
'tot_coll_amt': {29601: 0.0, 
    143234: 0.0, 
    157345: 0.0, 
    158754: 0.0, 
    229042: 0.0}, 
'tot_cur_bal': {29601: 2266.0, 
    143234: 115947.0, 
    157345: 80598.0, 
    158754: 347695.0, 
    229042: 355741.40000000002}, 
'total_acc': {29601: 5.0, 
    143234: 41.0, 
    157345: 35.0, 
    158754: 17.0, 
    229042: 30.0}, 
'total_rev_hi_lim': {29601: 5100.0, 
    143234: 13700.0, 
    157345: 26900.0, 
    158754: 14000.0, 
    229042: 80780.0}, 
'verification_status': {29601: 0, 143234: 2, 157345: 1, 158754: 2, 229042: 1}} 


def one_hot(df): 
# Categorical columns for use in one-hot encoder 
categorical = (df.dtypes.values != np.dtype('float64')) 
print categorical 

# Get numpy array from data 
x = df.values[:, :-1] 
y = df.values[:, -1] 

# Apply one hot endcoing 
encoder = preprocessing.OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=categorical[:-1], sparse=False) # Last value in mask is y 
x = encoder.fit_transform(x) 

return x, y 

「pre」ワンホットエンコーディングと言います。しかし、あなたは分類データを持っていないので、なぜデータをエンコードしたいのですか? – MMF


ご返信ありがとうございます!住宅所有権、アプリケーションタイプ、目的、検証ステータスはすべてカテゴリ変数です。 – yogz123




temp = pd.DataFrame(temp) 
categorical = (temp.dtypes.values != np.dtype('float64')) 
categorical = temp.columns[categorical] 

def one_hot(temp, categorical): 
    # temp is the data frame from which the "categorical" columns need to be One hot encoded 
    from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder 
    enc_model = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) 
    X = enc_model.fit_transform(temp[categorical]) 
    uniq_vals = temp[categorical].apply(lambda x: x.value_counts()).unstack() 
    uniq_vals = uniq_vals[~uniq_vals.isnull()] 
    enc_cols = list(uniq_vals.index.map('{0[0]}_{0[1]}'.format)) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41987743/merge-two-multiindex-levels-into-one-in-pandas 
    enc_df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=enc_cols, index=temp.index, dtype='bool') 


これは、ラベルがエンコードされたバージョンを返します。私はそれらのラベルの代わりに実際の値が欲しい –
