完全に忘れましたR Sweave! RStudioでR Sweave形式を使用して目標を達成する機能的な例を次に示します。
\author{Silas Tittes}
\institute{\normalsize University of Colorado Boulder}
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\begin{frame}[fragile]{Example Slide}
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\item R includes a powerful and flexible system (Sweave) for creating dynamic reports and reproducible research using LaTeX.
\item Warning, more time will be spent tinkering with options than you ever thought would be possible.
<<mtcarsplot, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
par(cex.lab = 2.2, cex.axis = 1.5, mar = c(5,5,1,2))
plot(x = mtcars$mpg, y = mtcars$wt,
cex = 2.5*mtcars$hp/max(mtcars$hp), pch = 19,
xlab = "Car weight", ylab = "MPG")