2017-09-26 18 views

AccessでVBAを使用してマクロ1を使用してExcelシートを変更し、マクロ2を使用してテーブルに入力しています。これらの両方を連続して実行すると、しかし、私は1つのマクロを実行し、マクロ2を実行した後にMicrosoft Accessアプリケーションを再起動すると正常に動作します。また、時々、私のコードを実行しているExcelファイルは、読み取り/書き込みアクセスを可能にするポップアップボックスを取得します..それを手伝ってくれる?同じExcelブレークで2つのVBAコードを実行する


Function Clean() 

Dim CurrFilePath, PathName, Week As String 
Dim Filename 
Dim OpenExcel As Object 
Set OpenExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
OpenExcel.Visible = False 
Dim OpenWorkbook, WS As Object 
Dim i, j As Integer 
Dim Count_WS As Integer 
CurrFilePath = Application.CurrentProject.path 
StartTime = Timer 

Week = InputBox("Enter the week for the data import e.g. 34") 
PathName = CurrFilePath & "\Direct Deliveries\Week " & Week & "\" 
Example = CurrFilePath & "\Direct Deliveries\Week " & Week 
    Confirm_Folder = MsgBox("Does the Direct Deliveries info exist in " & PathName & " path", vbYesNo) 
    If Confirm_Folder = vbNo Then 
    path = InputBox("Locate Direct Deliveries .xlsx on your System and Copy the Dir path here e.g." & Example) 
    PathName = path & "\" 
    GoTo Confirm 
    End If 

Filename = Dir(PathName & "*.xlsx") 

Do While Len(Filename) > 0 
    Set OpenExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
    OpenExcel.Visible = False 
    OpenExcel.EnableEvents = False 
    OpenExcel.ScreenUpdating = False 
    'Variables to track first cell 
    i = 0 
    j = 0 
    PathFile = PathName & Filename 
    Set OpenWorkbook = OpenExcel.Workbooks.Open(PathFile) 

    For Each WS In OpenWorkbook.Worksheets 
     'If condition to check correct worksheets 
     On Error Resume Next 
     If Range("A1").Value = "Carrier SCAC" And Range("D1").Value = "Trip ID" Then 

      'Loop to fill blank TripIDs 
      For Each Cell In WS.UsedRange.Columns(4).Cells 
       ' For blank cells, set them to equal the cell above 
       If WS.Cells(Cell.Row, 1) <> "ABCD" And Not IsEmpty(WS.Cells(Cell.Row, 9)) Then 
         If i <> 0 Then 
          If (Len(Cell.Text) = 0) And PreviousCell <> "Trip ID" And Cell.Row Then 
           Cell.Value = PreviousCell 
          End If 

         End If 
         PreviousCell = Cell 
         i = i + 1 
       End If 
      Next Cell 

      'Loop to fill blank SCAC Codes 
      For Each CarrierCell In WS.UsedRange.Columns(1).Cells 
       ' For blank cells, set them to equal the cell above 
       If j <> 0 Then 

        If (Len(CarrierCell.Text) = 0) And PreviousCell <> "Carrier SCAC" And PreviousCell <> "ABCD" And Not IsEmpty(WS.Cells(CarrierCell.Row, 4)) Then 
         CarrierCell.Value = PreviousCell 
        End If 

       End If 
       PreviousCell = CarrierCell 
       j = j + 1 
      Next CarrierCell 
     End If 
     Count_WS = Count_WS + 1 
    Next WS 
    Filename = Dir() 
    OpenWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True 
    Set OpenWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set OpenExcel = Nothing 


'Display the end status 
TotalTime = Format((Timer - StartTime)/86400, "hh:mm:ss") 
Application.Echo True 


End Function 


' Author: Akanksha Goel 
' The code imports Direct Deliveries erroneous excel templates to Access Database 
Function ListErrBeforeImports() 
Dim OpenExcel As Object 
Set OpenExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
OpenExcel.Visible = False 
Dim PathFile As String, Filename As String, PathName As String 
Dim TableName As String 
Dim HasFieldNames As Boolean 
Dim OpenWorkbookED As Object 
Dim SQL, CurrFilePath As String 
Dim SQLcreate, SQLAlter, SQLSet As String 
Dim SQL2, SQL3 As String 
Dim Count_Templates As Integer 

StartTime = Timer 

'Turn Off the warnings and screen updating 
DoCmd.SetWarnings False 
Application.Echo False 
OpenExcel.EnableEvents = False 
OpenExcel.ScreenUpdating = False 

CurrFilePath = Application.CurrentProject.path 
Week = InputBox("Enter the week for the data import e.g. 34") 
PathName = CurrFilePath & "\Direct Deliveries\Week " & Week & "\" 
Example = CurrFilePath & "\Direct Deliveries\Week " & Week 
    Confirm_Folder = MsgBox("Does the Direct Deliveries info exist in " & PathName & " path", vbYesNo) 
    If Confirm_Folder = vbNo Then 
    path = InputBox("Locate Direct Deliveries .xlsx on your System and Copy the Dir path here e.g." & Example) 
    PathName = path & "\" 
    GoTo Confirm 
    End If 

HasFieldNames = True 

TableName = "TempTable" 
Filename = Dir(PathName & "*.xlsx") 
PathFile = PathName & Filename 
'Arguments for function AssignTablesToGroup() 
Dim Arg1 As String 
Dim Arg2 As Integer 
Arg1 = "EmptyDeliveryDates_TripsWeek" & Week 
Call DeleteTable(Arg1) 
Arg2 = 383 
SQLcreate = "Create Table EmptyDeliveryDates_TripsWeek" & Week & " (TripID Text, ShipToZip Text, ArriveDelivery Text, Carrier Text, SourceWorkbook Text);" 
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLcreate 
'Assign Error Table to 'Errors in DirectDeliveries Excels' Group 
Call AssignToGroup(Arg1, Arg2) 

'Arguments for function AssignTablesToGroup() 
Dim Arg3 As String 
Arg3 = "InvalidZip_TripsWeek" & Week 
DeleteTable Arg3 
Arg2 = 383 
SQLcreate = "Create Table InvalidZip_TripsWeek" & Week & " (TripID Text, ShipToZip Text, ArriveDelivery Text, Carrier Text, SourceWorkbook Text);" 
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLcreate 
'Assign Error Table to 'Errors in DirectDeliveries Excels' Group 
Call AssignToGroup(Arg3, Arg2) 

'Arguments for function AssignTablesToGroup() 
Dim Arg4 As String 
Arg4 = "InvalidTrip_TripsWeek" & Week 
DeleteTable Arg4 
Arg2 = 383 
SQLcreate = "Create Table InvalidTrip_TripsWeek" & Week & " (TripID Text, ShipToZip Text, ArriveDelivery Text, Carrier Text, SourceWorkbook Text);" 
DoCmd.RunSQL SQLcreate 
'Assign Error Table to 'Errors in DirectDeliveries Excels' Group 
Call AssignToGroup(Arg4, Arg2) 

Do While Len(Filename) > 0 
     Set OpenExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
     OpenExcel.Visible = False 
     OpenExcel.EnableEvents = False 
     OpenExcel.ScreenUpdating = False 

     PathFile = PathName & Filename 
     Set OpenWorkbookED = OpenExcel.Workbooks.Open(PathFile, ReadOnly) 
     Set WS_Book = OpenWorkbookED.Worksheets 
     DeleteTable "TempTable" 
     'Loop through Worksheets in each template workbook 
     For Each WS In WS_Book 
     WorksheetName = WS.Name 
     x = WS.Range("A1") 
      If WS.Range("A1") = "Carrier SCAC" Then 
      'Get the used records in worksheet 
       GetUsedRange = WS.UsedRange.Address(0, 0) 
       'Import records from worksheet into Access Database table 
       DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 10, "TempTable", PathFile, HasFieldNames, WorksheetName & "!" & GetUsedRange 
       SQLAlter = "ALTER TABLE TempTable ADD COLUMN SourceBook TEXT(100)" 
       DoCmd.RunSQL SQLAlter 
       SQLSet = "UPDATE TempTable SET TempTable.SourceBook = '" & Filename & "' where ([Arrive Delivery]) is NULL or len([Arrive Delivery])<2 or len([Trip ID])<8 or len([Ship to Zip])<5;" 
       DoCmd.RunSQL SQLSet 
       SQL = "INSERT INTO " & Arg4 & "(TripID, ShipToZip, ArriveDelivery, Carrier, SourceWorkbook) Select Distinct [Trip ID], [Ship to Zip], [Arrive Delivery], [Carrier SCAC], SourceBook FROM TempTable WHERE len([Trip ID])<8 and len([Ship To Zip])>0 and len([Arrive Delivery])>0;" 
       DoCmd.RunSQL SQL 
       SQL2 = "INSERT INTO " & Arg3 & "(TripID, ShipToZip, ArriveDelivery, Carrier, SourceWorkbook) Select Distinct [Trip ID], [Ship to Zip], [Arrive Delivery], [Carrier SCAC], SourceBook FROM TempTable WHERE len([Ship To Zip])<5 and len([Arrive Delivery])>0 and len([Trip ID])>0;" 
       DoCmd.RunSQL SQL2 
       SQL3 = "INSERT INTO " & Arg1 & "(TripID, ShipToZip, ArriveDelivery, Carrier, SourceWorkbook) Select Distinct [Trip ID], [Ship to Zip], [Arrive Delivery], [Carrier SCAC], SourceBook FROM TempTable WHERE ([Arrive Delivery] is NULL or len([Arrive Delivery])<2) and len([Ship To Zip])>0 and len([Trip ID])>0 ;" 
       DoCmd.RunSQL SQL3 
       DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "TempTable" 
       Count_Templates = Count_Templates + 1 
      End If 

     Next WS 

     OpenWorkbookED.Saved = True 

     Filename = Dir() 
     Set OpenWorkbookED = Nothing 
     Set OpenExcel = Nothing 


'Display the end status 
TotalTime = Format((Timer - StartTime)/86400, "hh:mm:ss") 
MsgBox "Done! Error tables updated in 'Errors in DirectDeliveries Excels' group in with " & Count_Templates & " Templates " & TotalTime & " minutes", vbInformation 
Application.Echo True 
'CallFunction Delete Import Tables 

End Function 





2番目の関数は、ユーザーが出力を2番目に表示したい場合にのみ実行されるため、現在のユースケースで関数をマージすることは妥当ではありません。 –


まだ解決策は、すでに開いているオブジェクトを再利用することです。あるいは、新しいものを開く前にその存在を確認してください。 – Gustav
